Revin cu cele 7 pisicuțe ridicate dintr-o magherniță din zona Lizeanu unde traiul lor a fost iadul pe pământ. Inițial le-am capturat pentru sterilizare dar am descoperit că sunt blânde, iubitoare și deosebit de recunoscătoare pentru orice porție de mâncare sau mângâiere și nu dorim să le repunem in același teritoriu.
Dacă le-am găsi căsuțe măcar unora dintre ele ar fi mai mult decât minunat. În ultima poză este mămica puilor salvați și ei în aceeași acțiune și toți trei vor pleca la o asociație. Mai rămân 6 pisicuțe care au nevoie de căsuțe.
Vă rugăm mult să luați în considerare că dacă ați adopta una dintre ele și dvs ați salva o viață. Au nevoie de adopție ca de aer. Sunt tinere, frumoase și sterilizate. Patru fetițe și doi motănei, până într-un an. Deparazitați extern și intern.
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Goodnight from LANA ♥️
Cum puteți ajuta la îngrijirea fosterilor noștri și implicit la drumul lor spre o viață mai bună? Ne puteți susține activitatea prin următoarele platforme 👇
WhatsApp/Revolut 0745 434 983 (Revtag @robucats)
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MIRABELLA ♥️ is available for adoption with her equally gorgeous mother, MIRA 💞 Bucharest & International
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MAURICE & NOLAN 💞 have become best friends in our foster. Even though Nolan has been promoted for adoption with his sister, Charlotte and Maurice as a single, they can also be adopted together as a pair. We would love to see them in a forever home. They have been in our foster for too long ♥️
Help us to help them. You can help us continue to rescue the ones in need and care for the ones in our foster who are waiting for their forever homes, through these platforms 👇
WhatsApp/Revolut (Revtag @ robucats) 40745434983
PayPal: PayPal.me/robucats
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DONATELLO 🩵 we fished this guy out of a sewer canal last week which happened be in our neighborhood after we heard kitten cries and the fire department trying to rescue him. They couldn't, so they left. Then, other neighbours went down in the sewer but couldn't catch him because he kept running away on the water pipes. So I descended into the sewer and set up the trap with food and an hour later this guy was in it desperately trying to escape 😁
Initially it was thought to be just him but it turns out there were four kittens. We set up the trap again for the others but we got nothing. A good Samaritan brought a hand made stairwell and we placed it diagonally in the sewer with food on every step as an incentive for them to get out. Their mom was seen visiting the sewer opening so we trapped their mom, spayed her and returned her to her location so she can visit her kittens (which she did) and hopefully showed them the way out on the stairwell. We will monitor the sewer as we are still not sure where the rest of the kittens are but the mom is not coming around anymore and the trap was empty after we rescued Donatello 🩵
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