Marius Gabriel Transport SRL

Marius Gabriel Transport SRL MARIUS GABRIEL TRANSPORT SRL si A.R.R. Bucuresti, pentru a efectua atat transporturi agabaritice cat si insotirea cu escorte speciale. and A.R.R.

Datorita experientei acumulata de-a lungul a peste 30 de ani in domeniul transporturilor agabaritice, in anul 2000 a luat fiinta societatea MARIUS GABRIEL TRANSPORT, cu capital integral privat, pentru a oferi pe piata servicii prompte si de calitate. Firma dispune de personal calificat si autorizat de catre organele abilitate din Romania, Ministerul Transporturilor prin C.N.A.D.N.R. Serviciile ofe

rite sunt de calitate si maxima promptitudine, alegand intotdeauna rutele optime pentru ca transportul produselor Dvs sa se desfasoare in siguranta si in cel mai scurt timp. Pentru aceasta dispunem de autocamioane puternice DAF de 480 HP, cu 2 si 3 axe, cu tractiune 4x2 si 6x4, si de semiremorci noi si performante fabricate de liderii in domeniul utilajelor de transport agabaritic precum NOOTEBOOM (Olanda), GOLDHOFER (Germania), FAYMONVILLE (Belgia), cu 3, 4 si 5 axe, extensibile in lungime, o data, pana la 15 m platforma, sau dublu extensibile, pana la 23 m platforma, cat si extensibile in latime, de la 250 cm la 300 cm, cu sarcina utila de pana la 50 de tone precum si trailer tip gondola, cu inaltimea platformei de 50 cm si lungime de pana la 13 m pe platforma si 17 m lungime totala, cu sisteme moderne de directie hidraulica, cu autoghidare sau cu ghidare prin telecomanda GSM. De-a lungul timpului, odata cu dezvoltarea si modernizarea sectorului agricol in Romania, ne-am specializat in transportul de utilaje agricole, avand la activ peste 100 de astfel de transporturi, combine agricole, tractoare, pluguri, semanatori, headere, etc. Avem, pe langa trailerele cu platforma normala si trailer cu platforma joasa, tip gondola, cu care putem transporta utilajele agricole fara a mai demonta rotile acestora, platforma trailerului avand doar 50 cm de la sol. ABOUT US

Due to the experience we have accumulated for over 30 years of work in the overweight transportation, in the year 2000 the company MARIUS GABRIEL TRANSPORT was born, with a totally private capital, to serve the market with prompt and quality services. Our company has qualified and authorized personnel by the abilitated devices in Romania, the Ministry of Transportation through C.N.A.D.N.R. Bucharest, to do overweight transportation as well as special escorts attendance. The services we offer are of highly quality and maximum promptness, always choosing the optimum routes in order that the transport of you products to be done in complete safety and the shortest time possible. In order to assure you all of the above our company offeres you: powerfull DAF trucks of 480 HP, with 2 and 3 axles, with 4x2 and 6x4 traction, new and performant trailers, manufactured by leaders in overweight transportation equipment field like NOOTEBOOM (Holland), GOLDHOFER (Germany), FAYMONVILLE (Belgium), BROSHUIS (Holland) with 3,4 and 5 axles, extensibles in length, once, up to 15 m platform, or double, up to 23 m platform; as well as extensibles in width, from 250 cm up to 300 cm, with payload up to 50 tonnage, as well as low loader trailer, with platform height of 50 cm and length up to 13 m on the platform and 17 m in all, with modern systems of hydraulics steering, with self-steering or with steering through GSM remote control. Along the time, with the development and modernization of the agricultural sector in Romania, we have specialized in farm equipment transportation, doing by this time over 100 of this transportations, harvesters, tractors, ploughs, seeders, headers, etc.

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