Turbo Dog Mobile Gym

Turbo Dog Mobile Gym Romania’s first mobile dog gym! A fun way to keep your dog fit and healthy. This is your dog's happy place. Don't punish, teach new skills!

We are behavior consultants focusing more on the science behind why dogs do what they do.

In primul rand un mare “Multumesc” tuturor cateilor si oamenilor lor, care au facut parte din programele noastre de dres...

In primul rand un mare “Multumesc” tuturor cateilor si oamenilor lor, care au facut parte din programele noastre de dresaj si reabilitare comportamentala!
La Dogethica exploram moduri inovative prin care sa imbunatatim bunastarea si fericirea animalutelor.
Astazi suntem incantati sa impartasim niste vesti extraordinare, care marcheaza o transformare semnificativa in serviciile oferite.
Datorita succesului avut si vazand rezultatele pozitive obtinute cu ajutorul sedintelor structurate pe banda de alergare pentru catei, avand tot mai multi doritori, am decis sa ne mutam focusul catre un serviciu nou si dnamic- Turbo Dog Mobile Gym, prima sala de sport mobila pentru caini din Romania.
Antrenamentele regulate pe banda de alergare ofera atat stimulare fizica, cat si mentala. Acestea contribuie la reducerea comportamentelor nedorite ale cateilor, mentin musculatura si incheieturile sanatoase, reduc problemele digestive, cresc increderea in sine si reduc anxietatea.
Mobile Gym-ul nostru este menit sa ofere o varianta eficienta de a-ti mentine cainele sanatos si activ.
Pentru a putea contribui la bunastarea cat mai multor catei, de la mic la mare, serviciile noastre vor include:
- Sedinte de exercitii personalizate in functie de nevoile cainelui tau
- Sfaturi esentiale si consultatii de dresaj, ce vor contribui la imbunatatirea calitatii vietii catelului.
Aceste sedinte se vor desfasura intr-o dubita climatizata, care poate oferi comfortul necesar pe tot timpul anului.
In urmatoarele saptamani vom lansa acest serviciu, va anuntam cand putem prelua rezervari.
Stati pe aproape!

PS: Abia asteptam sa va auzim parerile legate de acest nou serviciu.
Daca aveti intrebari sau curiozitati despre beneficiile acestor sedinte pentru cainele vostru, dati-ne de stire.

Happy is having a hard day... There were no more treats left for him…

Happy is having a hard day...
There were no more treats left for him…

Does your dog look this happy around you?Does he enjoy spending time with you?Do you like to fool around with your dog a...

Does your dog look this happy around you?
Does he enjoy spending time with you?
Do you like to fool around with your dog and have fun together?

This is what positive reinforcement training is about…Enjoying each other’s company, without fear, pain or intimidation.

This guy here has taught me a bunch of valuable life lessons. And he managed to do it with no violence.

Neighborhood watch with the boy 😎Actually chilling and watching the birds.. same same.

Neighborhood watch with the boy 😎
Actually chilling and watching the birds.. same same.

Getting out of our comfort zone is not easy. It’s the same for our dogs. But trying new things, with the right support, ...

Getting out of our comfort zone is not easy.
It’s the same for our dogs.
But trying new things, with the right support, can make you feel more accomplished, more confident and optimistic.

Are you willing to step out of your bubble?

Mom said I should do some stretching. So here I am, stretching my neck for treats! 😁

Mom said I should do some stretching.
So here I am, stretching my neck for treats!

My dog’s reaction when he hears people say you cannot train a “powerful breed” with positive reinforcement 😂😂           ...

My dog’s reaction when he hears people say you cannot train a “powerful breed” with positive reinforcement 😂😂

Tug of war is a great way to fulfill your dog’s needs, relieve frustration and it’s an awesome exercise for both of you ...

Tug of war is a great way to fulfill your dog’s needs, relieve frustration and it’s an awesome exercise for both of you 💪


Slip leads. French collars. Grot collars. Prong collars. Figure of 8 collars. Electric (shock) collars. Compressed air sprays. Water sprays. Rattle cans. Alpha rolls. Heel kicks to the abdomen.

Your dog deserves better than that. Every dog deserves better than that.

None of these things are necessary to teach dogs. Their use is an active choice to use force, fear, discomfort, pain, or the threat of these things, to teach. Don't accept that for your dog. They don't deserve it.


Many normal dog behaviours are categorized as problems that need to be corrected or fixed.

Yes, if you or your dog is suffering because of their behaviour, it’s certainly worth it to address it in any way you can.

But not everything is a problem.

Remember that barking, scavenging, jumping up, growling and pulling on leash are all normal and not a problem unless they are impacting safety or quality of life.

Let some of these things go and focus your energy on the training you both need to be happy and healthy.


"So many treats."

"If my dog had that many treat, they'd get fat"

'You shouldn't have to give that dog so many treats"

"The dog is only doing it for treats"

A treat - an item out of the ordinary that gives great pleasure. But it can also mean to give care and attention (to get medical treatment kr to treat someone well).

The food you see me using with my clients in my videos are not "treats." They're reinforcers which are food. There's a difference.

We see treating ourselves or giving ourselves a treat as an indulgence, something which is limited. Maybe there's a view that if we get too many treats, we get lazy, soft and spoiled. A child who gets too many treats ruins their appetite, rots their teeth, gets spoiled and their behaviour may change for the worse because of all the "treats." Those who help themselves to treats are greedy etc.

We often so dog treats marketed the same way. They are something special for the dog. We see them called "training treats" with some implication or prejudice that they are for especially good behaviour.

But that's not what's going on here. When you are building a relationship with anyone, you may do fun things together in order to get to know them. That might include going for coffee (is that a treat), dinner, the movies. Other activities may or may not involve food. We care getting to know that person, finding out if enough of their behaviour is reinforcing to us.

Getting paid for our job is not a treat. We wouldn't do it without it. Taking satisfaction in work we've done is not a treat, it reinforces our behaviour and makes it more likely in the future.

When we start training our dogs, we are reinforcing the behaviours we want to see more of - proximity, attention, movement. We reinforce those behaviours with a piece of food (there are many other things we can use too).
We are not "giving the dog a treat," even though that might be what it looks like. We strengthen a behaviour, when it's stronger we can ask for more (when you lift weights, you get stronger, you can lift more).

We use language to explain and understand concepts. Sometimes our language doesn't always serve is because of our history with that word. "Treat" can be one of those words.

Lastly, to stop our dogs gaining weight or becoming unhealthy, use a portion of their daily food calories for training. This doesn't necessarily (and often shouldn't be) mean their daily food. Use meat based, soft, smelly food like sausages, chicken, liver etc. These are not treat, even though your dog likes them, they are pieces of food used to reinforce behaviour.

Weekend vibes with the boy 💪

Weekend vibes with the boy 💪

“Begging” is a human construct. Dogs don’t know what begging is. They do what works for them. Manolo knows I always shar...

“Begging” is a human construct. Dogs don’t know what begging is.
They do what works for them.
Manolo knows I always share with him when I eat (if it is safe for him, otherwise I just give him some of his regular food).
In exchange, he offers me calm, settled and relaxed behaviors.
He is a member of the family, and I will always treat him as such.
Also, I can leave any type of food on the table or kitchen counter and he will not jump up to sn**ch it, even if I am not present. And it’s not like he doesn’t have the physical aptitudes to jump..he doesn’t feel the need to do so. Why? Because he knows that if there is anything that he wants and can have, I will give it to him.


Training a dog should not be the only response to their behaviour. Behaviour is communication and communication is giving us a message. The dog might be scared, worried, anxious, sad, depressed, hungry, overwhelmed and so on...

Only when we know the reason for the behaviour should a training program be considered and only then if training is the right option.

Training should always be respectful and compassionate, focusing on the dog's physical and emotional well-being, thus fostering a strong, trusting bond between dog and human.


Dr Mark Bekoff is a professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder and a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society.

Ai adoptat un catel? Sau te gandesti sa faci pasul cel mare? 😁Oferim dresaj si consiliere  comportamentala gratuita pent...

Ai adoptat un catel? Sau te gandesti sa faci pasul cel mare? 😁

Oferim dresaj si consiliere comportamentala gratuita pentru a facilita o adaptare cat mai usoara a cateilor cu noua familie.

Din pacate, procesele de adoptie din Romania nu sunt foarte numeroase si o mare parte dintre acestea se finalizeaza cu intoarcerea catelului in adaposturi. Pentru a ajuta parintii adoptivi sa dezvolte o relatie cat mai buna cu cateii lor, e nevoie de empatie, rabdare si putina dorinta de a invata.

Fiecare caine este un individ cu nevoile si personalitatea sa. De aceea, vom avea consultatii individuale pentru a ne putea adresa necesitatilor specifice ale fiecaruia.


Empathizing with your dog and trying to understand their feelings can help you connect on a deeper level and realize that there is always a gentle approach to teaching.

If you need any advice with your puppy, reach out to us 😄

If you need any advice with your puppy, reach out to us 😄


No dog needs a "heavy hand"!









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