DR-Dogs ~ Jack Koh since 1998, My Working Partner since 1999

DR-Dogs ~ Jack Koh since 1998, My Working Partner since 1999 Jack Koh

You’re not only our house dog, you’re my most faithful and loyalty partner that never complaints! and these was not taught and solve in class!

You’re already in our life and became the member of the family. We have gone through all the tough time trying to understand each other though you’re the most problematic puppy (dog) that no one can help to solve at the point of time! At that moment, you have given us nightmare and we have decided to send you for training. You and me had gone thru a different level of obedience training locally al

though you passed the test and score the highest marks in class but it can’t help, as you have the behavioral problems like timid, aggression, possessive in food and toys, don’t like to be touch or carry, quick temper, hyper energetic and active, playful, barking…. I remember you bite my dad leg till he has to go for 4 stitches for his wound and you bite my son when he was trying to play with you. I specially bought you to be his companion but you have disappointed me. We try looking for other alternative for help at animal shelter house but we were told, if aggressive they have to put you down rather then to re home you to people with experience on dogs. Finally I manage to get Mr Chan whom is my client to accept you, thinking that he has a Chihuahua and a big garden that will be an ideal place for you. I send you there in the morning and during the late afternoon it was having a heavy rain. Serene and Shaun was crying and worry about how you are. So I decided to drive to Mr Chan home with them to take a look when it was drizzling. To our surprised you hide underneath the car at the car porch being neglected where Mr Chan’s Chihuahua was kept indoor! Three of us had decided to bring you home immediately and determine to do something! I have made my research about dog and spending time getting train again on dog’s Behaviors & Psychology training at oversea but most important experience is hands-on, on you! Although during solving your major problems, you had bites me several times but is worth to see the improvement in you! All these years you have change and became much better beside that you have given me hope when times are starting to be bad during my IT distribution business, another alternative opportunity for me is to go into dogs training on 1999.

• Without you, I don’t think I will start a dogs’ training school!
• Without you, there is no DR-DOGs.Com!
• Without you, I won’t be a dog trainer today!
• Without you, I won’t go deeper about dogs’ behaviors problem!
• Without you, the course that we cater for will not be emphasis more on Behaviors & Psychology! (Comprehensive obedience class & Home Puppy Interactive training)

You’re with us, for every class training we conducted from CCK (opp. lot 1) to Changkat Changi( The Opal Hub) to Lorong Liew ( RC zone B) to Lorong Ah Soo (RC zone 5) all these years without fail rain or shine we are together to early to setup the training ground and go back together after we kept all the setup. We know you enjoy meeting all your fur friends! Especially you likes to play with all the small gentle white dogs or the Yorkshire terrier and hate or feel threaten with the big and rough playful dog during socializing. We remember, during puppy we have lost you 3 times(Pasir Ris Park, Serangoon Central Basketball court and downstairs of our house) because you are playful that likes to explore but we manage to united after a few hours that shows it is fated that you have to be with us till today! You are our family member that no other dog is replaceable! In fact the time you spend with us (Serene and me) is much longer then Shaun. At home and in work, day and Night! All these years, we had enjoyed having you as a companion and partner! PS: Miss you forever! Love
Stanley & Serene

January 2016!

January 2016!

2015 Jack!

2015 Jack!

Jack on my bike!

Jack on my bike!


2013 CNY Ang Pow for Jack!

Jack looking out of the window

Jack looking out of the window


Jack Picnic & Fishing at Labrador Park early in the morning before Sun Rise!

Jack Picnic & Fishing at Labrador Park early in the morning before Sun Rise!

Jack Picnic & Fishing at Labrador Park early in the morning before Sun Rise!

Jack at Barrage Singapore 2013, unfortunate drizzling on that day!

Jack at Barrage Singapore 2013, unfortunate drizzling on that day!

Jack at Labrador Park 2013

Jack at Labrador Park 2013


Jack join me for Fishing at Labrador Park, A dog that never relax!


Going Fishing with Jack!


2013 Jack is sleepy still insist going out with us!

2012 Jack without every first day of CNY he will get an Ang Pow with his favorite treats inside. Finally he manage to op...

2012 Jack without every first day of CNY he will get an Ang Pow with his favorite treats inside. Finally he manage to open it out without any help from us😆

Jack sneak up on the Sofa and sleep!

Jack sneak up on the Sofa and sleep!

Jack at Pasir Ris Park an energetic and playful  dog that never take a break!

Jack at Pasir Ris Park an energetic and playful dog that never take a break!

Jack at Sentosa! A partner that never complaints

Jack at Sentosa! A partner that never complaints

Time flies tomorrow will be1 year that he has left us!Photo taken on: September 2008 during the first F1 Singapore Grand...

Time flies tomorrow will be1 year that he has left us!
Photo taken on: September 2008 during the first F1 Singapore Grand Prix race in Singapore at our training ground (lor Ah Soo) where a television was beside him. live broadcast on the final race!
We will always remember you!!


Thank you so much for trying to comfort us with your words of condolences!

Stanley & Serene

From Serene to Jackhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQZceDovmBg

From Serene to Jack

作曲:盧永亨, 作詞:盧永亨, 編曲:Jim Ling 主唱: 林志美 愛是不保留 常聽說世界愛沒長久 那裡會有愛無盡頭 塵俗的愛只在乎曾擁有 一刻燦爛便要走 而我卻確信愛是恆久 碰到了祢已無別求 無從解釋不可說明的愛 千秋過後仍長存不朽 誰人受痛苦被懸掛在木頭 至高的愛盡見於刺穿的手 看 血在流反映愛沒保留 持...

By Hui QuiFinally post this here, on 29/11/16 while messaging with my siblings until the wee hours of the night and coul...

By Hui Qui

Finally post this here, on 29/11/16 while messaging with my siblings until the wee hours of the night and could not sleep hence started to write something..

Eulogy for my dear 4-legged nephew Jack Koh. Left us on 29/11/16. @ 922pm😢

I saw my sister Serene's message through the family chat on 'maybe Jack can't make it', and was in the midst of having dinner with a colleague. Told her about Jack, tears filled my eyes and couldn't continue. Hence, stop looking at the phone just to blindfold myself that no news is good news. Eventually at 937pm I read messages, the final news hits me. Jack has left us @ 922pm. 心痛,真的心痛.

I am extremely afraid of dogs, Serene knew that. 18 years ago, which I remembered vividly that Stan bought him from one of the local pet shop, first stop of his new arrival was to my home. He was such a lovely tiny baby, caused a little 'excitement' amongst the family members at that time especially my 2nd sister Shan who can even forgo her children when she sees dogs😂.

My first experience carrying a dog was Jack, from then onwards, he began to be the family's hot topic. When he started to grow, bad behaviour kicked in and that made him difficult to handle. And has became a nightmare for Stan. He was even sent for adoption by Stan's friend since they can't handle him. Stan, Serene & little Shaun back then secretly went to the house which Jack was adopted just to look at him whether he was well-adjusted. Every time both Serene and little Shaun cried due to 不舍. Eventually, they brought him back and that's how Stan started to go into dog behavioral studies. Stan's care and love for Jack is beyond words.

Jack was .. nope present tense, he will always be with us. Jack, my little 4-legged nephew (my friends knew I have 2 nephews, 1 is 2-legged while the other is 4-legged😂) is a bubbly little rascal, energetic, playful, attentive and at times bad-tempered. He is not a huggy fellow since young, he is proud, super clean... never shares water with other dogs (very ngiaw). On his younger days, he played tug of war with u non-stop until u pant and raise white flag 😝. Remembering giving him my favourite soft toy poohby, he used his nose to push it away showing dislike (臭脾气的家伙). Another incident which scared me out of my life was when once Serene & Stan went overseas and I brought him out for a walk, I was new to walking dog, I did not secure the collar over his neck hence he released himself & ran to the carpark looking for his dad. I was so panic back then, running after him thinking what if I lost him? He has a unique 3 black over-shaped patches in the sequence of big, medium, small at his back near his tail. How am I suppose to return the same look-alike puppy to Stan? I will need to buy a white JRT and use a black marker to shade his back and that was my thought😂. Of course, finally he came back to me and no more dog walk from then onwards. I brought him home safely🙏🏻

He knew all in the family.. Gong gong spoiled him most, always feeding him. Popo act fierce due to afraid of dogs, always say No in a stern tone to him but loves him too as she fed him boiled meat whenever she boiled soups. Afraid of me, coz since baby I did not allow him enter my room and he remembered 👍🏻but he knew I love him too. Love and hate relation with his Shaun gor gor, they love each other but doesn't show affection openly. Both characters are similar, they watch out and care for each other silently. Jing yi, Kaka and EnEn opposite to their mum Shan, have their 👀 on their little cousin Jack and loves him dearly.

Jack, my dear little nephew, you have brought the family a lot of fun and laughter, there were too much memories of you through these years that I can relate here. We all love you unconditionally and you will always be remembered. Go and join 小白 (our non-human bro) which we also adores dearly. RIP dear Jack Jack❤️
Image may contain: dog

Jack KohYou’re not only our house dog, you’re my most faithful and loyalty partner that never complaints! You’re already...

Jack Koh

You’re not only our house dog, you’re my most faithful and loyalty partner that never complaints! You’re already in our life and became the member of the family. We have gone through all the tough time trying to understand each other though you’re the most problematic puppy (dog) that no one can help to solve at the point of time!

At that moment, you have given us nightmare and we have decided to send you for training. You and me had gone thru a different level of obedience training locally although you passed the test and score the highest marks in class but it can’t help, as you have the behavioral problems like timid, aggression, possessive in food and toys, don’t like to be touch or carry, quick temper, hyper energetic and active, playful, barking…. and these was not taught and solve in class!

I remember you bite my dad leg till he has to go for 4 stitches for his wound and you bite my son when he was trying to play with you. I specially bought you to be his companion but you have disappointed me. We try looking for other alternative for help at animal shelter house but we were told, if aggressive they have to put you down rather then to re home you to people with experience on dogs. Finally I manage to get Mr Chan whom is my client to accept you, thinking that he has a Chihuahua and a big garden that will be an ideal place for you.

I send you there in the morning and during the late afternoon it was having a heavy rain. Serene and Shaun was crying and worry about how you are. So I decided to drive to Mr Chan home with them to take a look when it was drizzling. To our surprised you hide underneath the car at the car porch being neglected where Mr Chan’s Chihuahua was kept indoor!

Three of us had decided to bring you home immediately and determine to do something! I have made my research about dog and spending time getting train again on dog’s Behaviors & Psychology training at oversea but most important experience is hands-on, on you! Although during solving your major problems, you had bites me several times but is worth to see the improvement in you!

All these years you have change and became much better beside that you have given me hope when times are starting to be bad during my IT distribution business, another alternative opportunity for me is to go into dogs training on 1999.

• Without you, I don’t think I will start a dogs’ training school!
• Without you, there is no DR-DOGs.Com!
• Without you, I won’t be a dog trainer today!
• Without you, I won’t go deeper about dogs’ behaviors problem!
• Without you, the course that we cater for will not be emphasis more on Behaviors & Psychology! (Comprehensive obedience class & Home Puppy Interactive training)

You’re with us, for every class training we conducted from CCK (opp. lot 1) to Changkat Changi( The Opal Hub) to Lorong Liew ( RC zone B) to Lorong Ah Soo (RC zone 5) all these years without fail rain or shine we are together to early to setup the training ground and go back together after we kept all the setup. We know you enjoy meeting all your fur friends! Especially you likes to play with all the small gentle white dogs or the Yorkshire terrier and hate or feel threaten with the big and rough playful dog during socializing.

We remember, during puppy we have lost you 3 times(Pasir Ris Park, Serangoon Central Basketball court and downstairs of our house) because you are playful that likes to explore but we manage to united after a few hours that shows it is fated that you have to be with us till today!

You are our family member that no other dog is replaceable! In fact the time you spend with us (Serene and me) is much longer then Shaun. At home and in work, day and Night!

All these years, we had enjoyed having you as a companion and partner!

PS: Miss you forever!

Stanley & Serene

Picture of Shaun & Jack (Both grown up together!)

Place his urn at the usual place where he loves to sleep when we are out or at home!17 years 9 months and 11 days he is ...

Place his urn at the usual place where he loves to sleep when we are out or at home!
17 years 9 months and 11 days he is always in this house, use to see him around every where day and night but now

His favourite chicken breast and bread with fruits and nuts!Was advise during  cremation is best not to have box......

His favourite chicken breast and bread with fruits and nuts!
Was advise during cremation is best not to have box......

Leave him in the box with the new cushions we bought for him.Send him for cremation  at 12 noon. RIP is a relief & freed...

Leave him in the box with the new cushions we bought for him.
Send him for cremation at 12 noon. RIP is a relief & freedom for him!

Monday 28th Nov 2016, how thoughtful he is. Most of the time he can't control his p*e and he wet the floor and bed. He w...

Monday 28th Nov 2016, how thoughtful he is. Most of the time he can't control his p*e and he wet the floor and bed. He went to the back of the kitchen to p*e at the newspaper and sleep there

Jack has just left us today at 21.22.18th Nov.1998 - 29th Nov. 2016He left us peacefully with a few barks like miss us b...

Jack has just left us today at 21.22.
18th Nov.1998 - 29th Nov. 2016

He left us peacefully with a few barks like miss us but is good to go without any suffering! We were with him for the last few hours and we have assure him for his companion and the hardwork of being the partner of DR-DOGs.Com all this years!

His naughty, active and playful characters will always be remember by all of us in the family! His contributions without complaints will make us proud of him!

He had his last meal with a chesse cake that I bought for him and also a pandan cake on the 18th Nov 2016 for his birthday which was from his mum( Serene)!

A dog that never demand for more!

May he rest in peace!

Our Beloved Boy.

Sign of Dementia (失智症)老狗痴呆症, call him don't response! walk round and round, like to hide under edges and table, facing t...

Sign of Dementia (失智症)老狗痴呆症, call him don't response! walk round and round, like to hide under edges and table, facing the wall staring. Can't even reverse when stuck in between

Sign of deteriorating never b4 he will sleep on newspaper!

Sign of deteriorating never b4 he will sleep on newspaper!



Getting very untidy, eating with paw in the bowl!

Getting very untidy, eating with paw in the bowl!

No noise can wake him up zzzzzzz...........

No noise can wake him up zzzzzzz...........

Sit and sleep at the sametime

Sit and sleep at the sametime


HouGang Avenue 1
Hougang New Town




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