12 Paws and a Swedish Meatball

12 Paws and a Swedish Meatball The life of Four not so ordinary furbabies (cats) living with their "parents" in southern sweden

Celebrating our 10th year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. We could never have made it without you. 🙏...

Celebrating our 10th year on Facebook. Thank you for your continuing support. We could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉

OMC!!!!! DADDY FOUND THE MYTHICAL GARDEN OF SPRINGYS!!!! //Asterix the Adventurer* note from the mommy* So we have been ...


* note from the mommy* So we have been on the hunt for literly months to find the near exact springy toy (actually called Kitty Boinks). One of our favorite pet stores here near us changed owners and I happened to message them over the weekend and they quickly responded with a couple of photos of what they had in the shop. And I was thrilled to see that it was the "REAL" springy that Strix loves so much. When he lost the orginial one back in January I did a panic shop on Amazon. They were "ok" but he continued to walk around crying and looking for his "real" springy. We finally found the real one and he has been very careful not to lose it for more than a few hours but I knew there would be hell to pay if he ever lost it permanantly.

Thank you Växjö Zoologiska for great customer service!

Momma tricked me!!!! First we fishied then I had to potty but when I was done it seems there was something stuck to my b...

Momma tricked me!!!! First we fishied then I had to potty but when I was done it seems there was something stuck to my belly, bottom and tail. Mommy goes "oh no Sylvie, we have to take a shower!" she didnt say B word because I knows that B means BATH!!!! So she locks me in the bathroom while she gets all the necessary torture tools and comes back. She buys me the human baby shampoo and body wash stuff so I smell good (so she says) and im extra fluffy soft afterwards. Might as well used laundry soap and fabric softner right? Anyways when we was done mommy wraps me up like a mummy and holds me tight for a bit, she says it was to get some of the extra water my long fur holds in, thats not what I think it is!!! Then she rubs my tiny little body down with TWO towels and daddy (the traitor) comes in with my brushy and mommys brushy and OMC they holds me down and BRUSHES ME FROM HEAD TO TAILS!!!!! but daddy gives me my favorite Dreamies treats when we was done. Brofur keeps smelling me and trying to help me set my fur right. I wapped him good and said I does it myself. He is just a baby still so he doesnt know what B A T H means. Not fair he doesnt get one too tonight but mommy saids he doesnt need it cause he dont have long beautiful fur like I do. Daddy promised extra brush tax tonight and more fishing. He better pay up! As for mommy.... She better keep an eye on her shoes!

* note from the mommy* with Sylvie being so long haired and the season is changing here it was bound to happen sooner or later for a bad litter box visit. Well looked more like she had been to Burning Man 2023 really lol. A simple rinse in the sink wasnt going to cut it this time. So in the shower we went. And as bad as she thinks it is, it took less than 10 mins from start to finish and then about 10 mins of rubbing her dry and brushing her out. Now to go clean my detangling brush. No clue why buy she loves that thing more than her own brushes we have bought and to be honest it works great getting the tangles out of like her tummy and back leg fur without pulling on it very much. I guess I should go hide my shoes now MOL!


I wants to fish with my pole toy daddy //Sylvie

Happy 1st birthday at the rainbow bridge my little blonde chonky boy. Today you would have been 17yrs old. Its hard to f...

Happy 1st birthday at the rainbow bridge my little blonde chonky boy. Today you would have been 17yrs old. Its hard to fathom that you have been gone almost a year now. Your sister and little brother miss you as much as I do. Sending lots of love, purrs and headbonks to you at the bridge. 🌈💔

We is officially registered now in the national cat register in Sweden. Mommy and daddy said we was outlaws not having o...

We is officially registered now in the national cat register in Sweden. Mommy and daddy said we was outlaws not having our id/chip marks registered as Swedish law requires. They kepts forgetting to do it (they has this thing called ADHD and forgets things a lot. We helps remind them). So now if we gets lost the white coats can scan us and see where we belong and helps us get back to mommy and daddy.

*note from the mommy* On January 1st 2023 a new law went into effect requiring all cats born after 2008 to be ID/chip marked and registered in the national cat registery with the Swedish government. As both me and the daddy have severe ADHD we forget things and had forgotten to register these two cute little outlaws until now. The registry helps if your furbaby gets lost and can be returned to you if found. It had already been required by Swedish law that all dogs be id/chip marked and registered but not until this year was it required to do the same for cats.


The daddy: my little princess never does anything bad. She never starts fights.

The Mommy - oh yeah??? I have proof now


Strix: "who got a big ole butt? Sylvie got a big ole butt"

Sylvie: Stop touching me! MOMMMMY STRIX IS TOUCHING ME.

Strix: am not

Sylvie: are to!

Mean while they do not know Ive started recording them.

Sylvie: Im going to show you "big ole butt" little man!!!!


Two years ago today this little jedi in training burst into the world! Happy birdday Asterix, aka Strix!

Two years ago today this little jedi in training burst into the world! Happy birdday Asterix, aka Strix!


Mommy here. Finally caught Strix's adorable "maammaaa" sounding meow on video!


Further adventures of Asterix the Adventurer - Chariot travel Day 2

Sylvie - OMC STRIX!!! You need to cut back on the Dreamies UK!!! Your not so fluffy butt is heavy!! You are on my tail!!! MOMMMMMYYYYY MAKE HIM MOVES!!!

Asterix - I certainly do NOT need to cut back on the Dreamies! Mommy says im a growing boy still. If your tail wasnt in my face I wouldnt be biting it!!!

Mommy - now you two stop the arguing or im turning the stroller around and we will go back in and then you wont get treats for being good!!

Asterix - Fine by me, too many small humans and big metal human chariots out today


Mommy - Glad we decided to go on a short walk.

* note from the mommy *

Strix did a bit better at not hiding under the blankets and did not start fussing and meowing till we were half way home. He did irritate Sylvie a bit as she has claimed the front part of the stroller as her throne and he kept stepping on her as he went front to back. It started to sprinkle so we decided to go back in. I took Strix on his leash around the house again today to help him get used to being outside. The stroller has a couple small gaps where the material goes over the frame that the little man can get his paws and his head part way out that we will have to figure out how to close it up a bit better. He cant get fully out but we dont need paws getting in wheels while we are in motion.


Further Adventures of Asterix the Adventurer: First Outting in our new chariot

Asterix - Mommy started the day by capturing us and putting us in these move ment restraints she calls "harnesses". I laughed at Sylvie because mommy had to let hers out more cause she is farter now than last time she had the contraption on.

Sylvie - I am NOT FAT!! I just havent lost my Winter coat.

Asterix - Yeah right, now who is telling me this story? Anyway before I was so rudely interupted, after we were put in our harnesses mommy said "lets go guys! Time for a walk" WALK???? I will not WALK ANYWHERE! Servant place me in my chariot and lets proceed.

Asterix - So mommy put BOTH of us in the chariot and she attached our safety leashes to our harnesses. I hoped we were not going off roading today. Mommy and daddy zipped up all the doors on the chariot and clipped on the safety latches so that they didnt accidently come open while rolling down the road. They carried us in the chariot down the stairs to our apartment door. It was time to feel the wind in our fur!

Asterix - Mommy said we were not going to go far this first time. Sylvie moved her fat fluffy butt to the front of the chariot for the best view.

Sylvie - *giggle* Yeah while you burried your little scaredy cat butt under the blanket. Some Adventurer you are!

Asterix - SILENCE!! THIS IS MY STORY and im sticking to it. I was not hiding, I was, I was checking the design of the chariot floor for flaws. Anyway, I did voice my reservations about all the strange noises around while we were traveling.

Sylvie - *whispering under her breath* he was crying like a puppy hahaha!

Asterix - note to self, next time when writing journal entry make sure the sisfur is not in sight to interupted my work.

Asterix - As promised, mommy did not take us very far. There were so many new sounds, sights, smells and OMC all the birdies! It seems our new chariot is equipt with a state of the art cloaking device. The birdies could not see us!! We came back inside and mommy opened up our chariot doors. "Scaredy cat" Sylvie ran up to safety. Daddy had to go shop some lunch for he and mommy so me and mommy went out in the grass for a few moments. It smelled strange and wonderful. I still dont like this harness thing but mommy assures me I will get used to it. Daddy came back and he brought me a surprise for being such a bra e little Adventurer - SQUISHY NOMS!!! Mommy removed our harnesses and while I enjoyed my amazing squishy NOMS sissy went out on the balcony to do recon for our next Outting.

Sylvie - Recon? I didnt say recon, I said I was going to check on the birdies and nap on my throne on the balcony. Silly boy.

Asterix - oh drat, mommy has realized she has "misplaced" her phone. I must hurry and finish my entry before she discovers my work.🎒

//Asterix the Adventurer

*note from the mommy* Sylvie absolutely loved the stroller. She sat in the front and was so calm and watching everything. Strix is very timid when it comes to noise such as cars, kids screaming etc so he was a bit nervous and was trying to hide under the blanket in the stroller. He meowed a few times but all in all it wasnt so terrible. After we got home i left him on his leash and took him out around the house and let him down on the grass. He, like his older brother Sebbe was, did not like the feeling of grass on his paws and quickly retreated to the safety of my arms/shoulders. We are going to keep doing these short little walks with the stroller till they are completely comfortable with going out and about. But it def was a good purchase!

Sylvie here. The days become longer and the buzzing has begun! Today i kept my eyes on the skies and for some reason my ...

Sylvie here. The days become longer and the buzzing has begun! Today i kept my eyes on the skies and for some reason my minions were no where to be found! Time to assemble the furring parties!!

This is a Gofundme set up by my friend's neighbor. Momcat and the furry ones of Tooga Tales have lost everything and sin...

This is a Gofundme set up by my friend's neighbor. Momcat and the furry ones of Tooga Tales have lost everything and since their home was built in the 50's the house had asbestos as well as lead paint so everything down to clothes and other items has been seemed hazardous by her insurance adjustor. The cats have lost all their toys, cat climbers, everything they enjoyed. Its going to take several months to restore their home. They are currently staying in a studio apartment next door to their home. Any help is appriciated ❤️❤️❤️

Hello, I'm Joel and my neighbor recently had an house fire. I am writing th… Joel Kennedy needs your support for My neighbor had a house fire and needs help.


Destiny is staying at the Vet for at least today. Coughing, wheezing and vomiting.

Many of you are asking what I need. Pretty much everything but I have cost replacement insurance when the time comes. My cats are my main concern. The Vet costs are a concern for me as each will need to be checked. Ro & Destiny have been. Ro also has an oncologist appt tomorrow.

Thank you again for all of your messages and comments. 💙

LIttle bit more info around the Tooga Tales house fire and what is important right now.

LIttle bit more info around the Tooga Tales house fire and what is important right now.

Many of you may or maybe have not heard that Tooga Tales and Momcat lost their home in a fire last night.  Everyone got ...

Many of you may or maybe have not heard that Tooga Tales and Momcat lost their home in a fire last night. Everyone got out safely however they have lost everything. Momcat is NOT worried about the material things, she is more worried about her furbabies as they all need to be checked out. Destiny is already staying overnight due to coughing, wheezing and vomiting. Rocious (is going through chemo right now) has an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow and the others need checked as well. Momcat has insurance for the house and things but what she is worried about is making sure her furbabies are healthy. So I am sharing the post that momcat made earlier so that if ANYONE can help in ANYWAY at all you can donate directly to their vets by contacting them directly (see the screenshot and info). In addition to that I am also sharing momcat's paypal address. Any and every little bit of help is greatly appriciated.

We have been loyal followers of the Magic Nation for quite some time and remember when the tooga crew was so excited to be getting a home of their own, or when Rocious arrived then the little lady Destiny arrived. It saddens me to see this happen. Our hearts go out to them and we are thankful that everyone got out.

momcat's paypal

[email protected] (that is a lowercase L)

Many of you have asked about helping with extra vet costs. I talked with them and they will work with you on adding to our account. Thank you from the depths of my soul. I can get a new house. I NEED my furries.

Momcat 💙

Its been awhile since I could sneaky on the mommy's computer and update my adventures. We have had the sads since brothe...

Its been awhile since I could sneaky on the mommy's computer and update my adventures. We have had the sads since brother Sebbe joined Adde and Fabbe at the bridge. Me and sissy have been doing a great job keeping mommy and daddy happy and laughing. Mommy gave us a 'prize!!!! WE gots wheels now so we can go on longer adventures outside! Mommy says it will be easier to go to the white coats as well (whatever that means). Sylvie says she is the Queen and gets best spot in our stroller, im not so sure about that because when I sits on top i can see more! Mommy got a new little organizer cart for her art things and I made myself at home for napping, er.. Um... Supervising her work. Its much more roomy than her other one. Plus i can reach her pencils and stuff easier! Mommy pushes our stroller around the apartment for now because its cold out still. But soon it will be warmer and we can go for walks and see birdies and so much more! Ooops mommy is coming, go to run! Dont want to get caught red pawed again!

//Asterix the Adventurer

*note from the mommy* finally we got a nice jogger type stroller for the furkiddos. They do seem to love it especially Strix. Ive been pushing it around a little here inside to try to get them accustomed to it, however it only took a few minuters before they both started hopping in and looking at me like "well what are you waiting for? Lets go servant!" Strix loves to sit on the top but I know that wont work when we are actually outside with it. I received a gift card for Amazon and bought a new rolling cart, which i foolishly thought would be only for my art supplies. As you can see the little adventurer has claimed his spot next to me. Its taller and bigger than my other so he can stretch out more in it. We hope to post a bit more soon. Its been 4 months now since Sebbe crossed the bridge and still bit hard on us missing him so much.




Tiktok flagged our account for community violation?!?!? Oh well dont need them! Here are the videos from the account that tiktok said was unacceptable MOL!!!!!

My dearest Sebbe,Its been a long two months since you went to the rainbow bridge to be with Adde and Fabbe. Seems more l...

My dearest Sebbe,

Its been a long two months since you went to the rainbow bridge to be with Adde and Fabbe. Seems more like 2 million years to be honest. My heart will never be the same.

Your little brother Strix has been doing an amazing job following in your foot steps and becoming a wonderful little mama's boy just like you always were.

You taught him well, maybe a little too well as he is opening cabinets now :) we all miss you dearly.

Sending lots of love to you, Adde and Fabbe
Mommy, Daddy, Sylvie and Strix

Our hearts are broken after reading the terrible news from Tooga Tales. GoGo will be surely missed and to the person who...

Our hearts are broken after reading the terrible news from Tooga Tales. GoGo will be surely missed and to the person who hit him and did not stop, shame on you!!! Cold hearted poor excuse for a human. Sorry this mommy is hissing mad when people are so cold and careless. Our thoughts go out to Tooga and the Magic Nation.

After enjoying breakfast on Gracie Doggy's porch, GoGo was hit by a car. Gracie Doggy's Mommy was outside and she saw it. The person did not stop. 😥 GoGo did not suffer. He has been laid to rest near his buddy Richter. We are a Sad Magic Nation.


Happy New Year. May 2023 be brighter and joyous for all.


Just a reminders to Swedish cat owners that from Jan 1 2023 it is required to id mark and register each cat in your home. A new law was passed earlier this year putting into law that all cats from the age of 4 months have to be registered. The only exemption is if your cat was born before 2008.

ID making along with registrering your furbaby helps nation wide if they get lost, access to veterinarian records (if chipped) and hopefully will reduce the number of homeless cats. Until now it was only required to register dogs.

My dearest Sebbe,Its been four very long weeks since you left us to join Adde and Fabee at the rainbow bridge.  Not a mi...

My dearest Sebbe,
Its been four very long weeks since you left us to join Adde and Fabee at the rainbow bridge. Not a minute goes by that I dont think about you. I still have my moments where the tears wont stop. You did well teaching Strix. He comes to my rescue when I have my moments and licks my tears away or makes me laugh. We looked through all the photos of you three boys the other day and ran across a video where you were talking so much. Strix sat here and watched every moment of every video and photo we looked at. He would chirp back at you when you purred or meowed and just stared intently at the monitor. We miss you so much. We know that even though your heart and mind wanted to stay longer your body just couldnt go on any longer. I know you watch over us and your little brother Strix and little sister Sylvie. Your Hello Kitty blanket is where you left it on the bed. I find Strix curled up with it now and then. I couldnt bring myself to watch it yet, it still smells like you and it comforts Strix.

Sending all our love to you Adde and Fabbe.
Mommy, Daddy, Sylvie and Strix

Three mousekateers together again.

Three mousekateers together again.

Sebbe is home again

Sebbe is home again


Sebbe's ashes are ready to come home tomorrow.

Hard to fathom that just one week ago you decided it was your time to cross the bridge. Its been so quiet here since you...

Hard to fathom that just one week ago you decided it was your time to cross the bridge. Its been so quiet here since you left. Doesn't feel like the same home. Even your little brother Strix and little sister Sylvanas has been unusualy quiet. I still cry every day a little because I miss you so. Its hard to go to sleep each night without you purring on my head. I know you are safe and sound with Adde and Fabbe and have no pain, no asthma and watch over us. Soon your earthly ashes will be returned to us and will be placed beside Adde and Fabbe's ashes. Strix has looked for you a few times and found comfort in your Hello Kitty blanket. We love and miss you

Sending love across the bridge
The Mommy, The Daddy, Sylvie and Strix

I ordered this solar lamp because it reminds us so much of Sebbe. It arrived today and the sun broke through the snowy c...

I ordered this solar lamp because it reminds us so much of Sebbe. It arrived today and the sun broke through the snowy clouds to charge it

Thank you to a wonderful person who had posted this on Quirky the Blind Kitten's post on Sebbe. Thank you Azizah Hodgkin...

Thank you to a wonderful person who had posted this on Quirky the Blind Kitten's post on Sebbe. Thank you Azizah Hodgkinson for this touching photo. This is such a sentimental image for me //the mommy

Sebbe took his last breath at 10:25am. I held his paw till the end. God speed little man. 💔💔💔

Sebbe took his last breath at 10:25am. I held his paw till the end. God speed little man. 💔💔💔

Sebbe has begun his journey to the rainbow bridge. We will be silent for a while

Sebbe has begun his journey to the rainbow bridge. We will be silent for a while

We decided to do Sebbe's paw prints tonight because I dont know how I will be tomorrow and I didnt want to forget to get...

We decided to do Sebbe's paw prints tonight because I dont know how I will be tomorrow and I didnt want to forget to get them. Such a big boy. They are kinda smugged because I was crying while doing them.


As we begin what will be a very difficult 24hrs I want to thank our amazing vets at Växjös Nya Djurkliniken. They are without a doubt the best vets around. They care more about your furbaby than the power of money and corporate image. They are compassionate and helpful in so many ways. They helped us when both Adde and Fabbe crossed the bridge and will help us with Sebbe in the morning. We cannot thank them enough for all they do.


Sebbe has an appointment tomorrow morning 10:15am. He will begin his journey to the rainbow bridge. We will be silent for a while. Thank you for all the support, thoughts, prayers, healing purrs and headbonks. Its going to be quite rough for Sylvie Strix me and the daddy for a while. Hold them while you can. Hug them a little more each day and ALWAYS tell them how much you love them.



Sometimes life just kicks you when you are down and trying to get up. Thursday afternoon Sebbe had another episode like he had back in July. We called our vets and told them what was going on. Today we talked to them again since he had a bit of improvment and decided not to stress him with a car ride to the clinic just yet. This afternoon he was getting up and going to the bathroom, getting drinks from the fountain in the kitchen etc and we thought he had turned a corner. Vet gave us a RX for hus asthma and antibotics and we ran out and picked them up. But tonight he had another coughing episode and began to throw up. He is extremely weak. He is now refusing water and food completely. We have made the difficult and heartbreaking decision that its his time to join Adde and Fabbe at the rainbow bridge. Our vets are closed tomorrow but have told them we need to come in on Monday. He has always been there for me when I needed the support. He laid on my head each night purring loudly to help me fall asleep. I have no clue/words right now how I feel. Strix is so attached to Sebbe, I am very worried about him and how he will react to losing Sebbe. He hasnt gone far from where Sebbe has chosen to lay down (cardboard castle i had made last year) and is constantly cleaning his face or laying close to Sebbe. Tears wont stop. Im heartbroken to say the least. He was my first little mama's boy. Trying to be strong because I know that helping him cross is the right thing but my heart is being selfish saying dont let him go. Despite the pain, we know its time. Adde and Fabbe will be waiting for him at the top of the golden stairs

With love
The mommy, the daddy, Sylvie and Strix


Please send all the healing headbonks and purrs for Sebbe. He is not well.





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