It is our first day at the European Congress of Veterinary Orthopedics and Traumatology, 23rd ESVOT Congress which is held at the Congress Palace in Lisbon.
We are excited to share with the best Veterinary Traumatologists in the world... It is no secret that at Blue we love Traumatology!
Visit us at stand 12L to tell you about the new projects and developments that are coming in Traumatology for 2025! #esvot2024 #vetorthopedics #veterinarysurgery #orthovet #veterinary #veterinaryclinic #vetlife #veterinarymedicine #veterinaria #veterinarios
É já amanhã!
A XVIII edição do Congresso Veterinário Internacional Montenegro está quase a começar.
Este ano temos o nosso stand interativo no qual poderás discutir e praticar ao vivo com a Blue Veterinary e a Neadvance.
A Neadvance traz o seu avançado #software para o diagnóstico de displasia coxofemoral canina (HP) através da #InteligênciaArtificial e a Blue Veterinary têm diferentes práticas e workshops sobre osteossíntese em modelos ósseos.
Os nossos workshops da sexta-feira 4 já estão completos, mas temos uma lista de espera em aberto para uma nova edição no sábado 5/11. Se tens interesse na ortopedia veterinária envia os teus dados para: [email protected]
Estamos nos stands 40 e 41!
#Orthopedics #ortopediaveterinaria #AI #Dys4vet #ImpantesVeterinarios #SurgicalInstruments #Workshop
International Left Handers Day is an international day observed annually on August 13 to celebrate the uniqueness and differences of left-handed individuals.
Blue celebrates this day with a special 15% discount code on all left-handed instruments. Just enter de code: left, before finalizing the order.
Only for three (3) days, valid until 16/08/2021.
El Día Internacional de los Zurdos, es un día que se celebra todos los años cada 13 de agosto, para celebrar las diferencias, características y vivencias de los Zurdos.
Blue celebra este día con un descuento especial del 15% de descuento en todo el instrumental para zurdos. Sólo introduce el código: left, antes de finalizar la compra.
Sólo por tres (3) días, descuento válido hasta el 16/08/2021.
#lefthanded #cirurgiaveterinaria #veterinario #hospitalveterinario #veterinaria #veterinaryclinic #veterinarysurgery #vet #vetclinic #vetcliniclife #cliniqueveterinaire #veterinaire #chirurgievétérinaire #vétérinaire #Médecinevétérinaire #chirurgienvétérinaire #cirugiaveterinaria #vetsurgeon #veterinarymedicine #vetmed #Veterinär #Tiermedizin #VeterinärKlinik #Tierarztpraxis #Tierchirurgie #Tierklinik #Veterinärinstrumente #Tierarztleben #dierenartsen #veterinairepraktijk
Galvanic Corrosion
Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process in which metal corrodes when it is in direct contact with another (different) metal and when both metals are immersed in a humid environment. The metal that corrodes is the noblest.
If you don't have the necessary care with the sterilization process, some of your surgical instruments may suffer galvanic corrosion too.
Cuando el arquitecto Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi diseñó la Estatua de a Libertad, su propuesta era una estructura de hierro de 122 toneladas cubierta por 72 toneladas de cobre remachado.
El diseño fue arriesgado porque los dos metales no podían tocarse entre sí sin generar corrosión galvánica. Sin embargo, Eiffel, quien fue el ingeniero que hizo los cálculos, para evitar la corrosión galvánica decidió separar ambos metales usando una capa de amianto impregnado en laca.
Pero la idea de Eiffel no funcionó, para 1980, 1/3 de los 12mil remaches de la Estatua de la Libertad se habían soltado o habían desaparecido, producto de la corrosión galvánica.
Si no tomas los cuidados necesarios, muchos de tus instrumentos quirúrgicos también pueden sufrir de corrosión galvánica (p. ex. los instrumentos de acero y tungsteno).
Para evitarlo, siempre deberás separar tus instrumentos y esterilizar los abiertos en el autoclave. Así, evitar el contacto entre los metales en un ambiente húmedo.
#clínicaveterinaria #cirurgiaveterinaria #veterinario #vetsurgeon #veterinaria #clinicadeanimais #veterinaryclinic #veterinarysurgery #vet #vetclinic #vetlife #cliniqueveterinaire #veterinaire #chirurgievétérinaire #vétérinaire #Médecinevétérinaire #chirurgienvétérinaire #vétérinairesdefrance #TierärzteinDeutschland #Tierärzte #TierärzteinÖsterreich #cirugiaveterinaria #vetsurgeon #veterinarymedicine #vetmed #Veterinär #Tiermedizin #VeterinärKlini
This is #VETLife
This is our busy, chaotic, and passionate vet life! 🐾
Let us know how is your summer going? 🏖
¡Así es nuestra ocupada, caótica y apasionada vida de veterinario!
¿Déjanos saber como está yendo tu verano?
(🇪🇸 en Castellano abajo👇)
Surgical motors are to the Orthopedic Surgeon as the knife to the Chef: essential!
A surgical motor not only provides the doctor with precision, but it also allows different techniques to be approached taking care of two crucial aspects: adequate sterilization of all surfaces in contact with the patient and temperature control at the time of cutting the bone.
Blue Surgical Instruments, offers you a wide range of motors for different surgical techniques... and budgets too 🤓
Visit to give your patients the quality they deserve!
Los motores quirúrgicos son al Cirujano Ortopedista lo que el cuchillo al Chef: ¡esenciales!
Un motor quirúrgico no solo te provee de precisión, también te permite abordar diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas cuidando dos aspectos esenciales: la adecuada esterilización de todas las superficies en contacto con el paciente, así como el control de la temperatura a la hora de perforar o cortar el hueso.
Blue Veterinary tiene una amplia variedad de motores para diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas... y para diferentes presupuestos también 🤓
Visita para brindarles a tus pacientes las condiciones y la calidad que merecen.
¡ Y dejad el bricolaje para distraerte el fin de semana en casa!
📸 Pinterest and Unsplash
#veterinarysurgery #veterinary_orthopaedics #veterinarymedicine #VeterinärKlinik #Veterinärinstrumente #Tierchirurgie #Tiermedizin #Tierarztpraxis #vétérinaire #vétérinairespécialiste #vétérinaires #vetsurgeons #veterinario #medicosveterinarios #veterinarypowertools #vettraining #veterinary
Anniversary Campaign
On our 5th Anniversary, we want to continue offering you the best!
That is why we have launched our Anniversary Campaign: 15% discount on ALL our products. Valid until 03/01
What to expect in 2021?
It is the last week of the first month of the year. What to expect in 2021?
Without a doubt, 2020 is a year that will remain in our memories, and it has reminded us of the reason why Blue Veterinary was created: To meet the specific and dynamic needs of the veterinary community, requires the collaboration of various strategic partners.
And when it comes to planning surgical procedures, your strategic partner is Blue!
In 2021, we'd like to thank you all for putting your trust in us in this challenging and atypic journey that we are only halfway through.
We will stay committed to providing you with close support, even though we're physically apart.
We will maintain our prices, and we'll be there to help you with the most challenging cases.
We will also maintain our policy of superior quality, personalised support and fast delivery.
It is with great enthusiasm that we announce our plans to launch the new products that are currently at the end stage of development. They were designed to meet the demanding needs of veterinary medicine and result from the synergistic relationship that we have established with those who place their trust in our products and services: You.
We look forward to continuing our work together on this path of growth and innovation.
Looking back, we have learned, we have transformed, and, today, we approach the beginning of 2021 with hope and a positive attitude.
We are ready!
Pedro Rodrigues
#veterinary #vetlife #veterinaria #veterinarymedicine #vetsurgery #vetsurgeon #vetinstruments #vetorthopedicsurgery #veterinary_orthopaedics #orthovets #vetsurgeons #cirugiaveterinaria #cirugiavet #cirurgiaveterinaria #cirurgiaoveterinario #instrumentosveterinarios #traumavet #ortopediaveterinaria
"FRACTURE: More than broken bone"- Dr.Nikola Katic
If you missed our webinar yesterday with Dr. Nikola Katic, you can view it here.
It was a real pleasure to share with Dr. Katic and with our participants who were able to ask questions to our speaker.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
1° Taller de Ortopedia Blue Veterinary - Bilbao #BlueVeterinary #Surgicalinstruments #AlianzaVet #Maipe #Bilbao #TPLO #LockingSystem