Brother Ferrero & sister Rafaella (4 months old) are waiting for their furever home together 💞 Could it be you? ♥️
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
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DOLLY is preparing for Christmas with lots of power naps on her early Christmas present 🎁 🌲❄️
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
Our super handsome BALI has been adopted into an amazing home with a wonderful family who will love him forever 💞 So happy he gets to spend his first Holidays ever in his forever home. Have a happy life our beautiful angel ❤️
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
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JET BLACK (5.5 months old) 😻 our super-duper handsome little bat 😃 available for adoption with one of his equally adorable sisters 💕
Dragi prieteni, vă invităm să vizitați shop-ul nostru print-on-demand pe cu produse din bumbac organic 100% și ceramică (tricouri, bluze, hanorace, pantaloni sport, rochii, jachete, căni, sticle de apă, termos etc) toate fiind de cea mai înaltă calitate. Orice produs achiziționat contribuie la îngrijirea fosterilor noștri și implicit la drumul lor spre o viață mai bună și totodată vă veți îmbogăți cu un produs practic și modern dar și cu sentimentul plăcut că ați făcut o faptă bună. Noi și blănoșii noștri salvați vă mulțumim din suflet și vă așteptăm în magazinul nostru virtual 😻🙌♥️
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
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Brother BALI & sister KAIRA (7 months old) 💞 enjoying an affectionate sibling session ♥️ We would love to set them up in their furever homes before Christmas 🎁 Bucharest & International
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
#adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #robucats #shoponline #shopnow #shopping #ShoppingTime
Nala & Cookie have now become RAFAELLA & FERRERO and have adjusted to the foster environment just fine 😁 It's a new start for them and we want to leave the past in the past and not be reminded of the failed adoption. Besides, Cookie is a girl's name and Ferrero is a boy. We don't want a boy with a girl's name. We wanted names that speak of their character which is super sweet, cute and playful. So, now they're back on the adoption list and we will be super picky with their next home to ensure that this one is forever 💞
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
#adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #robucats #shoponline #shopnow #shopping #ShoppingTime
KARMA & KAIRA (7 months) two sweet sisters rescued from a place of hunger and misery. Now living their best life while they wait for a forever home together. Bucharest & International 💞
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
#adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #robucats #shoponline #shopnow #shopping #ShoppingTime
COCONUT (8 luni) ♥️ adorabilul nostru Coconut este la noi împreună cu fratele lui, Peppermint de la 2 luni, însă nu au primit nici măcar o cerere până acum. Nu înțelegem de ce pentru că amândoi sunt absolut superbi 😻 Vă așteptăm mesajele. București.
Dragi prieteni, începând de azi vă invităm să vizitați shop-ul nostru print-on-demand pe cu produse din bumbac organic 100% și ceramică (tricouri, bluze, hanorace, pantaloni sport, rochii, jachete, căni, sticle de apă, termos etc) toate fiind de cea mai înaltă calitate. Orice produs achiziționat contribuie la îngrijirea fosterilor noștri și implicit la drumul lor spre o viață mai bună și totodată vă veți îmbogăți cu un produs practic și modern dar și cu sentimentul plăcut că ați făcut o faptă bună. Noi și blănoșii noștri salvați vă mulțumim din suflet și vă așteptăm în magazinul nostru virtual 😻🙌♥️
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
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#adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #robucats #shoponline #shopnow #shopping #ShoppingTime
KARMA & KAIRA (7 months) two sweet sisters rescued from a place of hunger and misery. Now living their best life while they wait for a forever home together. Bucharest & International 💞
Dear friends, we are inviting you to visit our local print-on-demand shop with 100% organic cotton & ceramic products (such as (T-shirts, blouses, hoodies, bottom wear, dresses, outwear, cups, water bottles, thermoses etc) all top quality. All revenue will be directed to the rescue and care of our fosters, their road to recovery and preparation for adoption. At the same time, you will purchase a modern and practical product that you would probably buy anyway but also the wonderful feeling that you are making a difference in the lives of many stray and abandoned cats that we rescue. Ourselves and our fosters thank you from the bottom of our hearts 😻
For purchases 👇
Our print-on-demand shop:
For donations 👇
For our adoption application 👇
#adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #robucats #shoponline #shopnow #shopping #ShoppingTime
Revin cu cele 7 pisicuțe ridicate dintr-o magherniță din zona Lizeanu unde traiul lor a fost iadul pe pământ. Inițial le-am capturat pentru sterilizare dar am descoperit că sunt blânde, iubitoare și deosebit de recunoscătoare pentru orice porție de mâncare sau mângâiere și nu dorim să le repunem in același teritoriu.
Dacă le-am găsi căsuțe măcar unora dintre ele ar fi mai mult decât minunat. În ultima poză este mămica puilor salvați și ei în aceeași acțiune și toți trei vor pleca la o asociație. Mai rămân 6 pisicuțe care au nevoie de căsuțe.
Vă rugăm mult să luați în considerare că dacă ați adopta una dintre ele și dvs ați salva o viață. Au nevoie de adopție ca de aer. Sunt tinere, frumoase și sterilizate. Patru fetițe și doi motănei, până într-un an. Deparazitați extern și intern.
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Cum puteți ajuta la îngrijirea fosterilor noștri și implicit la drumul lor spre o viață mai bună? Ne puteți susține activitatea prin următoarele platforme 👇
WhatsApp/Revolut 0745 434 983 (Revtag @robucats)
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#bucuresti #animalecompanie #animale #adopta #adoptacat #adoptdontshop #foster #pentruadoptie #pisici #pisicidebucuresti #pets #cats #kittens #rescuekitten #rescuecats #fostercare #fostercats #rescue #meow #meowmeow #miau #bucharest #fosteringsaveslives #fosterkittens #sharingiscaring #ShareThisPost #LikeOurPage