Could it be a new discovered agility talent? Cortado was happy during a short agility training, probably because the reward was his cheese in a tube 😝
Calmly exploring the surroundings is very important in puppyhood. Wendy is 11 months old and is a shy dog for new people, during the walk I tried to take care of her needs. Sniffing, a slow and calm walk without stress 🧸
If you have a puppy or an older dog and would like some advice - write to me🐶
🇵🇱 Wspólne węszenie, rozładowanie emocji.
Na początku spotkania było dużo szczekania, po chwili dziewczyny odeszły zajęły się węszeniem. Iron obserwował dziewczyny, ale dając im przestrzeń. Po upływie 10 minut wspólnie szli i węszyli.
🇬🇧 Sniffing together, releasing emotions.
At the beginning of the meeting there was a lot of barking, after a while the girls left and started snooping. Iron watched the girls, but gave them space. After 10 minutes, they were walking and sniffing together.