Mochi teaching Missie how to wreck toys as quick as possible...
Mochi: Oh wow, you brought a whole box of stuffed toys?
Missie: Yes i did!
Mochi: Awesome! Now let me teach you how to rip those apart asap!
Missie: Thats fun!!!
Missie #Angelspups For Adoption again! Lovely young female Contact:@TinyDogHotelChimamanda
Hello Facebook World! Remember me? Im Missie, one of the 9 of AngelsPups. We were found on the street and brought to Tiny Dog Hotel Chimamanda and our foster mom got us all adopted. But all the sudden my foster mom showed up 2 weeks ago and took me with her and now im back again! Isnt that strange? She says that i didnt do anything wrong, on the contrary: she told me that i behave very well and she´ll find me an another, but now for real, forever home. I also went to the VET last week and now im not able to get any babies.
Im a bit bigger now, 27 kilos and 7 months young. Im used to sleep in the house, close to that door where my foster mom every evening magically disappears behind. So i sleep next to that door all night long (house trained). I just want to be close to her so i must follow her everywere around. Im always so happy when i see her but she doesnt seems to like my jumping and kisses all over. She told me im a bit too big for that now. I also love the other dogs here and i play a lot with a young Podengo dog, Mochi.
Im used to sit for food or treats and im very gentle, taking it out of your hand. My foster mum thinks i´ll be a great family dog. I look a lot like a German Shepherd (Cross)❤. Are you interested to take me in your house as your new family member? Contact my foster mum!
Tiny Shelter Albufeira
Farewell Pipo, Toby and Soldier!! 👋💕
Its done!! The last foster dogs left this morning, the hardest part of fostering; the farewells.. 😥 Problaly never get used to it, or just being a softy (still). Who cares.. 😁 Anyways on their way to their new homes, with caring adopters who were counting the days to welcome them in their home(s). Farewell Ziva (was Faith, Belgium), Ruby (Germany) the last 2 of #angelspups and the Podengo boys, Pipo and Toby and last but not least our tiny little Soldier, all to the UK. Be good sweeties and enjoy your new life!!! 👋💕😘
Tiny Shelter Albufeira
Last hours of Portugese sun for Soldier 💕
Also for Soldier the last hours of Portugese sun before travelling tomorrow morning to his new owner in the UK ❤
Tiny Shelter Albufeira
Last hours of Portugese sun and fun for the adopted boys Pipo and Toby
Our Podengo family enjoying being together, in the last hours of the Portugese sun. Tomorrow, early in the morning, the boys Pipo and Toby are travelling to their new owner(s) and life in the UK ❤