MR NO EARS Cat Haven, Abrigo para gatos Sr. Sem Orelhas

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MR NO EARS Cat Haven, Abrigo para gatos Sr. Sem Orelhas A small Algarve registered non-profit organisation supporting a private sanctuary for street cats

ENG/PTCats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and Christian periods, as companion animals and to keep th...

Cats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and Christian periods, as companion animals and to keep the rodent population down.

Silves is a city of cats and as the tourist article says (see link below), they are shown affection by the residents. They are an ancient part of the tapestry of life in Silves.

This week sees the arrival of stalls ahead of the medieval festival which runs from 9-17 August. During this time the cats hide as their favourite places to stretch out in the shady spaces around the city are taken over by stalls, noise and thousands of visitors.

There are young cats and kittens in the streets who will be experiencing the festival for the first time. They will be fearful. Please stall owners and visitors to Silves, be mindful of the cats, show understanding and acceptance of their existence.

The majority within the festival area are sterilized, chipped and registered and are watched over by caring local residents and Mr No Ears Cat Haven should they need any protection or medical assistance.

Please get in touch if you are concerned about any cats during the festival period.

Os gatos foram introduzidos em Portugal durante os períodos medievais muçulmano e cristão, como animais de companhia e para conter a população de roedores. Silves é uma cidade de gatos e, tal como diz o artigo turístico (ver imagem abaixo), os gatos são muito acarinhados pelos habitantes. São uma parte antiga da tapeçaria da vida em Silves. Esta semana, chegam as barracas para a festa medieval que decorre de 9 a 17 de agosto. Durante este período, os gatos escondem-se e os seus lugares preferidos para se espreguiçarem nos espaços sombrios da cidade são tomados pelas bancas, pelo barulho e pelos milhares de visitantes. Há gatos jovens e gatinhos nas ruas que vão viver o festival pela primeira vez. Eles vão ficar com medo. Por favor, donos de bancas e visitantes de Silves, tenham atenção aos gatos, mostrem compreensão e aceitação da sua existência. A maioria dos gatos dentro da área do festival está esterilizada, chipada e registada e é vigiada por residentes locais carinhosos e pelo Mr No Ears Cat Haven [Abrigo para Gatos Sr. Sem Orelhas], caso necessitem de proteção ou assistência médica. Por favor, entre em contacto connosco se estiver preocupado com algum gato durante o período do festival.

Image: left to right
Larry, Big Ging, Rosie and Kerry

Thank you Paul Spencer (sponsor of Batman - see image) for your donation in memory of your stepmother Margaret Spencer w...

Thank you Paul Spencer (sponsor of Batman - see image) for your donation in memory of your stepmother Margaret Spencer who passed away recently and 'absolutely loved cats'♥️ We are very touched by your kind thought and very grateful for the donation 🙏🐾

Thank you Projection Dreams and our summertime boat trip raffle winner Carol Harvey  with Vincent Charles Mairs  who arr...

Thank you Projection Dreams and our summertime boat trip raffle winner Carol Harvey with Vincent Charles Mairs who arranged an office raffle of her prize, raising an additional €50 which was won by staff member Patricia who will send us photos from her trip. ♥️

Thank you also Mark Rawcliffe who donated an installation tip received from a customer to the sanctuary ♥️

Projection Dreams sponsors three of our sanctuary cats 🐾🙏

All our product brands are selected to conform to the Cinema 360 ideology and offer optimum performance at their price points. Home cinema products will be in the main ISF and THX certified.

Update:  not out of the woods yet.  A visit to Algarvet - Centro Veterinário dos Olhos de Água  not eating again and mor...

Update: not out of the woods yet. A visit to Algarvet - Centro Veterinário dos Olhos de Água not eating again and more tests. Back home eating and keeping us on our toes wondering what is next with Ollie 😊
Update: Waiting for final test results. Nothing obvious. Back home. Has started eating Royal Canin recovery pate. Let's hope it is nothing serious.🙏

Ollie, who recovered from Panleucopenia but showing neurological damage is back at Hospital Veterinário de Portimão this afternoon. Not eating. Let's hope for the best - he is a fighter. 🙏🐾

A DIFFICULT SITUATION 😿Update Thursday.  The first three cats are all now at the sanctuary, eating and settling in.Marma...


Update Thursday. The first three cats are all now at the sanctuary, eating and settling in.

Marmalade, who has been very ill since Joan died will be taken to Algarvet - Centro Veterinário dos Olhos de Água in next few days for a check up and pick up by Sandra to join Joan's other cats

Update: caught two cats yesterday, one today. 3 of the cats at Algarvet at moment. So far of the 6, one is FIV positive and one is FELV positive. Dusky had to be anaesthetized to do blood test, negative result. They are understandably stressed 😿

Thank you everyone who has contributed. We will give an update on situation once we have the cats ♥️

We are currently assessing the situation of recently deceased Joan Chickillo Cline's cats... No provision was made for them before her passing.

There are 6 cats that we know of... one of them has been to vets several times since Joan passed. This is a very stressful time for them 💔 Sandra will be on site assessing the situation Monday.

As you all know we are unfunded and there will be no financial assistance for these cats. They will all need sponsors but our IMMEDIATE NEED is to purchase large cages to accommodate them while they go through quarantine and settling in phase at the sanctuary as like everyone else we are already at maximum capacity so need to create a situation to be able to accommodate these cats. Of course all this means extra work for Sandra who is already stretched.

Your kind help needed with a donation towards purchase of large 1m x 1m cages we need urgently before we can accommodate them.

Our PayPal is [email protected] and MBWay to 917 272 857. Please mark your contribution 'cages'.

Thank you for your help.


8 de Agosto - Dia Internacional Do Gato

É o dia de celebrarmos este nosso amigo de 4 patas, uma espécie que só alguns entendem e que nem todos têm o prazer de usufruir da companhia de um. Quem tem um, já não sabe o que fazer sem ele e só pensa em adoptar mais um, e depois outro! Uma magia única que só os gatos nos sabem fazer sentir!

Aqui na Algarvet adoramos gatos! De tudo fazemos ao que está ao nosso alcance para os preveligiarmos, tanto na área de recobro separada dos cães com muito espaço e luz à sua disposição como eles gostam, e ainda com um consultório único para eles. E ainda com as nossas doutoras com interesse especial em Medicina Felina que ajudam a preservar a sua saúde por longos e bons anos!

Sabia que alguns gatinhos podem-nos surpreender com uma longevidade para além dos 20 anos?

Se não tem gatos, mas gostaria de ajudar os gatos que precisam, tem muitas associações direcionadas apenas para os gatos aqui no Algarve:
Jardim da Aryel

Aproveitamos ainda para dar as nossas condolências à família do gato/lince de estimação Bores! Obstante os contornos da situação ilegal da posse do animal, a nossa posição é que todos os procedimentos realizados não tiveram a garantia da segurança, e bem estar do animal para que pudesse ter sido evitado o falecimento do mesmo! Lamentamos a sua perda!

Conversation at the feeding station today no doubt was the again 🌞🌞🌞🥵

Conversation at the feeding station today no doubt was the again 🌞🌞🌞🥵

Shared from Silves Street Cats outreach program groupENG/PTCats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and C...

Shared from Silves Street Cats outreach program group

Cats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and Christian periods, as companion animals and to keep the rodent population down.

Silves is a city of cats and as the tourist article says (see image below), they are shown affection by the residents. They are an ancient part of the tapestry of life in Silves. This week sees the arrival of stalls ahead of the medieval festival which runs from 9-17 August. During this time the cats hide as their favourite places to stretch out in the shady spaces around the city are taken over by stalls, noise and thousands of visitors. There are young cats and kittens in the streets who will be experiencing the festival for the first time. They will be fearful.

Please stall owners and visitors to Silves, be mindful of the cats, show understanding and acceptance of their existence. The majority within the festival area are sterilized, chipped and registered and are watched over by caring local residents and Mr No Ears Cat Haven should they need any protection or medical assistance.

Please get in touch if you are concerned about any cats during the festival period.

Os gatos foram introduzidos em Portugal durante os períodos medievais muçulmano e cristão, como animais de companhia e para conter a população de roedores. Silves é uma cidade de gatos e, tal como diz o artigo turístico (ver imagem abaixo), os gatos são muito acarinhados pelos habitantes. São uma parte antiga da tapeçaria da vida em Silves. Esta semana, chegam as barracas para a festa medieval que decorre de 9 a 17 de agosto. Durante este período, os gatos escondem-se e os seus lugares preferidos para se espreguiçarem nos espaços sombrios da cidade são tomados pelas bancas, pelo barulho e pelos milhares de visitantes. Há gatos jovens e gatinhos nas ruas que vão viver o festival pela primeira vez. Eles vão ficar com medo. Por favor, donos de bancas e visitantes de Silves, tenham atenção aos gatos, mostrem compreensão e aceitação da sua existência. A maioria dos gatos dentro da área do festival está esterilizada, chipada e registada e é vigiada por residentes locais carinhosos e p

Shared from Silves Street Cats outreach program groupENG/PTCats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and C...

Shared from Silves Street Cats outreach program group

Cats were introduced to Portugal during medieval Muslim and Christian periods, as companion animals and to keep the rodent population down.

Silves is a city of cats and as the tourist article says (see image below), they are shown affection by the residents. They are an ancient part of the tapestry of life in Silves. This week sees the arrival of stalls ahead of the medieval festival which runs from 9-17 August. During this time the cats hide as their favourite places to stretch out in the shady spaces around the city are taken over by stalls, noise and thousands of visitors. There are young cats and kittens in the streets who will be experiencing the festival for the first time. They will be fearful.

Please stall owners and visitors to Silves, be mindful of the cats, show understanding and acceptance of their existence. The majority within the festival area are sterilized, chipped and registered and are watched over by caring local residents and Mr No Ears Cat Haven should they need any protection or medical assistance.

Please get in touch if you are concerned about any cats during the festival period.

Os gatos foram introduzidos em Portugal durante os períodos medievais muçulmano e cristão, como animais de companhia e para conter a população de roedores. Silves é uma cidade de gatos e, tal como diz o artigo turístico (ver imagem abaixo), os gatos são muito acarinhados pelos habitantes. São uma parte antiga da tapeçaria da vida em Silves. Esta semana, chegam as barracas para a festa medieval que decorre de 9 a 17 de agosto. Durante este período, os gatos escondem-se e os seus lugares preferidos para se espreguiçarem nos espaços sombrios da cidade são tomados pelas bancas, pelo barulho e pelos milhares de visitantes. Há gatos jovens e gatinhos nas ruas que vão viver o festival pela primeira vez. Eles vão ficar com medo. Por favor, donos de bancas e visitantes de Silves, tenham atenção aos gatos, mostrem compreensão e aceitação da sua existência. A maioria dos gatos dentro da área do festival está esterilizada, chipada e registada e é vigiada por residentes locais carinhosos e pelo Mr No Ears Cat Haven [Abrigo para Gatos Sr. Sem Orelhas], caso necessitem de proteção ou assistência médica. Por favor, entre em contacto connosco se estiver preocupado com algum gato durante o período do festival.

One of our kittens Boris at vets today. ♥️ Negative for FELV/FIV but clearly unwell.  Waiting for test results. 🙏

One of our kittens Boris at vets today. ♥️ Negative for FELV/FIV but clearly unwell. Waiting for test results. 🙏


Temos 31 gatinhos este ano e 113 rifas ainda disponíveis nos últimos dias do nosso sorteio de verão 🙏🐾😻 Por favor ajudem-nos a ajudar os gatos de rua do Algarve. Devido à situação crítica que se vive este ano, temos 31 gatinhos ao nosso cuidado, que precisam de comida especial, vacinas, análises ao sangue, tratamento de parasitas e esterilização, com um custo aproximado de 250€ por gatinho. É vital preparar estes gatinhos para a adoção, sempre que possível. É uma despesa enorme para um pequeno santuário sem financiamento. Por favor, ajude-nos a ajudá-los 😻🐾🙏

We have 31 kittens this year and 113 tickets still available in the last few days of our Summertime raffle 🙏🐾😻
Please help us to help the streetcats of the Algarve. Because of the critical situation this year we have 31 kittens in our care, that need kitten food, vaccinations, blood test, parasite treatment and sterilizing at a cost of approx €250 per kitten. It is vital to prepare these kittens for adoption where possible. It is a huge expense for a small unfunded sanctuary. Please help us help them 😻🐾🙏


Thank you Paul McFarland for your support - always

PT/ENUPDATESandra is on her way to Hospital Veterinário de Portimão now.🙏 She has called him Ollie.♥️Um gatinho preto e ...

Sandra is on her way to
Hospital Veterinário de Portimão now.🙏 She has called him Ollie.♥️

Um gatinho preto e branco foi abandonado, resgatado de uma árvore em Loulé e deu positivo para panleucopénia...

Levámo-lo para o santuário onde está isolado e a Sandra está a tratá-lo, com o apoio da Hospital Veterinário de Portimão . Podemos fazer isto porque todos os nossos gatos estão vacinados ou são imunes, mas mesmo assim é necessário respeitar sempre padrões de higiene extremamente elevados.

Este pobre bebé merece uma oportunidade e tem muita sorte em ter a Sandra a tratar dele, pois ela tem uma vasta experiência no combate a esta terrível doença.

Ele precisa de um nome e nós estamos a apelar a qualquer ajuda, por mais pequena que seja, para o seu tratamento. O nosso PayPal é [email protected] ou MBWay para 917 272 857 com a menção "Tuxedo".

Obrigado amigos pelo vosso apoio.

An abandoned tuxedo kitten rescued from a tree in Loule has tested positive for panleucopenia...

We have taken him into the sanctuary where he has been isolated and Sandra is treating him, supported by Hospital Veterinário de Portimão. We are able to do this as all our cats are either vaccinated or immune but still extremely high standards of hygiene have to be observed at all times.

This poor baby deserves a chance and he is very lucky to have Sandra caring for him as she has vast experience tackling this dreadful disease.

He needs a name and we are appealing for any help, no matter how small towards his treatment. Our PayPal is [email protected] or MBWay to 917 272 857 marked "Tuxedo".

Thank you friends for your support.

ENG/PTUpdate from hospital: "Ultrasound on Frango. Unfortunately he has a chronic cardiac condition that has a bad progn...

Update from hospital: "Ultrasound on Frango. Unfortunately he has a chronic cardiac condition that has a bad prognosis." We have decided that the humane thing to do is to put him to sleep. 💔💔💔

They (at Portimao) have called him "Baby Boy" and after an X-ray and blood test things are not looking very good. But he is trying his best to live 💔

Last night's X-ray indicates either an enlarged heart or a congenital hernia.

Tests and treatment is expensive so if you would like to help with his vets bill a small donation via PayPal to [email protected] marked "Baby Boy" or via MBWay to 917 272 857 would be really appreciated. Thank you.

He has some fluid in his stomach and some breathing difficulty and had a low temperature. He was dehydrated so further tests done today.

He is on a drip and although lethargic, ate by himself this morning and his temperature is now stable. The blood work revealed a severe anemia with signs of inflammation and liver parameters with higher values.

Some good news! He is negative for panleucopenia, FIV and FELV.

Tomorrow he will have a heart ultrasound and a final diagnosis and decide how to proceed.

You can read his story here

Chama-se "Baby Boy" e, depois de uma radiografia e de uma análise ao sangue, as notícias não são as melhores. Mas ele está a dar o seu melhor para viver 💔

Os te**es e o tratamento são caros, por isso, se quiser ajudar com a conta dos veterinários, agradecemos um pequeno donativo via PayPal para [email protected] com a menção "Baby Boy" ou via MBWay para 917 272 857. Obrigado.

A radiografia de ontem à noite indica um coração dilatado ou uma hérnia congénita. Ele tem algum líquido no estômago e alguma dificuldade em respirar e uma temperatura baixa. Estava desidratado, pelo que foram feitos mais exames hoje.

Está a soro e, embora letárgico, comeu sozinho esta manhã e a sua temperatura está estável.
As análises ao sangue revelaram uma anemia grave com sinais de inflamação e parâmetros hepáticos com valores mais elevados.

Algumas boas notícias! O resultado é negativo para panleucopénia, FIV e FELV.

Amanhã vai fazer uma ecografia cardíaca e um diagnóstico.


They (at Portimao) have called him "Baby Boy" and after an X-ray and blood test things are not looking very good. But he is trying his best to live 💔

Last night's X-ray indicates either an enlarged heart or a congenital hernia.

Tests and treatment is expensive so if you would like to help with his vets bill a small donation via PayPal to [email protected] marked "Baby Boy" or via MBWay to 917 272 857 would be really appreciated. Thank you.

He has some fluid in his stomach and some breathing difficulty and had a low temperature. He was dehydrated so further tests done today.

He is on a drip and although lethargic, ate by himself this morning and his temperature is now stable. The blood work revealed a severe anemia with signs of inflammation and liver parameters with higher values.

Some good news! He is negative for panleucopenia, FIV and FELV.

Tomorrow he will have a heart ultrasound and a final diagnosis and decide how to proceed.

You can read his story here

Chama-se "Baby Boy" e, depois de uma radiografia e de uma análise ao sangue, as notícias não são as melhores. Mas ele está a dar o seu melhor para viver 💔

Os te**es e o tratamento são caros, por isso, se quiser ajudar com a conta dos veterinários, agradecemos um pequeno donativo via PayPal para [email protected] com a menção "Baby Boy" ou via MBWay para 917 272 857. Obrigado.

A radiografia de ontem à noite indica um coração dilatado ou uma hérnia congénita. Ele tem algum líquido no estômago e alguma dificuldade em respirar e uma temperatura baixa. Estava desidratado, pelo que foram feitos mais exames hoje.

Está a soro e, embora letárgico, comeu sozinho esta manhã e a sua temperatura está estável.
As análises ao sangue revelaram uma anemia grave com sinais de inflamação e parâmetros hepáticos com valores mais elevados.

Algumas boas notícias! O resultado é negativo para panleucopénia, FIV e FELV.

Amanhã vai fazer uma ecografia cardíaca e um diagnóstico.

Shared from Outreach program Silves Street Cats Every now and then you rescue a cat that pulls at the heartstrings 💔. Sa...

Shared from Outreach program Silves Street Cats
Every now and then you rescue a cat that pulls at the heartstrings 💔. Sarah Patstone and I both affected by this one.

He lost his mother when he was a few weeks old and has been living with two other siblings in an abandoned house back garden fed by a neighbour. He has failed to thrive like the other two, is very underdeveloped. The way he responded to cuddles from Sarah we sense he misses his mum 💔

He is in Hospital Veterinário de Portimão undergoing tests. More about him later. 😿

Post from outreach program Silves Street Cats One of the orphan kittens living in back garden of abandoned house opposit...

Post from outreach program Silves Street Cats
One of the orphan kittens living in back garden of abandoned house opposite GNR. Very underweight (about 8 weeks old) Sarah Patstone is picking up and Portimao vet expecting him/her.

Thank you Deborah Parker and Lucie Copner, your quiz events funds make it possible to help these poor animals 🙏♥️

Thank you Lesley Fraser for the bags of bedding for the kitties 🙏

Thank you Lesley Fraser for the bags of bedding for the kitties 🙏


It is with great sadness that we share the passing of 🌺 Joan Chickillo Cline 🌺, a generous and compassionate, long time supporter of the cats at Mr No Ears Cat Haven.

For a number of years now Joan sponsored three of the most needy of our cats. She gave generously to all our fundraisers and made donations for special appeals like Tiny Panther who you see in the photo meeting Joan at a fundraising lunch. ♥️ Joan adopted one of our kittens and we have been in touch with Sherwin to offer our condolences and their cats a place at the sanctuary.

Tinky WinkyIf I sits I fits 😻

Tinky Winky
If I sits I fits 😻

PT/ENGMacho adulto, esterilizado, mas sem chip, encontrado em Mira Serra - Loulé. Muito bem tratado e muito meigo. Defin...

Macho adulto, esterilizado, mas sem chip, encontrado em Mira Serra - Loulé.
Muito bem tratado e muito meigo. Definitivamente um gato doméstico que se perdeu ou foi abandonado.
Se o conhecer por favor contacte-nos.

Adult male, sterilized, but no chip found at Mira Serra - Loulé.
Very well cared for and very sweet. Definitely a house cat that got lost or was abandoned.
If you know him please contact us.

Shared from Silves Street Cats, one of our outreach programs.Thank you Joanna Rachel  for the 48 pack of wet food which ...

Shared from Silves Street Cats, one of our outreach programs.

Thank you Joanna Rachel for the 48 pack of wet food which will go towards feeding the 3 small kittens that have been dumped at the cat house that our recently sterilized mum Kerry seems to have adopted ♥️ The kittens were all sitting on her when I arrived this morning. One grey, one black and one black and white who is not as scared as the other two. We have many kittens around Silves and cannot do more for these 3 than give them food and water and minimal shelter of the cat house. They are of an age to be domesticated so if anyone wants to offer a home to one of them please get in touch. Will try to get photos.

Photo - Kerry our surrogate mother ♥️



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