Tiny Dog Hotel Chimamanda

Tiny Dog Hotel Chimamanda Support for stray animals, dedicated to specially the ones who are in (semi permanent) Private Foste

Lazy Sunday 💕

Lazy Sunday 💕



Happy Tuesday! (Any other day will do also 😁)

Happy Tuesday! (Any other day will do also 😁)

Lazy Sunday... 😉

Lazy Sunday... 😉


My foster mum doing strange things... 🤔

Tiny Shelter Albufeira


Hey guys, let me join the fun!?!?!


Mochi: Oh wow, you brought a whole box of stuffed toys?

Missie: Yes i did!

Mochi: Awesome! Now let me teach you how to rip those apart asap!

Missie: Thats fun!!!


Hello Facebook World! Remember me? Im Missie, one of the 9 of AngelsPups. We were found on the street and brought to Tiny Dog Hotel Chimamanda and our foster mom got us all adopted. But all the sudden my foster mom showed up 2 weeks ago and took me with her and now im back again! Isnt that strange? She says that i didnt do anything wrong, on the contrary: she told me that i behave very well and she´ll find me an another, but now for real, forever home. I also went to the VET last week and now im not able to get any babies.
Im a bit bigger now, 27 kilos and 7 months young. Im used to sleep in the house, close to that door where my foster mom every evening magically disappears behind. So i sleep next to that door all night long (house trained). I just want to be close to her so i must follow her everywere around. Im always so happy when i see her but she doesnt seems to like my jumping and kisses all over. She told me im a bit too big for that now. I also love the other dogs here and i play a lot with a young Podengo dog, Mochi.
Im used to sit for food or treats and im very gentle, taking it out of your hand. My foster mum thinks i´ll be a great family dog. I look a lot like a German Shepherd (Cross)❤. Are you interested to take me in your house as your new family member? Contact my foster mum!

Tiny Shelter Albufeira

Bom dia! 🌞😎🥰

Bom dia! 🌞😎🥰

So mother, so daughter... 😁

So mother, so daughter... 😁

Kisses from Fiona Dogs of Portugal 💋💋💋

Kisses from Fiona Dogs of Portugal 💋💋💋

No its not Soldier! 😁 Meet Fiona, 8 years old, and she came to us yesterday evening from Setubal. But this time no foste...

No its not Soldier! 😁 Meet Fiona, 8 years old, and she came to us yesterday evening from Setubal. But this time no foster; she will stay with us forever 🙃☺️💕

For this reason we decided to take a winter break (no extra doggies 🤗) and temporary close our Dog Hotel. So we are able to give all the 5 dogs around the attention they need and deserve.

Tiny Shelter Albufeira

Soldier! Totally spoiled and so happy! Never alone again!! 😍😍😍🙏♥️ Tiny Shelter Albufeira

Soldier! Totally spoiled and so happy! Never alone again!! 😍😍😍🙏♥️

Tiny Shelter Albufeira

Pipo has already a favorite toy!!! 🥰♥️

Pipo has already a favorite toy!!! 🥰♥️

Look at this! Little Soldier; from Hell to Paradise! From being thrown away to waking up in a warm cosy bed, for the res...

Look at this! Little Soldier; from Hell to Paradise! From being thrown away to waking up in a warm cosy bed, for the rest of your life, next to your Dad who already loves you deeply ♥️🙏😍

Tiny Shelter Albufeira


And also our two adorable Podengo boys, Pipo and Toby, are finally home!! ♥️

There is the first one!! Tiny little Soldier did it again!! Finally you can have a life in peace, surrounded with love! ...

There is the first one!! Tiny little Soldier did it again!! Finally you can have a life in peace, surrounded with love! It took a few days, many hours, but you've made it to your final destiny!!! 💕🎉🎉🎉🙏

Tiny Shelter Albufeira





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