ABKC Romania

ABKC Romania American Bully Kenel Club Romania


Who will win this beautiful new trophy 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 that will be awarded at the event scheduled for September 21 & 22, 2024 ?

All of our trophies are 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐊 ! All right reserved for ABKC Romania & Moldavian Republic

𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 !

Let me introduce our special guest with a well known name in the bully game, Golden Child's owner and Grimm co-owner, th...

Let me introduce our special guest with a well known name in the bully game, Golden Child's owner and Grimm co-owner, the one and only Sam LEAM ! He will judge Best Pair, Best Movement, Best Head & Supreme Best Of Breed Competition !

We will release the registration link starting August 27th !

Let me introduce our next judge with an impressive track record who was recently named the multi breed judge for the 202...

Let me introduce our next judge with an impressive track record who was recently named the multi breed judge for the 2024 ABKC nationals, for the 1st time in Romania, welcome Senior Judge Pablo Daniel LICERAN !

Here's some info on Pablo Daniel Liceran
**Pablo Daniel Liceran: Passionate Dog Breeder and Judge**
Born on June 1, 1978 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I immersed myself in the world of cynophilia from an early age, being part of a family with a tradition of more than 8 decades in raising dogs. In 1996, I began my own journey as a dog breeder, focusing on breeds such as the American Pit Bull Terrier, Smooth Fox Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and American Bully.
Over the years, I have dedicated my life to the selective breeding and genetic improvement of these noble breeds. My commitment to excellence and quality has led me to obtain countless international championships, standing out for the exceptional quality of my horses.
Since 2004, I have had the honor of serving as a canine judge for various associations, such as the FCI, evaluating dogs according to the most rigorous standards. Starting in 2015, I had the privilege of being recognized as an official judge of the prestigious international ABKC registry, serving as a senior judge and seminarian and where I have contributed with my experience and knowledge to the world of cynophilia at a global level.
My passion for dogs and my commitment to the continuous improvement of the breeds I breed are the pillars that support my career as a breeder and canine judge. Every day I strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and ethics in my work, with the satisfaction of knowing that I contribute to the development and preservation of these wonderful breeds.


This is one of our new trophies that will be awarded at the event scheduled for September 21 & 22, 2024. Sponsorship available. All our trophies are worldwide registered trademarks of ABKC Corporation Romania & Republic of Moldova. All rights reserved.

Dragii mei prieteni, vreau să vă mulțumesc din suflet pentru urările frumoase de ziua mea! Prezența voastră în viața mea...

Dragii mei prieteni, vreau să vă mulțumesc din suflet pentru urările frumoase de ziua mea! Prezența voastră în viața mea este cel mai mare cadou. Apreciez fiecare mesaj și gând bun și mă simt norocos să am prieteni ca voi. Vă îmbrățișez cu drag !

Wish you safe travel and good luck to all for this great event !See you there !

Wish you safe travel and good luck to all for this great event !
See you there !

Dragi prieteni ABKC,Din motive independente de vointa noastra, noi echipa ABKC Romania am decis sa anulam show-ul dublu ...

Dragi prieteni ABKC,
Din motive independente de vointa noastra, noi echipa ABKC Romania am decis sa anulam show-ul dublu Dracula Bully Marathon ® programat in Romania in data de 3 Februarie 2024. Totodata va informam ca avem deja programat un eveniment cu 4 show-uri in 21 & 22 Septembrie 2024. Va asteptam cu drag !

Dear ABKC friends,
For reasons independent of our will, we, the ABKC Romania team, have decided to cancel the double show Dracula Bully Marathon ® scheduled in Romania on February 3, 2024. At the same time, we inform you that we have already scheduled an event with 4 shows in 21 & September 22, 2024. We look forward to seeing you!


Happy New Year !

American Bully Kenel Club Romania

Always a pleasure to meet Alex Ferraro - Judge / Host / Breeder or as he calls himself "guy who owns Lucky" founder of L...

Always a pleasure to meet

Alex Ferraro - Judge / Host / Breeder or as he calls himself "guy who owns Lucky" founder of Lucky Line Bully

our judge for 1st show Dracula Bully Marathon November 25th 2023

Professional photo session Grama Adrian

La multi ani Romania !

La multi ani Romania !

It was a great pleasure to have Mr. Piotr Wysocki, the owner of the MUSCLETONE'S kennel from Poland, as a judge at the s...

It was a great pleasure to have Mr. Piotr Wysocki, the owner of the MUSCLETONE'S kennel from Poland, as a judge at the second edition of the STACK OFF contest within the Dracula Bully Marathon event. Thank you for accepting our invitation and adding value to the event. We hope to see you at the following events that we organize next year!

Congratulations to the winner CH Europa Bully Escobar owner Iancu Ionut

Photocredit Grama Adrian - the creator of masterpieces !

Trophy sponsor :

Ania Wysocka Mermer - the owner of BISON LINE Kennel

Piotr Wysocki


Dear participants, judges and sponsors of the Dracula Bully Marathon,We want to convey our sincerest thanks for your ext...

Dear participants, judges and sponsors of the Dracula Bully Marathon,

We want to convey our sincerest thanks for your extraordinary involvement and passion in our American Bully dog show. It was an amazing experience and the success of the event would not have been possible without the contribution of every participant and every team member.

Thank you to all American Bully breeders and owners who brought these magnificent dogs to the show, contributing to the diversity and beauty of the breed. Each quadruped brought with it a special charm and delighted us with its unique personality.

We cannot fail to note the effort and dedication of our judges, who judged with objectivity and experience, thus ensuring a fair and fair competition. Their work is essential to the integrity and prestige of our events, and we deeply appreciate their professionalism.

Judges :
Alex Ferraro 🇺🇸
Tomahawk K. Tavoris Ingram 🇺🇸
Racheal OLGETREE 🇺🇸
Rep :
Cristina CHIOSSA 🇮🇹

We would also like to extend our gratitude to the sponsors, who have generously and enthusiastically supported this event. Your contribution was crucial to the success of the exhibition and our partnership has brought significant benefits to the entire community.
BETS FOR PETS – Wild Salmon Oil Dealer 🇷🇴
REGAL PET – Supplements for pets 🇷🇴
ABKC SHOWS.us for the best show registration software
WORKSHOP BY HANCIU DESIGN – the best trophies artist

We also thank Adrian GRAMA for the photos taken, which we can easily say are works of art

We are delighted with the friendly atmosphere and positive energy you have brought with you. Thank you again for your participation, for making the Dracula Bully Marathon an unforgettable event. We hope to see you again at future editions and continue to celebrate the beauty and passion for the American Bully breed.

With sincere thanks,
ABKC Romaia Team

Top friends 🇱🇷 🇮🇹 🇹🇩

Top friends 🇱🇷 🇮🇹 🇹🇩


Our judge for STACK OFF Mr. Piotr Wysocki owner of MECLETONE'S KENNEL POLAND and his wife Ania Wysocka owner of Bison Line Kennel POLAND have a great surprise for the winner ! A special trophy created especially for this event !

American Bully Kenel Club Romania

In urma mai multor solicitari am decis sa pastram inscrierile deschise pana ASTAZI la ora 15.30.Dracula Bully Marathon h...

In urma mai multor solicitari am decis sa pastram inscrierile deschise pana ASTAZI la ora 15.30.

Dracula Bully Marathon

hosted by ABKC Romania



Regulament pentru inregistrare in cadrul evenimentului Dracula Bully Marathon programat pentru 25 & 26 Noiembrie 2023 :
Acceptam doar inscrieri online pana cel tarziu Vineri 29 Septembrie 2023 ora 15.30
Program secretariat Sambata 25 Noiembrie 7 – 9.30 AM.In acest interval de timp se ridica numerele de concurs si se mai pot face inscrieri. Inscrierile in ziua evenimentului vor fi cu 100 % mai scumpe
Program incepere arbitraj 10 AM pentru ambele zile de show.
Plata se va face doar online cu card bancar
Toti cainii trebuie sa fie insotiti de carnet de sanatate sau pasaport pentru cetatenii romani si pasaport pentru cetatenii straini.
Toti cainii trebuie sa aiba vaccin antirabic valabil la data inceperii evenimentului
Recomandam ca toti cainii sa aiba vaccin “tuse de canisa” KC
Toti cainii trebuie sa aiba cusca de transport, zgarda cu lesa si castron pentru apa
Accesul cainilor va fii permis doar d**a ce vor fii verificati de catre medicul veterinar acreditat.
Nu ne asumam eventualele modificari aduse aspectului estetic cainilor.
Nu acceptam restituirea contravalorii inscrierii pentru nici un caine indifferent de motiv. Restituim contravaloarea inscrierii doar daca apare vreun motiv cauzat din vina organizatorului
Nu acceptam folosirea platii aferenta unui caine pentru alt caine inscris in concurs.


Following several requests, we decided to keep registration open until TODAY at 2:55 p.m.

Because for many requests we keep the registrations OPEN TODAY until 14.55

Dracula Bully Marathon

hosted by ABKC Romania



Following several requests, we decided to keep registration open until TODAY at 3:30 p.m.

Dracula Bully Marathon

hosted by ABKC Romania



Regulations for registration in the Dracula Bully Marathon event scheduled for November 25 & 26, 2023:
We only accept online registrations until Friday, September 29, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
Secretariat program Saturday 25 November 7 – 9.30 AM. During this time interval the competition numbers are collected and registrations can still be made. Registrations on the day of the event will be 100% more expensive
Arbitration start schedule 10 AM for both days of the show.
Payment will only be made online with a bank card
All dogs must be accompanied by a health card or passport for Romanian citizens and a passport for foreign citizens.
All dogs must have a valid rabies vaccine at the start of the event
We recommend that all dogs have the KC "kennel cough" vaccine
All dogs must have a transport cage, a collar with a leash and a bowl for water
The access of dogs will be allowed only after they have been checked by the accredited veterinarian.
We do not assume any changes made to the aesthetic appearance of the dogs.
We do not accept the refund of the registration fee for any dog regardless of the reason. We refund the registration fee only if there is any reason caused by the fault of the organizer
We do not accept the use of the payment related to one dog for another dog entered in the contest.


Unfortunately, our guest, judge Regina GOINS, can no longer honor our invitation for personal reasons. Our friend Mr. arbitrator Alex Ferraro will judge the first show held on Saturday, November 25, within the framework of the Dracula Bully Marathon Event.

Alex Ferraro - Judge / Host / Breeder or as he calls himself "guy who owns Lucky"
Let's welcome him warmly!

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania

Let me introduce our 6th guest for Dracula Bully Marathon Show scheduled on November 25th & 26th hosted by ABKC Romania ...

Let me introduce our 6th guest for Dracula Bully Marathon Show scheduled on November 25th & 26th hosted by ABKC Romania !



Don't miss the chance to get points for the title of champion!

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗


There is the possibility of sponsoring a plaque and/or trophy. Sponsorship can be done for a maximum of 3 trophies.

Don't forget to register your dogs for Dracula Bully Marathon scheduled for November 25th & 26th 2023 hosted by ABK|C Romania Team

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania

Let me introduce our collegue from Dracula Bully Marathon Show Team scheduled on November 25th & 26th hosted by ABKC Rom...

Let me introduce our collegue from Dracula Bully Marathon Show Team scheduled on November 25th & 26th hosted by ABKC Romania !

We are proud to be part of the ABKC Romania family 🇷🇴

Don't miss the chance to get points for the title of champion!

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗


For all lovers of the French Bulldog breed, we have a trophy specially created for the Dracula Bully Marathon organized by ABKC Romania! Don't forget that you can sign up for the contest scheduled for September 25 and 26, 2023!
For all trophies we have the registered trademark ABKC Romania!

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗


Dear ABKC Big Family,
we are happy to announce the opening of registrations for the largest event dedicated to American Bully in Europe, Dracula Bully Marathon. We have scheduled 4 shows, 25th & 26th November 2023. During the event we will also have a junior handler show where children will have a surprise. In the following days we will also post the FUN SHOW event dedicated to merle dogs. Tommorow we will post all the rules and full program.

Registration link :

❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania


On the occasion of Halloween 2023, we are launching a contest with a prize for the newest customized trophy for the Dracula Bully Marathon Show hosted by ABKC Romania. To qualify for the contest that will end on Friday, November 3, 2023 at 11:55 p.m., you must meet the following conditions:
- like & follow the facebook & instagram pages of ABKC Romania
- share on your page of the ABKC Romania facebook & instagram pages
- printscreen with like & fallow & share sent as a private message on the page of ABKC Romania
The draw will take place on Sunday 05 November 2023 at 9 pm

The ABKC Romania team wishes you success!

Dear ABKC family,On this magical night of Halloween, I send you my best wishes for fun and joy! We hope this holiday bri...

Dear ABKC family,

On this magical night of Halloween, I send you my best wishes for fun and joy! We hope this holiday brings smiles and beautiful memories into your lives.

Halloween is the perfect time to unleash your creative side and enjoy scary or funny costumes, delicious sweets and a mysterious atmosphere. Celebrate with friends and family, and of course, make sure the pets in the ABKC community are safe and comfortable during these holidays.

We are all part of a community united by the love of our dogs, so celebrate generously and enjoy this special occasion.

Happy Halloween!

ABKC Romania Team

Today, we want to extend our warmest words of thanks and gratitude to every single person who made it possible to make o...

Today, we want to extend our warmest words of thanks and gratitude to every single person who made it possible to make our Dracula Bully Marathon event an unforgettable experience. ABKC Romania would like to give sincere and deep thanks to all those who were part of this extraordinary show, which was the first event with 6 shows in Europe!

ABKC judges John Certeza, James Aba, Roberto Gianulli, Damir Markov, Nico Van Deijzen, Brian Peterson and representatives Manon Hollak, Cristina Chiosa deserve special appreciation for their invaluable efforts in ensuring the fair and transparent conduct of the competition. Without their dedication and knowledge, this event would not have been as impressive.

But our thanks also go to all the participants, who made this show truly special. Each dog and handler brought a unique element to the competition, making the Dracula Bully Marathon a true king of the American Bully breed. You accepted our invitation to enjoy this special day together, and for that we are deeply grateful.

Our event was an opportunity to celebrate not only the beauty of the American Bully, but also the dedicated community behind this wonderful breed. We are proud to have been able to host this historic event and are grateful for all the support and passion you have brought with you.

We hope that the Dracula Bully Marathon was just the beginning of a series of such events, and we look forward to having you join us again in the future. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of this unique moment, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!


Dragi prieteni din marea familie ABKC,
In urma numeroaselor discutii aparute in mediul virtual d**a anuntarea FUN SHOW MERLE in cadrul Show-ului Dracula Bully Marathon organizat de ABKC Romania in data de 01 Octombrie 2023, venim cu cateva clarificari :
- Cainii particpanti la acest eveniment trebuie sa aiba obligatoriu pedigree ABKC
- Cainii participanti vor fi incadrati d**a s*x in doua clase, cu varsta mai mica de 1 an si cu varsta mai mare de 1 an. La fiecare clasa se vor acorda locurile 1 & 2 & 3. Castigatorii de la cele doua clase femele vor concura pentru BEST FEMALE MERLE, la fel si masculii. La final vor concura pentru BEST OF BREED MERLE.
- Concurentii NU vor primi puncte deoarece pentru aceasta culoare nu se poate acorda titlul de CHAMPION.
- Arbitrajul va fi facut de catre Anita GATI, unul dintre cei mai renumiti crescatori de American Bully merle din Europa

❗❗❗https://abkcshows.eu/29/fun-show-merle-october-2023/register ❗❗❗

Dear friends from the big ABKC family,
Following the numerous discussions that appeared in the virtual environment after the announcement of FUN SHOW MERLE within the Dracula Bully Marathon Show organized by ABKC Romania on May 27, 2023, we come with some clarifications:
- Dogs participating in this event must have an ABKC pedigree
- Participating dogs will be classified according to s*x in two classes, under 1 year old and over 1 year old. In each class, the 1st & 2nd & 3rd places will be awarded. The winners of the two female classes will compete for BEST FEMALE MERLE, as will the males. At the end they will compete for BEST OF BREED MERLE.
- Competitors will NOT receive points because the title of CHAMPION cannot be awarded for this color.
- The judgenebt will be done by Anita GATI, one of the most famous American Bully merle breeders in Europe.

❗❗❗ https://abkcshows.eu/29/fun-show-merle-october-2023/register ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania


DO NOT forget to register your dogs for the six shows dedicated to the American Bully, Dracula Bully Marathon organized by ABKC Romania on September 30 and October 1, 2023!
The last day of registration is September 28, 2023. Registrations must be paid by this date. Subsequent payment involves an increase!
Registration link :
❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania


Dear ABKC Big Family,
we are happy to announce the opening of registrations for the largest event dedicated to American Bully in Europe, Dracula Bully Marathon. For the first time in Europe we have scheduled 6 shows, 4 on Saturday 30 September 2023 and 2 on Sunday 01 October 2023. During the event we will also have a junior handler show where children will have a surprise. In the following days we will also post the FUN SHOW event dedicated to merle dogs. Tommorow we will post all the rules and full program.
Registration link :
❗❗❗ https://abkc.ro/shows ❗❗❗

American Bully Kenel Club Romania





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