The Forsmanship Method

The Forsmanship Method Aiding people improving their connection with horses, using a different method: instinctive behavior It's not just another horsemanship method.

The Forsmanship Method is a unique approach developed by Stefan Forsman in over 40 years of professional horse training.

🌟 Bosal vs. Sidepull:What's the Difference? 🌟When it comes to bitless riding, the Bosal and Sidepull are both fantastic ...

🌟 Bosal vs. Sidepull:What's the Difference? 🌟

When it comes to bitless riding, the Bosal and Sidepull are both fantastic tools—but they serve very different purposes.
At Horseman Forsman, we’ve worked extensively with both, and we’ve learned that the best choice depends on your goals and your commitment to mastering the technique.

🟤 The Bosal or Traditional Hackamore
A hallmark of traditional vaquero horsemanship, the bosal is not just a tool—it’s an art form.
At Horseman Forsman, we are well-versed in using bosals, but it’s important to understand that they require time, patience, and skill to use effectively.

✅ Best for:
Educating young horses in feel, balance, and finesse.
Riders who are dedicated to learning refined, subtle communication.
Developing a finished bridle horse.

🔍 Key Features:
Made of rawhide or leather, designed for nuanced control.
Encourages lateral flexion and collection.
Requires proper technique to avoid confusion or discomfort for the horse.

⚠️ Important Note: The bosal is a rewarding tool for those willing to invest the time to master it. If you’re curious about learning to use one, Horseman Forsman is here to guide you through the process.

🟢 The Sidepull
Straightforward and beginner-friendly, the sidepull is often used for starting horses or for riders transitioning to bitless.
It's all about direct rein pressure—simple, clear, and effective.
Over the years, we’ve chosen to ride primarily with sidepulls—and for good reason.
Unlike the bosal, the sidepull doesn’t require as much time or technical skill to use effectively. This makes it easier for our clients to adopt and continue riding with confidence.

✅ Best for:
Beginners and casual riders.
Horses who respond well to direct rein pressure.
All equestrian disciplines.

🔍 Key Features:
Typically made from soft materials like leather or rope.
Applies clear, gentle pressure on the nose for straightforward communication.
Easy to use and understand for both horse and rider.

💡 Why Sidepulls Work for Our Clients
While sidepulls are easier to use than Bosals, they still require proper technique to ensure clear, soft signals to the horse.
Finding high-quality Sidepulls that meet these requirements can be a challenge.

Today, it’s hard to find craftspeople who create tools that combine:
- Excellent quality
- The right feel for effective communication.
- A modern, stylish design.
- Cost-efficiency.

That’s why we decided to create our own Sidepulls!
At Horseman Forsman, we design Sidepulls that check all these boxes, ensuring a tool that works just as we want it to, with the feeling we’re looking for—while staying affordable for our clients.

⚖️ Which One Should You Choose?
If you’re passionate about traditional horsemanship and ready to invest in learning the art of the bosal, we’d love to help you get started.
But if you’re looking for something more straightforward and practical for everyday use, our custom-designed Sidepulls are a fantastic option—and one we highly recommend.

Got questions? Drop them in the comments or message us directly. We’re here to help you and your horse find the best fit for your journey.


💥💥💥 We are thrilled to announce the inception of the Horseman Forsman Club, a unique community for horse enthusiasts that will officially launch in January 2025.
This initiative aims to unite the Horseman Forsman and Forsmanship communities, creating a vibrant space for shared knowledge and experiences.

Through our first live online clinic, we discovered the immense value of direct interaction between instructors and students when it comes to working with horses.
No amount of pre-recorded videos or social media content can replicate the enriching experience of a live session. However, we also recognize the modern challenges of busy lifestyles and travel costs, which often make it difficult to attend in-person events or clinics far from home.
That’s precisely why we are confident that the Horseman Forsman Club will provide the perfect solution in 2025.

**Why should you join the club?**

As a subscriber, you will gain exclusive access to our engaging live Zoom meetings held twice a month, designed to enhance your knowledge and build a supportive community:

- **Interactive Q&A/Round Table Session:** One of the monthly meetings will feature a dynamic Q&A format with Stefan Forsman. This session is an opportunity for members to share their challenges with their horses and discuss a range of topics including solutions to common issues, insights into horse behavior, effective training strategies, and current equine research.
Participants are encouraged to engage and share their experiences, and you might even learn Stefan’s favorite dish recipe along the way! 😜🥘😁

The goal of this session is to foster a sense of camaraderie among equestrians, encouraging a community spirit centered around building compassionate and loving relationships with our horses.

- **Formal Educational Session:**
The second session will take on a more structured approach, where Stefan Forsman will present on a specific equestrian topic.
In addition to Stefan's teachings, we will invite esteemed guest speakers from various fields, such as osteopathy, equine nutrition, equine homeopathy, equine podiatry, barefoot trimming and manu more.
This diverse range of expertise will provide members with well-rounded insights and knowledge to enhance their horsemanship.

Furthermore, as a valued member of the Horseman Forsman Club, you will enjoy exclusive discounts on courses, clinics, and private coaching sessions, both live online and in-person.

Join us in this exciting journey as we cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation for our beloved horses together! 🤩🎉 💪

Subscription is open to everyone, regardless of skills level or discipline.

The first Horseman Forsman Club meeting will take place on January 9th at 19:30 (Italy time).
This meeting will be a "Meet the Team" session, and it is free to attend.

To subscribe, and for further information on the Horseman Forsman Club please email us at:
[email protected], and we will send you the Zoom link.

Silvia Facchin, who builds all of Horseman Forsman’s gear, has been busy building some nice rope halters. 🤩👍🎉Personally,...

Silvia Facchin, who builds all of Horseman Forsman’s gear, has been busy building some nice rope halters. 🤩👍🎉

Personally, at Horseman Forsman, we prefer to use halters and lead ropes without any metal, like the blue one in the first picture, because in our ongoing search for the most featherlight and refined communication with the horse, we found that the presence of metal will alter the signals that the horse will receive.

But rightfully so, Silvia suggested that people also use rope halters to longe their horses, and one of the biggest problems is that the halter moves and always ends up in the horse's eye, making the longing session not so comfortable for the horse.

So to solve the problem, she replaced the Fiador knot with a ring that would allow the halter to stay in place while the ring is the moving part.

If you would like to order one of our handmade rope halters, with or without the metal ring, just contact us here or send us an email at [email protected].


Did you ever wonder how much training it takes to stand still and why is it so important for a horse to know how to stand still and relax?

A big thank you and a very Merry Christmas to all our friends and customers, and a beautiful 2025 to all from our team. ...

A big thank you and a very Merry Christmas to all our friends and customers, and a beautiful 2025 to all from our team. 🎉🎊🤗


One of many books I read as a young boy, trying to figure things out. Read, then out, mount a horse, tried it. 🙂
Feels like that was over a 100 years ago. LOTS of water under the bridge since...

"The first hackamore was a piece of rope placed around the nose ("sidepull") or head of a horse not long after domestica...

"The first hackamore was a piece of rope placed around the nose ("sidepull") or head of a horse not long after domestication, as early as 4,000 B.C"

A hackamore (or jáquima) is a type of animal headgear which does not have a bit. Instead, it has a special type of noseband that works on pressure points on the face, nose, and chin. Hackamores are most often seen in western riding and other styles of riding derived from Spanish traditions, and are...


One of our handmade Sidepulls just found a new home in Switzerland.
Thank you, Corinne. 🙏

If you, too, want to give a new home to one of our handmade Sidepulls, send us a message, and we will be more than happy to help you choose the option that best works for you.

Our Sidepull is available in a variety of colors, with split or loop rains and a choice of leather or Bio Thane (vegan leather) headstall.

This particular Sidepull has a blu inner-color nose piece, a 3m loop yacht rope rein, and a one-ear leather western headstall.

The Horseman Forsman Sidepulls are designed to fit more like a Bosal, that's why they have a certain stiffness to them, to hold their shape, but are very soft and comfortable for the horse. The only contact point with the horse is to be on the ridge of the nose, and the chin strap should be loosely adjusted.

The Sidepull should be used as a signal bridle, not a tugh and poll device. We have been training, re-schooling, and riding our horses solely with Sidepulls for the past 30+ years and the result is a featherlight and very relax horse.

If you have any doubts or are unsure about how to use a Sidepull, please stay tuned and join one of our live online courses.


Siamo in questo settore da molti decenni, e abbiamo lavorato in tutto il mondo. In due, abbiamo circa 80 anni di esperienza.

Iniziamo ed addestriamo puledri/puledri, cavalli giovani, o anche più anziani, che non sono mai stati toccati, montati o guidati. Ovviamente rispettando sempre i bisogni dell'età, della struttura fisica e psicologica del cavallo.

Riaddestriamo cavalli con problemi.

Organizziamo corsi e diamo lezioni private, dal vivo e online oltre ad accettare tirocinanti.

Lavoriamo con ogni razza di cavalli al mondo. Non discriminiamo nessuna razza di cavallo, o umano.

Addestriamo e riaddestriamo ogni tipo di cavallo: Dressage, salto ostacoli, western, ranch, trottatori, cavalli da carrozza, purosangue, cavallo da passeggiata, pony, ecc. ecc. perché possano diventare cavalli sicuri, affidabili e in armonia, sia "a casa" che in gara.

Aiutiamo proprietari e allevatori a preparare i cavalli per la vendita, facendoli diventare muscolosi, con mantelli lucidi, e bei piedi, per una presentazione impeccabile, in più di addestrarli e mostrarli a potenziali acquirenti.

Nel corso degli anni siamo stati anche assunti come consulenti, da persone che vogliono il nostro aiuto per progettare o sviluppare la loro scuderia, o attività equestre e far sì che abbia successo.

Aiutiamo e consigliamo le persone con l'attrezzatura più adatta, cosa usare e come usarla, sia essa inboccature, finimenti, selle o attacchi. Negli anni, abbiamo anche sviluppato alcuni prodotti in linea con la nostra filisofia di un addrestamento più "horse friendly".

Un altro dei servizi che offriamo è la gestione dello zoccolo Barefoot. Pareggiamo in Natural Barefoot gli zoccoli dei cavalli per altri proprietari, nelle loro scuderie e insegnamo la gestione del piede scalzo, che non ha nulla a che vedere con il pareggio fatto da un maniscalco in preparazione alla ferratura.
Per pareggiare correttamente lo zoccolo in Natural Barefoot, bisogna avere conoscenza ed esperienza. Altrimenti si possono davvero causare problemi al cavallo che poi risultano in problemi finanziari per il proprietario.
Non si può semplicemente tagliare e raspare a caso e sperare nel meglio. Bisogna conoscere l'equilibrio, l'angolazione corretta, cosa tagliare e raspare, cosa lasciare e cosa non toccare sullo zoccolo.
Ci vogliono conoscenza ed esperienza.

Perché questo interesse nel piede scalzo? Perché con il tempo, ci siamo allontanati dalla ferratura classica, semplicemente perché ci siamo accorti che, quando possibile, questo era meglio per il cavallo sia da un punto di vista fisiologico che di performance.
Ora pareggiamo lo zoccolo, e mettiamo uno strato protettivo di kevlar, mescolato con altri componenti, e questo funziona MOLTO bene ed é come muoversi a piedi nudi. Anche i cavalieri di endurance lo usano, cavalcando fino a quasi 200 km, e resta per settimane, fino al prossimo pareggio.

- Hai un problema con il tuo cavallo e non sai come risolverlo?

- Hai bisogno di una consulenza sul suo comportamento o consigli su come migliorare la vostra intesa?

- Vuoi sapere se il tuo cavallo puo' andare Barefoot e come gestire la transizione?

- Vuoi far addestrare il tuo cavallo in modo da poterlo portare verso qualsiasi disciplina senza problemi?

- Vuoi riscoprire la gioia di andare in passeggiata, solo o con gli amici, senza doverti preoccupare di "rischiare" la vita ogni volta che incontri un'imprevisto come una moto che sbuca all'improvviso, un animale che esce da un cespuglio, il cavallo senza controllo che parte al galoppo senza avvertire, o il cancello elettrico che si attiva all'improvviso mentre passi?

Contattaci per email, per messaggio qui on Facebook, on whatsApp o anche con una semplice chiamata e saremo più che lieti di fare quattro chiacchiere con te e darti ulteriori informazioni su di noi e cio' che facciamo.
E-mail: [email protected]
Numero Whatsapp/numero di telefono: +39 376 099 5300



This exercise, should not be overlooked in the training of a "western" horse in particular. Surprisingly, it has also proven beneficial for dressage, jumping, and other equestrian disciplines, because it teaches the horse to circle, stay between the reins, to rate his speed, be soft and supple, get his hind quarters in the ground, stop hard, get his hind feet up under himself. It also makes the horse featherlight in the frontend. collect, and pick up the correct lead. Later, when the horse is more proficient at the 180 degree turn, it is very easy to turn the horse 360 degrees. Called a spin.

In today’s frantic quest for instant coolness, social media recognition, and immediate pleasure, many of us focus solely on the final results. We often view horses merely as tools for entertainment, much like motorbikes, boats, or golf clubs. In doing so, we forget that horses are sentient beings with their own needs and timelines. People often overlook the reality that the horses showcased on social media—those performing impressive turns, getting low to the ground, jumping high, or executing a perfect piaffe—have been specifically bred for these skills. Moreover, these horses often cost as much as a house, and their training expenses can rival those of a luxury car.

The riders of these well-trained horses invest countless hours in riding, learning, and exercising them. However, social media often fails to highlight the effort required to achieve such results. As a result, many people underestimate the time commitment involved and are surprised when their horse doesn’t perform immediately. This misunderstanding can lead to blaming the horse, ultimately resulting in the horse being mistreated, sold, or, worse...

But what if we decided to rebel against this mindset?
What if we chose not to seek instant social media approval anymore?
When you become a rebel and step away from this trend, your gratification, self-confidence, and happiness can be ten times greater. Your ordinary backyard sorrel family horse could become just as impressive as those horses showcased on social media.

Let’s embrace rebel unconventional thinking. For instance, take this mature Lusitano mare, here after only a few times working on this exercise. While she may not be built for western maneuvers like rollbacks or hard stops, a skilled horseman or horsewoman who understands the importance of time and proper training, can transform her into a highly capable ranch horse.




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