Emily Corcoran Photography

Emily Corcoran Photography www.emilycorcoranphotography.co.uk Equine photographer. Hight res versions available. Please contact me. Please do get in touch to discuss.

Copyright is retained by the photographer at all times and photographs can only be printed, distributed or reproduced with written permission. twitter@E_C_Photography
All media content, including photos provided on or originating from this website, are property and copyright of Emily Corcoran. To print, distribute, or reproduce any content, prior permission must

be obtained. Some images are available for printed use in magazines, reports, etc (in high resolution, unlike web-quality versions).

Almost launch day for Pam’s new book 📚- can’t wait to read it and stoked to provide the cover 📸 Congratulations Pam!!

Almost launch day for Pam’s new book 📚- can’t wait to read it and stoked to provide the cover 📸
Congratulations Pam!!

It's finally here. The sequel to The Spell of the Horse! Publication Day is 16 March 2021. And what a beautiful book it is. Thank you to Emily Corcoran for the stunning image on the cover.

I am busy editing away after a fun shoot this weekend with very talented models - both 2 and 4 legged! Maria Walfridsson...

I am busy editing away after a fun shoot this weekend with very talented models - both 2 and 4 legged! Maria Walfridsson & Lowa Walfridsson... more soon!



“Be proud when you ride! You are very lucky to be sharing time with a beautiful animal.”- Minette ❤️ 📷👉🏻 ❤️

😍Ham House Stables - massively recommended if you are in the London area!

😍Ham House Stables - massively recommended if you are in the London area!

“... It is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”- Anais Nin
📷👉🏻 Emily Hope-Lang



“There it was, there it is, the place where during the best time of our lives, friendship had its home and happiness its headquarters...”- Wallace Stegner (Crossing to Safety) ❤️🥰
📷👉🏻 🙏🏻

Lowa Walfridsson and Herkules frá Pegasus were looking great in training here Vallerödsgård's oval track this week, gett...

Lowa Walfridsson and Herkules frá Pegasus were looking great in training here Vallerödsgård's oval track this week, getting ready for the 2019 SM in Norrköping and giving me a chance to get my camera out! ✨📸🦄 Maria Walfridsson

A few snaps from around and about Vallerödsgård for our first competition last weekend. It ended up rather soggy with so...

A few snaps from around and about Vallerödsgård for our first competition last weekend. It ended up rather soggy with some excellent humour and character from competitors and the organising team alike!

Some of my favourite images from a shoot this week Vallerödsgård with Lowa and Maria Walfridsson, Haukur and Dögg. These...

Some of my favourite images from a shoot this week Vallerödsgård with Lowa and Maria Walfridsson, Haukur and Dögg. These guys were so much fun to photograph! 🐴😍📸

IHD was quite the event to photograph - such a fun experience, lots of action and always great to see these guys!! 📸🤩🐴

IHD was quite the event to photograph - such a fun experience, lots of action and always great to see these guys!! 📸🤩🐴

Gandur: Islandshästens Dag 2019 - Foto-update! Hittills har följande klasser laddats upp:Lättklass Sr (uttagning och fin...

Gandur: Islandshästens Dag 2019 - Foto-update! Hittills har följande klasser laddats upp:
Lättklass Sr (uttagning och final)
Mellanklass Sr (uttagning och final)
Mellanklass YR
Lättklass Barn
More coming today!!

Hej!  Jag börjar ladda upp söndagens bilder till den här länken här. Jag har börjat med dagens första klass och kommer a...

Hej! Jag börjar ladda upp söndagens bilder till den här länken här. Jag har börjat med dagens första klass och kommer att arbeta genom dagen. Det tar några dagar att alla bilder ska vara online: https://www.emilycorcoranphotography.com/gallery-collection/IHD2019/C0000RU6QblCp9E8

Lösenord: IHD2019EC

© Emily Corcoran www.emilycorcoranphotography.com. Ni är välkomna att tagga och dela bilder på facebook eller instagram, men kopiera inte bilder från min facebook eller hemsida.

Ni är välkommen att köpa bilder och ni kan
(1) köpa direct online med PayPal/ kreditkort. Välj de bilder du vill ha och sedan “add to cart”, eller

(2) kontakta mig på [email protected] eller PM på Facebook med filnumret för de bilder du vill ha - varje bild har ett unikt nummer (t ex. ecorcoran_01Aug18_Del2 23) och betala med SWISH

Pris (Incl. MOMS)
sociala medier / web (upplösning inte tillräckligt för utskrift) @ 120kr vardera och Paket med 5 bilder
Högupplösningsfoton som du kan skriva ut (inte kommersiellt) @ 250SEK och Paket med 5 bilder )

Om man skulle vilja köpa foton för kommersiellt bruk (hemsida, marknadsförning etc), kontact mig för att vi kan diskutera.

Tack Gandur Islandshästförening för en underbar dag Gandur: Islandshästens Dag 2019. Medan jag arbetar på bilderna, här ...

Tack Gandur Islandshästförening för en underbar dag Gandur: Islandshästens Dag 2019. Medan jag arbetar på bilderna, här är några snaps från backstage 🐴💚📸

Now available! we have a lovely self contained AirBnB on the farm. Perfect for a relaxing get away.

Now available! we have a lovely self contained AirBnB on the farm. Perfect for a relaxing get away.

Entire home/apt in Sjöbo S, Sweden. The Annex at Valleröds Gård is a part of the old barn and was converted in 2009. It has exposed beams, high ceilings and a cozy but contemporary fe...

This morning’s commute

This morning’s commute

Moody skies as I left  catch up in

Moody skies as I left catch up in


Valleröds Gård, Sövdevägen 220-5


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