Varsta aprox 4 ani
Dimensiune: mare
Inaltime: 55cm
Kg: 45/50
S*x: Femela
Locație: Tecuci- România
Rasa: necunoscuta( posibil ciobanesc mioritic mix)
Betty este aproape un superstar in orasul nostru intrucat a fost publicata pe toate paginile de adoptie locale si pentru care s-a cerut ajutorul de a fi adoptata/salvata de mai multe persoane. Doar noi, pentru Betty am primit de la 3 persoane diverse mesaje sa o ajutam cumva.
Betty, care ne-a fost semnalata si ca fiind mascul de unele persoane la un moment dat, este de fapt o doamna careia stapanul, un domn in varsta din pacate s-a stins. Copiii acestuia nelocuind in oras si neavand cm sa aiba grija de ea au avut minunata idee de-ai deschide usa curtii si a o inchide in urma ei. Nesterilizata!
Asa, Betty a ajuns in mijlocul strazii si in decurs de cateva luni a hoinarit tot orasul, fiind cunoscuta in imprejurimi de multa lume.
Acum, de ce pentru Betty s-a mobilitat mai multa lume sa i se gaseasca o familie, pentru ca Betty este extrem de blanda si dulce si socializa imediat cu toata lumea lasandu-se mangaiata si alintata de toti necunoscutii pe care ii intalnea in drumul ei. Dar, Betty avea si are o problema: este de dimensiuni mari.
Mai pe scurt Betty era iubita pe strazi de multi dar nu suficient de mult incat sa o adopte.
Cu toate ca suntem constienti ca Betty are sanse de adoptie foarte reduse, impreuna cu Adelina, o alta iubitoare de animale, am localizat-o si am impins-o in masina cat ea e de mare si am dus-o la veterinar.
Betty a fost sterilizata si pusa siguranta in sfarsit si dusa la tarcurile nostre care mai au putin si "explodeaza".
Despre Betty putem sa spunem cu siguranta ca a fost foarte iubita de stapanul ei intrucat este extrem de blanda, dulce si maleabila. Este extrem de frumoasa si impunatoare ca aparitie. Betty cantareste mai mult decat mine si cu toate acestea nu a ripostat sau a manifestat nici un semn de agresivitate cand eu si cu Adelina, doua totale necunoscute pentru ea am impins-o in masina sa o ducem la veterinar.
Nu a fost usor, intrucat nu a colaborat din prima dar nici imposibil. Este flexibila si docila.
Betty este cu noi acum de circa 2 saptamani si singurul defect pe care am avut mod sa-l notam pana acum este ca este foarte geloasa pe mancare. O fi si foamea care a indurat-o pe strazi dar speram ca in timp sa imbunateasca raportul cu mancarea.
Acum cautam si pentru ea o noua usa larg deschisa si niste Oameni in adevaratul sens al cuvantului.
Sterilizata DA
Vaccinata DA
Microcipata DA
Deparazitata DA
EU passport - YES on request
Donatie la adoptie DA
Contract de adoptie DA ( cu clauza sa-l intoarceti la noi daca nu il mai doriti)
Poatet trai, d**a o introducere cu rabdare:
Alti caini - DA
Pisici NU avem destule informatii
Copii NU avem destule informatii
Adoptia unui câine este o decizie foarte mare, așa că vă rugăm să vă asigurați că sunteți pregătit pentru provocare și angajament. Ești pregătit să ai grijă de ei? Să-i plătesti facturile la vet? Sa-i hranesti? Sa-i plimbi? Să il consideri un membri al familiei pentru tot restul vieții?
Dacă da, ne-ar plăcea să auzim vesti de la tine!
Vă rugăm să distribuiti, poate casa perfecta pentru Betty este la cineva pe care îl cunoașteti.
Mulțumim! 🍸🍾
Age approx 4 years old
Size: Large
Height: 55cm
Kg: 45/50
Gender: Female
Location: Tecuci - Romania
Breed: unknown (possible mioritic shepherd mix)
Betty is almost a superstar in our town as she was published on all the local adoption pages and for which help was requested to be adopted/rescued by several people.
Only we received for Betty from 3 different people messages to help her somehow.
Betty, who was pointed out to us even as a male, is actually a lady whose owner, an elderly gentleman, unfortunately died. His children, not living in the city and having no way to take care of her, had the wonderful idea of opening the door and closing it behind her.
So, Betty ended up in the middle of the streets and within a few months she roamed the whole city, being known around by many people.
Now, why did many people mobilize for Betty to find her a family, because Betty is an extremely gentle and sweet lady and immediately socializes with everyone, allowing herself to be petted and pampered by all the strangers she met on her way. But, Betty had and still has a problem: she is large.
In short, Betty was loved on the streets by many, but not enough to adopt her. Although we are aware that Betty has very low chances of adoption, together with Adelina, another animal lover, we located her and pushed her into the car and took her to the vet.
Betty was spayed and setteled into our pens, which have a little more and are "exploding".
About Betty we can definitely say that she has been very loved by her owner because she is extremely gentle, sweet and malleable. She is extremely beautiful and imposing in appearance. Betty weighs more than me and yet she didn't fight back or show any sign of aggression when I and Adelina, two total unknowns to her, pushed her into the car to take her to the vet. It wasn't easy, because she didn't cooperate from the beggining, but it wasn't impossible either. She is flexible and gentle.
Betty has been with us for about 2 weeks now and the only defect we have had the chance to note so far is that she is very jealous of her food. Could be the hunger that she endured on the streets, but we hope that in time she will improve her relationship with food.
Now, we are looking for a new wide open door and a true Human for her, too.
Sterilized: YES
Vaccinated: YES
Microchipped: YES
Dewormed: YES
EU passport - YES, on request
Donation for adoption: YES
Adoption contract: YES
Full rescue back up
She can live with, after patient introduction:
Other dogs - YES
Cats NOT enough information
Children NOT enough information
Adopting a dog is a very big decision, so please make sure you are ready for the challenge and commitment. Are you ready to take care of them? Pay their vet bills? Feed them? Walk them? Consider them a family member for the rest of his life?
If so, we'd love to hear from you!
Please share, maybe the perfect home Betty is with someone you know.
Thank you! 🍸🍾