Asociația „Lumea celor care nu cuvântă”

Asociația „Lumea celor care nu cuvântă” O mica organizatie nonprofit,ajutam animale abandonate,le reabilitam si le gasim familii responsabile

🇹🇩 Toată durerea din lume adunată într-o inimioara de 2 luni😔 Suferinta nu se termina niciodată…Ziua și cazul. La sfârși...

🇹🇩 Toată durerea din lume adunată într-o inimioara de 2 luni😔 Suferinta nu se termina niciodată…
Ziua și cazul. La sfârșitul fiecărei zile îmi spun: detașează-te! Dar cm sa fac asta, când văd asemena situații… ma întreb dacă ar fi om ar urla de durere …dar el nu .. și nu știu de ce trebuie sa sufere atât … De ce?
Doi frați amarati …o inima mare, Dana Buzatu…După tratamente la ochișor …a venit nenorocirea… a adormit la roata unei mașini intr o parcare… mașina a plecat… cu el atârnând… și… s-a întâmplat asta… nu l-a văzut, nu l-a auzit urlând de durere… apoi… liniște…
A rămas în viață printr-o minune. El însusi este o minune. Are toata burtica zdrelita….și-a dus durerea și războiul singur ca un puiuț viteaz ce este.
Tot Dana l a dus la medic si a fost operat și tot Dana îl duce și la tratament in fiecare zi.

Cuminte și frumos ca un înger, la veterinar n-a scos o consoană, n-a mai avut nici lacrimi, ci numai voință să-i treacă și să se facă bine.
Are o privire de te duci pe lumea ta….
Durerea, foamea, frigul, teama, singurătatea, plânsul, toate sunt ale lui. Dar de-acum o să-i fie bine.
L am botezat Zen ♥️
Va veni la noi in Gașca vesela la Vrancea 🐾
Dacă vreți sa ne ajutați și cu povestea lui va sunt recunoscatoare 🍀

Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334
Va Multumim ♥️

🇺🇸 All the pain in the world piled up in a little heart just 2 months old😔 The pain never ends...
Another day another case. At the end of each day I tell myself: let it go! But how can I do that when I see cases like this... I wonder if he was a human he would scream in pain... but he didn't.. and I don't understand why he has to suffer like this... Why?
Two poor little brothers... a big heart, Dana Buzatu... After the eye treatement... came the tragedy... he fell asleep under a car's wheel... the car left... with him hanging... and.. this happened... they didn't see him, they didn't hear him screaming în pain... then.. silence...
He is alive through a miracle. He is a miracle. His entire tummy is torn... he carried his pain alone like the brave little puppy he is. Dana is the one who took him to the doctor where he had surgery and Dana is taking him in daily for care.

Kind and gentle lime an angel, he didn't make a peep at the vet, he had no more tears left, only the desire to get better.
The pain, hunger, cold, fear, loneliness, all his.
But from now on he will be well.
His name is Zen❤️
He will join the happy gang in Vrancea 🐾
If you would like to help with his story as well, I am deeply greatful 🍀

Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334
Thank you ♥️


🇷🇴 Se apropie Craciunul cu pasi repezi si deja am observat ca a inceput sa creasca numarul celor care cauta un catel "cadou pentru copil". Asa ca vrem sa va spunem o poveste.
El este Dodo. S-a nascut nu cu una, ci cu o mie de stele norocoase. A fost singurul care a supravietuit din 5 frati. A trait mare parte din viata intr-un sat de langa Severin, dar a avut un trai atipic pentru un catel de la tara. Nu a stiut niciodata ce este un lant, nici macar ce este un tarc. In primii 7 ani a avut un stapan de care a fost nedespartit, cu care mergea peste tot (pe Dodo il stia tot satul, la propiu🤭). Cand stapanul lui s-a dus, familia nu l-a abandonat. Dodo a continuat sa primeasca mancare buna, tratament medical de cate ori a fost nevoie, multa iubire si aceeasi libertate cu care era obisnuit, fara lant, fara tarc, si astfel Dodo a ajuns la 16 ani si 9 luni. Nu mai e la fel de sprinten ca in tinerete, vederea si auzul l-au cam lasat, dar este la fel de iubit si ingrijit, si inca mai are cate ceva de spus vecinilor 😄
‼️Un catel nu este un obiect, este o fiinta ce simte, la fel ca noi. Un catel poate fi prieten pe viata pentru un copil, poate sa ajute un copil sa invete ce este compasiunea, empatia si responsabilitatea.
Un catel este un angajament pe termen lung si foarte lung (desi are aproape 17 ani, Dodo inca mai poate adauga 1-2 primaveri in pusculita)
Va rugam sa va ganditi bine inainte sa luati un catel cadou pentru copii. Nu este un obiect pe care sa il aruncati d**a cateva luni, cand copii s-au plictisit de el.🐾

🇺🇸 Christmas is fast approaching and we are already starting to see an increase in people looking for a dog "as a gift for the kids". So we want to share a story with you.
This is Dodo. He was born under not one, but a thousand lucky stars. He was the only survivor from a 5 puppies litter. He lived most of his life in a village close to Severin, but he had an "atypical" life for a country dog. He never knew what a chain is, he never even knew what a kennel is. In his first 7 years, he and his human were joined at the hip, he would follow his human everywhere (the entire village knew Dodo, literally🤭). When his human was gone, the family didn't abandoned him. Dodo continued to receive goid food, medical care, lots of love and the same freedom he was used to, no chain, no kennel, and so Dodo made it to be 16 years and 9 months old. He is not as bubbly as in his young age, but he is just as loved and cared for, and he still has a few things to say to the neighbours 😄
‼️A dog is not an object, he is a living being, with feelings just like us. A dog can be a life long friend for a child, can teach a child compassion, empathy amd responsibility.
A dog is a long and sometimes very long term commitment (although he is almost 17, Dodo can still collect 1-2 more springs)
Please think really hard before you get a dog as a present for your kids. It is not an object you can throw away after the kids get bored with it.🐾

🇷🇴 Avem se pare magnet pentru metisi de ciobanesti. Inca un urias bland, Caraiman, a ajuns la noi. Acum Haiduc are un pr...

🇷🇴 Avem se pare magnet pentru metisi de ciobanesti. Inca un urias bland, Caraiman, a ajuns la noi. Acum Haiduc are un prieten pe masura 🤭
Caraiman a aparut acum 10 luni in Babeni, Valcea, si a reusit sa supravietuiasca datorita unui om cu suflet mare care nu au trecut indiferent pe langa el.
Din fericire nu are probleme majore de sanatate, mai ales pentru un caine de talia lui, si am si reusit sa il scapam de scaieti (d**a 4 ore de tuns si 2 foarfeci stricate🙈)
Nu vom intelege niciodata ce inima au cei care ii folosesc la paza apoi ii abandoneaza fara nici o remuscare. Pe cat sunt de mari pe atat sunt de blanzi si buni, un munte de iubire, iar instinctul de a isi apara turma, familia, este mai mare decat cel de supravietuire, fiind in stare sa isi dea viata pentru omul lor 😥

Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Looks like we are a magnet for Romanian Shepherd dogs mix. Another gentle giant, Caraiman, has made it into our care. Now Haiduc has a friend his own size 🤭
Caraiman showed up 10 months ago in Babeni, Valcea, and survived thanks to a man with a big heart who didn't pass him by.
Fortunately he doesn't have any major health issues, especially for a dog his size, and we have now managed to rid him of all the thistles clogging his fur (after 4 hours of grooming and 2 broken scissors 🙈)
We will never be able to understand what kind of heart people who use them for guard have when they abandon them without any remorse. They are a kind and gentle as they are big, a mountain of love, and their instinct to protect their flock, their family, is greater than that for their own survival, they would give their life for their human 😥

Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 Ca si copiii, se cearta pe jucarii apoi se impaca, rastoarna mancarea 🙈 Pentru ei viata e frumoasa, nu au nici grija,...

🇷🇴 Ca si copiii, se cearta pe jucarii apoi se impaca, rastoarna mancarea 🙈 Pentru ei viata e frumoasa, nu au nici grija, noi in schimb...😞
Asa cm va spuneam acum 2 saptamani, am inceput sa pregatim tarcurile pentru iarna. Puii vor avea o cusca pe toata lungimea tarcului. Mai avem de lucru, munca nu este o problema pentru noi, dar avem nevoie de ajutor sa putem achita materialele, 14 000 RON care ne-au fost imprumutati fara dobanda daca ii restituim pana in Ianuarie 2024. Pana acum avem 380 RON, extrem de putin, dar le multumim din suflet celor care au donat, pentru noi conteaza si 5 RON. 🙏🐾

Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

Daca doriti sa ne ajutati cu mancare, juniorii dau gata 50 de saci de bobite (, iar adultii 120 de saci pe luna ( Daca vreti sa ne trimiteti un sac de bobite, lasati-ne un mesaj pentru adresa.❤️

🇺🇸 Just like kids, they argue over toys, they knock over the food 🙈 For them life is great, not a worry in the world, us on the other hand....😞
As we were telling you 2 weeks ago, we started to prep the enclosures for winter. The puppies will have one big kennel the length of the enclosure. We still have work to do, work is not the issue for us, but we need help to cover the costs of the building materials, 14 000 RON which were lended to us without interest if we pay it back by January 2024. Until now we only have 380 RON, extremely little, but we are deeply thankful to all who have donated, for us even 5 RON make a difference.🙏🐾

Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

If you would like to help us with food, the juniors eat 50 bags of kibble per month ( and the adults 120 bags ( If you want to send us a bag of kibble, please leave us a message for the address.❤️


🇷🇴 Scurt update: Trojka a trecut cu bine de operatie, s-a trezit din anestezie si este destul de vioi (a disparut durerea pe care o indura de atata vreme).🙂 Are placuta cu suruburi pentru stabilizare si acum incepem lungul drum al recuperarii.
Daca doriti sa ne ajutati sa acoperim costul operatiei (650 RON) si cel al recuperarii, o puteti face donand oricat de putin in conturile de mai jos cu mentiunea "Pentru Trojka".
Multumim tuturor celor care i-au tinut pumnii.❤️🐾
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Quick update: Trojka made it through surgery, woke up from anesthesia and is alert (the pain he had been enduring for so long finally went away).🙂 He has a plate and screws to stabilize the leg and now we start the long journey to recovery.
If you would like to help us cover the cost of surgery (650 RON) and recovery, you can do so by donating any amount in beliw accounts, with the mention "For Trojka".
Thank you to all who kept their fingers crossed for him.❤️🐾
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 Dragi prieteni am fost atat de ocupati incat nu am mai avut timp sa postam, dar vom incerca sa va povestim ce am facu...

🇷🇴 Dragi prieteni am fost atat de ocupati incat nu am mai avut timp sa postam, dar vom incerca sa va povestim ce am facut in urmatoarele zile.
Desi am jurat ca nu mai luam nici un caz pentru ca suntem inglodati in datorii (peste 21 000 RON) si deja avem 200+ catei si pisici in grija, au fost cateva situatii in care noi am fost ultima speranta si nu am putut spune nu.
El este Trojka, un senior, al nimanui, care isi ducea suferinta pe strazile unui sat din Mehedinti.😔 Cu labuta rupta de ceva vreme, cauta in 3 picioare in fiecare zi un c**t de paine si putina mila. Unii i-au aruncat niste resturi, altii l-au gonit 😥 De cand a ajuns la noi a urmat tratament (si batran si bolnav), iar astazi va face operatia pentru corectarea fracturii (veche, vindecat prost, care ii provoaca dureri constante)
Va rugam sa ii tineti pumnii sa depaseasca operatia cu bine (la varsta lui este un risc putin mai mare) si daca doriti sa ne ajutati cu o donatie cat de mica, va suntem profund recunoscatori (operatia costa 650 RON, si va fi facuta "pe datorie" deoarece nu mai poate fi amanata). Va rugam sa mentionati "Pentru Trojka".❤️
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Dear friends we have been so busy we just couldn't find any time to post, but we will try to bring you up to speed in the next few days.
Although we swore we wouldn't take in any more cases as we are deep in debt (over 21 000 RON) and we already have 200+ dogs and cats in our care, there were a few instances when we were the last hope and we couldn't say no.
He is Trojka, a senior, carrying his pain on the streets of a village in Mehedinti. 😔With a broken paw for quite some time, he was searching on 3 legs, daily, a piece of bread and some mercy. Some threw him scraps, others chased him away. 😥
Since he came in our care he has followed a boosting treatement (he is old and sick), and today he will go into surgery to fix the fracture (an old one, badly healed, causing him constant pain)
Please keep your fingers crossed for him to get through tge surgery ok (at his age the risk is a bit higher) and if you would like to help us with a small donation for his surgery, we are deeply thankful (the surgery costs 650 RON and will be done "on credit" as it can't be postponed anymore). Please mention "For Trojka".❤️
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 In fiecare an, pe 4 octombrie, este Ziua Mondiala a Animalelor, o zi de actiune pentru drepturile si bunastarea lor, ...

🇷🇴 In fiecare an, pe 4 octombrie, este Ziua Mondiala a Animalelor, o zi de actiune pentru drepturile si bunastarea lor, si coincide cu sarbatoarea Sfantului Francisc de Assisi, patronul spiritual al animalelor.
Pentru noi fiecare zi este o lupta pentru salvarea si reabilitarea animalelor fara stapan. Ne puteti fi alaturi ajutandu-ne cu donatii, vitale pentru activitatea noastra, cu mancare pentru catei, mai ales ca in sezonul rece cateii mananca mai mult, cu adoptii, atat fizice cat si la distanta, și chiar si cu distribuiri ale postarilor.❤️🐾

Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Every year, October 4th is the International Day of Animals, a day of action for their rights and welfare, coinciding with the celebration of Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.
For us, evey day is a fight to save and rehabilitate homeless animals. You can help us through donations, vital for our activity, with food, during the cold season the pups eat more, with adoptions, both physical and remote, and even by sharing our posts.❤️🐾

Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 Inca unul dintre mici isi revine incet incet asa ca incepem de pe acum sa ii cautam o familie.Desi pana acum nu am pr...

🇷🇴 Inca unul dintre mici isi revine incet incet asa ca incepem de pe acum sa ii cautam o familie.
Desi pana acum nu am primit nici o cerere de adoptie pentru nici unul dintre pisoi 😔 noi tot incercam, le suntem datori cu asta d**a suferintele pe care le-au indurat.
Daca vreunul dintre mici vi se lipeste de suflet, va rugam sa ne lasati un mesaj in pagina, iar daca nu, va rugam macar distribuiti, cine stie in ce c**t al internetului il asteapta familia.🍀

🇺🇸 Another of our little ones is recovering slowly so we are already starting to search for his family.
Even if we haven't received any adoption application for any of the kittens 😔 we will continue to try, we own them this much after all the suffering they have endured.
If any of the little ones sticks to your heart, please leave us a message and please at least share this post, who knows in what corner of the internet his family is waiting.🍀

🇷🇴 Desi nu am reusit sa strangem banii necesari, nu le-am putut refuza Mosului si  Labush sansa enorma pe care au primit...

🇷🇴 Desi nu am reusit sa strangem banii necesari, nu le-am putut refuza Mosului si Labush sansa enorma pe care au primit-o. Asa ca am imprumutat 1000 RON si ieri am plecat cu ei la Radauti (plus Pisi care a ramas la Cluj).
Din pacate, in acest moment am ajuns la peste 21 000RON datorii (14 000 RON materiale necesare pentru a pregati tarcurile pentru iarna, 3 000 RON tratamente veterinare restante, 3 800 RON restanta pentru hrana cateilor si acum 1 000 RON pentru a putea face drumul la Radauti)
Vedem cererile de ajutor pe care le primim zilnic in pagina, dar in acest moment "nu mai putem ajuta" este singurul raspuns pe care il avem. Ni se rupe inima in mii de bucati pentru fiecare animalut pe care nu îl putem ajuta, dar atunci cand ne chinuim sa asiguram hrana cateilor si pisicilor, nu avem bani pentru tratamente medicale (pana si deparazitarile au devenit o problema) tot ce putem face este sa speram si sa ne rugam ca mai exista si alti oameni cu suflet care sa ajute.
Daca doriti sa ne ajutati sa revenim la linia de plutire si sa putem continua sa ajutam animalutele nimani, va lasam mai jos conturile.
Va multumim!
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Although we haven't managed to gather the money needed for transport, we couldn't deny Mosul and Labush the huge chance they got to a better life. So we borrowed 1000 RON and yesterday we left with them for Radauti (plus Pisi who stayed in Cluj).
Unfortunately, as of today we are over 21 000 RON in debt (14 000 RON for the building materials needed to prep the enclosures for winter, 3 000 RON outstanding medical care costs, 3 800 RON residual pay for the dog food and now 1 000 RON for the trip to Radauti)
We see the daily requests for help left on our messenger, but right now "we can no longer help" is the only answer we have. Our hearts break in a thousand pieces for each animal we can't help, but when we have to struggle to ensure the daily food for the dogs and cats, when we have no money for medical care (even defleaing and deworming have become an issue), all we can do is hope and pray that there are other people out there who have the heart to help animals.
If you want to help us keep our heads above the water so we can continue to help animals in need, please use below accounts.
Thank you!
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 Un pisoi putin mai mic decat un urs de plus este in cautarea unei familii responsabile pe care sa o iubesca o viata i...

🇷🇴 Un pisoi putin mai mic decat un urs de plus este in cautarea unei familii responsabile pe care sa o iubesca o viata intreaga.❤️ Este obisnuit la litiera, manaca si pliculet si bobite si este foarte sociabil (si cu pisoi, si cu catei, lume multa aici la noi 🤭) Pleaca acasa deparazitat, vaccinat, cu carnet de sanatate si contract de adoptie.
Daca doriti un nou membru in familie, lasati-ne un mesaj in pagina.🍀

🇺🇸 A kitten a little bit smaller than a plush teddy bear is looking for a responsible forever family to love for a lifetime.❤️ He is used with the litter box, eats both kibble and wet food and is very sociable (with kittens and with puppies, lots of folks around here 🤭) He is going home defleaed, dewormed, vaccinated, with a health card and adoption contract.
If you are looking for a new family member, leave us a message.🍀

🇷🇴 Refugiul, locul unde si-au gasit salvarea zeci de catei, are nevoie de mentenanta continua. Pentru a-l pregati de sez...

🇷🇴 Refugiul, locul unde si-au gasit salvarea zeci de catei, are nevoie de mentenanta continua. Pentru a-l pregati de sezonul rece, sa ne asiguram ca la iarna cateii nu vor suferi de frig, am fost nevoiti sa cumparam materiale cu bani imprumutati (cea mai mare parte scandura pentru a repara custile si a construi altele noi)
14 000 RON ne-au fost imprumutati pana in luna ianuarie. Daca reusim sa ii restituim pana atunci, nu va trebui sa platim nici un fel de dobanda sau comision pentru ei‼️
Va rugam sa ne ajutati! Avem la dispozitie 3 luni sa strangem suma, dar fara ajutorul vostru ne va fi imposibil 😔
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 The refuge, the place where tens of dogs found their salvation, needs continuous maintenance. To get it ready for the cold season, to make sure that the pups won't suffer during winter, we had to buy building materials with borrowed money (majority of it wood to fix the dog houses and build new ones)
14 000 RON ($2900) were lended to us until January. If we manage to pay back the entire amount we won't have to pay any interest‼️
Please help us! We have 3 months to gather the money, but it will be impossible without your help 😔
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334


🇷🇴 Pufulete si Labush s-ar juca 25 de ore din 24 daca ar putea, dar din pacate Labush are labuta rupta si are nevoie de operatie si recuperare. 😔 A primit sansa la tratament si la adoptie daca reusim sa il ducem la Radauti (impreuna cu Mosul, batranelul surd si orb luat de si Gigi din mijlocul soselei).
‼️Mai avem 2 zile sa strangem 1100 RON pentru a acoperi costul transportului (1400km), nu putem lua motorina pe datorie. Va rugam sa ne ajutati, orice suma conteaza, putin cu putin reusim. Chiar si o distribuire ajuta!🙏
Multumim din suflet celor care au donat pana acum!🐾❤️
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Pufulete and Labush would play 25 hours out of the day if they could, but unfortunately Labush has a broken paw and needs surgery and recovery therapy.😔 He has a chance at treatement and adoption if we can get him to Radauti (together with Mosul, the blind and deaf old boy taken by si Gigi from the middle of the road).
‼️ We have only 2 days left to find 1100 RON to cover the transport cost (1400km), we can't get the gas on credit. Please help us, any amount counts, little by little we can make it. Even a share will help us!🙏
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to those who have donated so far!🐾❤️
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴 A inceput perioada pisoilor abandonati 😥 Mititelul a fost gasit singur pe strada de o doamna care ne-a sunat. Are lab...

🇷🇴 A inceput perioada pisoilor abandonati 😥 Mititelul a fost gasit singur pe strada de o doamna care ne-a sunat. Are labuta rupta si operatia necesara depaseste posibilitatile financiare ale doamnei. Le depaseste si pe alea noastre, dar cand l-am vazut cu lacrimi in ochi, implorand putina mila, ne-a rupt inima si nu l-am putut lasa💔
Avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru sa ii oferim sansa la o viata normala, este inca doar un puiut😔
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 The season of abandoned kitten has started 😥 This little guy was found alone in the street by a lady who called us. His little leg is fractured and the cost of the surgery are overwhelming for her. To be honest they are overwhelming for us as well, but when we saw his teary eyes, begging for a little mercy, it broke our hearts and we couldn't leave him 💔
We need your help to give him a chance to a normal life, he is still just a kitten 😔
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334


🇷🇴 Ceea ce este menit sa fie, va gasi o cale sa se intample zice o vorba din popor....La intoarcerea de la Motru (cu Labush) a fost nevoie de o oprire. Initial voiam sa oprim intr-un refugiu cu cativa km mai inainte, dar ceva ne-a spus sa mai mergem putin si cand am oprit...a venit el in fuga, mieunand, implorand ajutor.💔 Singur, langa un drum intens circulat, mort de foame si de sete😔
Mai avem 11 pisicute in grija, dar cm puteam sa il lasam acolo? Probabil ca nu am fost primii care am oprit, carora le-a cerut ajutorul, dar nimeni nu s-a indurat de o manuta de pisoi😥
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 What is meant to be, will find a way to happen an old saying goes...Returning from Motru (with Labush) we had to make a stop. Initially we wanted to stop a few km earlier but something told us to keep going and when we stopped...he came running out of nowhere, meowing, begging for help.💔 Alone, next to a high traffic road, hungry and thirsty😔
We have another 11 cats in our care, but how could we leave him there? We probably weren't the first ones who stopped there and we probably weren't the first ones he asked for help, but nobody showed him any compassion 😥
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334


🇷🇴 Scurt update despre catelusii aruncati de pe pod langa Craguiesti: cei 2 care au supravietuit au inceput sa se mai invioreze, dar inca sunt foarte mici si fiindca au fost despartiti de mamica atat de devreme nu au depasit inca pericolul. 💔 Avem nevoie de mancare speciala pentru ei, Royal Canin Mousse Starter.
Ii puteti ajuta cu o donatie sau direct cu mancare (lasati-ne un mesaj pentru adresa de livrare). 🙏🐾
Va multumim!❤️
Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇺🇸 Quick update on the puppies thrown off a bridge near Craguiesti: the 2 that survived started to perk up a little, but they are still so very small and because they were separated from tgeir momma at such an early age mean they are not yet out of the danger zone.💔 We need special foid for them, Royal Canin Mousse Starter.
You can help them with a small donation or you can send them the food directly (leave us a message for the delivery address)🙏🐾
Thank you!❤️
Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334

🇷🇴‼️🆘️ Mosul si Labush au primit o sansa enorma pentru tratament/operatie si adoptie daca ajung pana vineri la Radauti l...

🇷🇴‼️🆘️ Mosul si Labush au primit o sansa enorma pentru tratament/operatie si adoptie daca ajung pana vineri la Radauti la Poppy Richards. Dar pentru asta avem nevoie sa strangem urgent 2 000 RON, bani pentru transport. De la Severin pana la Radauti sunt 1400km dus-intors, masina noastra este veche si consuma 13l motorina/100km, dar avantajul este ca nu trebuie sa platim si serviciul de transport.
Va rugam ajutati-ne sa le dam o sansa unor catei necajiti, unul care s-a chinuit o viata intreaga si altul care a avut un inceput tare nefericit. 20RON de la 100 de persoane ar acoperi costul.

Banca: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiar: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334



🇺🇸‼️🆘️ Mosul (Oldman) and Labush got a huge chance for treatement/surgery and adoption if we can get them by Friday to Poppy Richards in Radauti. For this we urgently need to raise 2000RON to cover the transportation. Between Severin and Radauti the distance is 1400km, our car is old and gets 13l of gas per 100km, but we wouldn't have to pay any additional services for transport.
Please help us give a chance to 2 unlucky pups, one who suffered his entire life and one who had a very rough start in life. 20RON from 100 people would cover the costs.

Bank: Garanti BBVA
IBAN: RO30UGBI0000552016023RON
Beneficiary: Asociatia Lumea celor care nu cuvanta
PayPal: [email protected]
Revolut: 0746253334




Drobeta-Turnu Severin


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