Figo are 4 ani si a trait fericit alaturi familia lui adoptiva pana acum cateva luni. Familia este in indisponibilitatea de a se mai ingriji de el si din aceste motive Figo a fost cazat o perioada la o pensiune, apoi a fost mutat in curtea unei firme din Floresti dar a evadat, asa ca bietul Figo a ajuns in strada, in fata blocului unde statea inainte cu familia lui. Acum Figo se plimba dezorientat, cu o zgarda metalica la g*t, in zona blocului unde a stat cu familia lui.
Are nevoie urgent de foster deoarece nu il tolereaza cainii din zona, iar frigul de afara e un nou dusman.
Figo a fost castrat in 2013, iar ultimul vaccin l-a primit tot in 2013.
Informatii: 0723 647 853 - Cabinet Multiserv Animalia - Am deschis
Figo is 4 years old and he lived happily with his owners until 4 months ago. Figo was put in a dog pension, but the family couldn't afford the costs anymore so he was moved in the yard of a factory in Floresti. He escaped and has been wondering around his previous home for the past weeks.
He was neutered in 2013.
He is in need of a foster home right away and of a forever home.
Please share his sad story and help him find a family!!
For more information, please call 0723 647 853 - Dr. Daniela Oros