50 £ still needed! 💐🙏
Total costs of surgeries and treatments: 250 pounds. 50£ still needed! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Vet bills pilling up!
Hello, lovely group! Here are some of the medical challenges we face these days with the request that you stick by us as you always do for the medical bills. We have a few cases here, of local animals and of our own, who need our help, and u can read the description of every picture. Hope u have a great week and manage all your challenges as well! 💝
* Paypal: [email protected]
* Bank account (€)
Irina Neblea
Banca Transilvania
Swift: BTRLRO22
* Wise - for €
Acc. name - Irina Neblea
IBAN - BE17 9672 9915 3521
* Wise - for £
A. name - Irina Neblea
Sort Code - 23-14-70
A. number 31504364
* Wise - for $ also available on request.
* Please buy a bag or so for about 10£ to be delivered straight to the shelter free of transort cost! https://www.paws-hope.com/irinas-sheltered-hearts/
Thank u very much for the kindness! 💐
Irina's Sheltered Hearts