Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara

Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara Fizio si kinetoterapie, recuperare fizica veterinara post-operatorie, de intretinere si managementul osteoartritei.


For all those with yellow Labradors and anyone with friends who have them.
Very interesting new study on the link between colour and predisposition for CCL rupture.

The more we know about our dogs the more power we have to put into place preventative measures! 🥰

Prevention is always better than cure!

All credit to Laurie Edge-Hughes for sharing this information.

It’s based on the following study:

Lee BT, Baker LA, Momen M, Terhaar H, Binversie EE, Sample SJ, Muir P. Identification of genetic variants associated with anterior cruciate ligament rupture and AKC standard coat color in the Labrador Retriever. BMC Genom Data. 2023 Oct 26;24(1):60.

And here’s the short synopsis:

Cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries are a common cause of lameness in dogs, particularly in breeds like Labrador Retrievers. Interestingly, recent research has uncovered a potential link between coat color and the risk of CCL rupture. Labrador Retrievers, which come in black, chocolate, and yellow, show different risks for this injury, with yellow Labs being more susceptible.

The study suggests that genetic factors linked to coat color might also influence the likelihood of CCL injuries. Specifically, the MC1R gene, which determines yellow coat color, is involved in inflammatory pathways that could predispose dogs to ligament issues. The researchers used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify genes associated with both CCL injuries and coat color, focusing on a region of chromosome 5 near the MC1R gene. This region showed significant associations with CCL rupture, suggesting a complex interplay between genetic traits that influence both coat color and joint health.

Interestingly, the study also identified several other genes related to bone and cartilage health, inflammation, and gene regulation that may contribute to CCL rupture. These findings highlight the complex genetic landscape behind this common canine injury and open the door for further research into how coat color and other seemingly unrelated traits might influence health outcomes in dogs.

This groundbreaking study not only advances our understanding of CCL injuries in dogs but also provides valuable insights into the genetic factors that could help predict and prevent these injuries. As research continues, we may find more connections between seemingly unrelated traits and disease risk, ultimately improving the health and well-being of our canine companions.

Photo credit Marie Marketing

Great news for our elderly pacients 😊

Great news for our elderly pacients 😊

CCD involves a series of degenerative changes within the brain, tPBMT has been showing promising results in reducing or reversing some of these changes.

      Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara

Vetekineticus recuperare fizica veterinara

La multi ani, colegi medici veterinari! Keep up the good work!

La multi ani, colegi medici veterinari! Keep up the good work!

Este in natura cainilor sa se miste. Orice le incetineste miscarile merita atentie si o discutie cu veterinarul.

Este in natura cainilor sa se miste. Orice le incetineste miscarile merita atentie si o discutie cu veterinarul.

Let's rewrite the narrative around our beloved dogs showing signs of 'slowing down' or 'aging'.

There is always a reason behind changed behaviour.

To be the best caregivers for our dogs, we need to educate ourselves to recognise the signs of pain early, advocate for their comfort, and celebrate their resilience.

But how do we get this education in the hands of every dog owner? Or is it more than a case of lack of knowledge?


ROSE munceste, dar se si distreaza, la sala 💪

La doar 2 luni, Rose a fost gasita pe marginea drumului, cel mai probabil lovita de masina, suferind de multiple fracturi ale oaselor bazinului.
D**a multe sedinte de laser si electroterapie si inca mai multe ore de kinetoterapie, Rose se misca…asa cm vedeti 😊

Aventura ei continua, pentru ca traumele suferite au modificat anatomia soldurilor, lasand-o cu displazie coxo-femurala. Dar ii vom fi alaturi si in acel capitol 😉



Atentie la hamuri! Unele modele pot influenta neg*tiv extensia unerilor sau pot pune presiune exagerata pe g*t!

  in timpul sedintei de   cu Alexandra 🐶Fotobiomodularea, sau mai simplu terapia cu laser, este benefica intr-o multitud...

in timpul sedintei de cu Alexandra 🐶

Fotobiomodularea, sau mai simplu terapia cu laser, este benefica intr-o multitudine de afectiuni osteoarticulare, neurologice, dar si cutanate, stomatologice…lista este lunga.

In cazul lui Ale, folosim laserul in managementul osteoartritei, ca parte a protocolului multimodal. Astfel, putem mentine la minim dozele de antiiflamatoare si analgezice, laserul avand rol antiiflamator, analgezic, dar si stimulator al repararii tisulare, al cartilajului in cazul ei.

OA este o afectiune dureroasa, degenerativa si progresiva. Nu o putem vindeca, dar o putem controla, oferind mai multi ani de calitate pacientilor nostri.



During a review of the anatomy of the elbow and forearm, I put together a little summary and would love to share it with you!

🦴Joint classification:
The elbow is a complex joint including the humerus, radius and ulna.
The Humeroulnar and Humeroradial joints are both hinge joints.
The radioulnar joints can be divided into proximal and mid, the proximal radioulnar is a pivot joint while the mid radioulnar is a syndesmosis joint.

📍 Physiological Movement available:
Within the humeroradioulnar joints, flexion and extension occur in the sagittal plane through the transverse axis of movement.
Within the radioulnar joint, Pronation and Supination occur in the Transverse plane through the Ventrodorsal axis of movement.

🧱 Stabilising structures:
These include the Joint capsule, Medial and Lateral Collateral ligaments, the Annular ligament, the Oblique ligament, the Olecranon ligament, and the Interosseus ligament.

Let's hone in on Supination and Pronation:

🫴Muscles responsible for Supination:
1. M. Supinator originates on the Lateral epicondyle and lateral collateral ligament (normally sesamoid bone present*), and inserts on the Cranial surface of the medial border of the radius.
2. M. brachioradialis (also called Supinator Longus*) originates on the Proximal surface of the lateral epicondylar crest of the humerus and inserts on the Distal 3rd and 4th region of the cranial-medial portion of the radius.
Both muscles are innervated by the radial nerve.

🫳 Muscles responsible for Pronation:
1. M. Pronator Teres originates on the Medial epicondyle of the humerus and inserts on the Medial border of the radius down to the middle portion.
2. M. Pronator Quadratus originates between the ulna and radius over the interosseous membrane, fibres run obliquely, distally and medially from the ulna to the insertion on the radius.
Both muscles are innervated by the Median nerve.

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Nu exista caine rau, prost, imposibil de dresat. Dar exista durere, discomfort, probleme fizice care se traduc prin prob...

Nu exista caine rau, prost, imposibil de dresat.

Dar exista durere, discomfort, probleme fizice care se traduc prin probleme comportamentale.

Animalele vorbesc, ne spun multe, dar prea des nu le intelegem limbajul.

💡inainte de a eticheta un caine ca “rau”, haideti sa eliminam posibilitatea unei cauze dureroase!

Am avut cazuri de caini adusi la eutanasie pentru ca au devenit agresivi fata de stapani…erau de fapt osteoartritici si ii durea chiar si o mangaiere pe spate…

‘My dog is naughty/bad/untrainable/dominant/stupid’

I hear this most weeks on intake forms. Usually I get pretty excited to see these cos I know I’m gonna get to change a dog and owners life!

So often we write our dogs off as any adjective that fits the above and honestly, I’m yet to meet a dog who fits any of those adjectives (and I have worked with 10k plus dogs over the ten years I’ve been doing this!). I do however week in week out meet dogs with health issues that contribute to their slow progress in terms of training. Did you know dogs don’t show pain or discomfort how we do? We often think ‘oh he isn’t limping or yelping so he is fine’.

Please read the examples below ⬇️

🐾 A huntaway cross who I work with who bit his owner. Reluctant to have his feet cleaned, got spicy over any intense handling, had periods of seeming insanity and relentless barking and being unable to calm down. Huntaways are vocal dogs… but…

Turns out he had hip dysplasia. This dog didn’t limp. He wasn’t lame in any way. He chased his ball and sprinted and jumped and had no issues physically on the surface however under that behaviour was pain.

🐾 A French bulldog. Resource guarding to the extreme. Bit his owners while resource guarding the knot pattern in their wooden floor. Also bombed around without a worry in the world and had no outward signs of pain.

Turns out he had a severe spinal condition causing intermittent excruciating pain.

🐾 A young spaniel owned by a very good friend who was having confidence issues. She would ‘tap out’ of training on the regular and my friend went from ‘this is my ticket dog who will represent my country’ to ‘is this even possible?’

Dog had hormonal issues and likely spikes of hormones left right and centre. A carefully timed spay and she is now grade 6 in agility.

🐾 A friends Border Collie. Owned by a very experienced and talented agility handler and trainer. Regularly ‘checked out’ of training sessions, seemed to not be able to learn things that were moderately straightforward. Described by other trainers as ‘oh she is just a border collie it’s what they are like’.

Turns out she is mostly deaf.

🐾 A black Labrador. Always social and friendly and attended brilliant puppy classes and adolescent classes. Had the best start training wise you can imagine. He started showing some intermittent aggression to his owners in the home and aggression to other dogs out and about.

Turns out he had bilateral elbow dysplasia.

🐾 Young German Shepherd. Always energetic and silly in her behaviour but suddenly got worse. Excessive zoomies, inability to settle, increased reactivity to other dogs, reluctant to get in the car, obsessive destruction at home.

Turns out she had an infection in her va**na that was causing discomfort and exacerbating all those teenage behaviours to the point of being unmanageable.

🐾 My own dog! My NSDTR started missing his dog walk contact early last year. I was tearing my hair out trying to fix it.

Turns out he had a minor iliopsoas strain and some physio fixed the issue for us.


All these dogs have one thing in common. They are not stupid or untrainable or naughty or dominant. They are uncomfortable and that is triggering extreme behaviour fallout.

None of the above issues would be resolveable with training. All of the issues will be resolveable with training ONLY when the pain is resolved. Some of them will have drastic improvement from the moment the pain or discomfort is managed!

If your behaviourist or trainer doesn’t immediately advise a veterinary visit if any aggression, excessive ‘naughtiness’ or strange behaviour is present, walk away immediately. Even if you think your dog is fine, visit the vets. Ask for a thorough examination and push for a proper evaluation of your dog from nose to tail and potentially blood tests too. If you’re still not sure, get a second opinion.

You cannot train the pain or discomfort out of your dog. Address THIS first and foremost.

Osteoartrita nu este doar apanajul seniorilor, din pacate o intalnim (daca o cautam) si la catei tineri.In cele mai mult...

Osteoartrita nu este doar apanajul seniorilor, din pacate o intalnim (daca o cautam) si la catei tineri.

In cele mai multe cazuri, OA este secundara unei afectiuni articulare preexistente, precum displazia de sold, de cot sau a rupturii ligamentului incrucisat anterior. Acestea au componenta genetica si pot fi diagnosticate din primul an de viata, astfel permitand un tratament precoce.

Fiti atenti la semnele pe care vi le arata catelul, cu cat avem un diagnostic mai rapid, cu atat putem trata mai eficient!

Nu subestimati importanta lungimii unghiilor la patrupezii vostri! Unghiile crescute excesiv produc modificari ale angul...

Nu subestimati importanta lungimii unghiilor la patrupezii vostri!
Unghiile crescute excesiv produc modificari ale angulatiei articulatiilor digitale, dar au impact si mai sus, de-a lungul intregului membru. Imaginati-va ca umblati cu o pietricica in papuci toata ziua, zi de zi…

*artroza digitala este o afectiune foarte comuna, mai ales la cainii seniori si obezi, dar, din pacate, este de obicei ignorata si subdiagnosticata.

😉 lucruri mici care conteaza mult

Pa, Busulache! Sa ai parte de o familie iubitoare si sa-ti duci batranetile cu demnitate…si pe propriile picioare!Inca o...

Pa, Busulache! Sa ai parte de o familie iubitoare si sa-ti duci batranetile cu demnitate…si pe propriile picioare!
Inca o fapta buna A S I P A - Protecția animalelor si Cristina Haranth

Da! Da! Da!

Da! Da! Da!

Schiopatura inseamna durere. Ascultati ce va spune animalutul vostru 😉

Schiopatura inseamna durere. Ascultati ce va spune animalutul vostru 😉

Primul, dar din pacate si cel mai subestimat, punct de pe lista de management al osteoartritei- greutatea-Fiecare gram c...

Primul, dar din pacate si cel mai subestimat, punct de pe lista de management al osteoartritei- greutatea-
Fiecare gram conteaza, iar fiecare gram in minus inseamna doze mai mici de antiinflamatoare si, desigur, nivel mai mare de fericire pentru catelul tau ☺️

Can anyone relate?

Some owners are great at following the advice from their vet nurse...some not so much.

A lot of it comes down to how they show love to their dog. The intention is good, but the outcome for their dog is bad.

Recuperarea medicala (fizio si kinetoterapia) trebuie sa tina cont de faza de vindecare in care se prezinta pacientul. N...

Recuperarea medicala (fizio si kinetoterapia) trebuie sa tina cont de faza de vindecare in care se prezinta pacientul. Nu este eficient (iar uneori chiar periculos) sa aplicam anumite manevre cand nu este timpul lor.

Recuperarea instituita imediat post-traumatic/operator si adaptata nevoilor de moment ale pacientului aduce cele mai mari beneficii si rezultate.

Va asteptam cu sfaturi si un plan personalizat de recuperare la Clinica Veterio

An understanding of tissue healing helps us to facilitate optimal healing; through the regulation of inflammation and appropriate rest and loading.

38% din cainii de toate varstele sufera de osteoartrita, nu este o afectiune doar a cainilor batrani!Haideti sa invatam ...

38% din cainii de toate varstele sufera de osteoartrita, nu este o afectiune doar a cainilor batrani!

Haideti sa invatam sa recunoastem primele semne, ca sa putem interveni din timp. Cainele tau iti va multumi 😉

Abordarea multimodala a osteoartritei. Doar antiiflamatorul nu e de ajuns. Doar masajul nu e de ajuns. Fiecare particica...

Abordarea multimodala a osteoartritei.

Doar antiiflamatorul nu e de ajuns. Doar masajul nu e de ajuns. Fiecare particica are rolul ei si impreuna se potenteaza pentru a asigura comfortul animalutului tau.

Hai sa vorbim despre OA si solutiile potrivite cainelui/pisicii tale.

This is one of the most useful graphics we can show you...

This is all the elements of a complete multimodal arthritis management plan.

The dark blue sections are areas where you will need vet input, and the teal sections are the areas down to you.

It may look like a lot of different areas to work on (you might not need them all), but you can start with one and build from there.

Just using painkillers alone is not enough. Just using massage is not enough. It's when you combine multiple treatments together that you start to reduce the pain and take care of the joint - and your dog's life will change for the better.

Talk to your vet about using a multimodal approach in your dogs OA care (if they are not already).

Obezitatea este o boala! Fiecare kilogram in plus se resimte asupra articulatiilor, inclusiv celor intervertebrale, cres...

Obezitatea este o boala!

Fiecare kilogram in plus se resimte asupra articulatiilor, inclusiv celor intervertebrale, crescand riscul afectiunilor de tip osteoarticular si/sau discopatii. In plus, tesutul adipos in sine este proinflamator, complicand si mai mult lucrurile.

Este vorba de afectiuni dureroase si incapacitante, care scad dramatic calitatea vietii cainelui sau pisicii tale. Nu merita acea “doar o bucatica de pizza”…

Hai sa discutam despre greutatea animalutului tau si sa facem impreuna un plan de mentinere/slabire adaptat nevoilor lui 💪

Lungimea unghiilor influenteaza postura si poate exacerba durerile artritice. Un mic detaliu, dar conteaza.

Lungimea unghiilor influenteaza postura si poate exacerba durerile artritice. Un mic detaliu, dar conteaza.

Sarbatori fericite si un An Nou mai bun si…mai activ! 😉💪

Sarbatori fericite si un An Nou mai bun si…mai activ! 😉💪


Graduation day for Rosie! 🥳💪

D**a multe aventuri, operatii si program intensiv de fizio si kinetoterapie, Rosie pleaca, pe picioarele ei, catre noua casuta din Germania.

Sa ai multi ani frumosi si activi acolo!

Prima linie in lupta cu osteoartrita…antiinflamatoarele non-steroidiene!Impreuna cu managementul greutatii, kineto/fizio...

Prima linie in lupta cu osteoartrita…antiinflamatoarele non-steroidiene!

Impreuna cu managementul greutatii, kineto/fizioterapia, alte analgezice si suplimente, modificari in stilul de viata si activitate…OA nu este boala usoara, dar prioritatea numarul 1 este confortul pacientului. Nicio zi cu durere!

…toate aceste beneficii, plus timp placut petrecut impreuna cu pufosul 😉

…toate aceste beneficii, plus timp placut petrecut impreuna cu pufosul 😉

Indiferent că sunt mici sau mari, toți vor să meargă! Iar noi suntem aici ca să-i ajutăm 💪

Indiferent că sunt mici sau mari, toți vor să meargă!

Iar noi suntem aici ca să-i ajutăm 💪

Semnele durerii pot fi subtile. Dar putem invata sa le recunoastem si, astfel, sa intervenim. Animalutul tau iti va mult...

Semnele durerii pot fi subtile. Dar putem invata sa le recunoastem si, astfel, sa intervenim.

Animalutul tau iti va multumi ☺️


Jupiter 4

Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 20:00
Thursday 14:00 - 20:00
Friday 14:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday 10:00 - 14:00




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