Jan. 25 to 30, 2024
家有兔兔- 5+1 days boarding
Rabbit Mimi from Sengkang
Day 1
Rabbit Mimi is a boy. He spends his first night in the cage quietly chewing teething branches. He was super cute!
Day 2
趁着Mimi出笼放风,把笼里彻底清了一遍:清掉陈年老便 & 干枯牧草,补充水以及他最爱的小点心。
While Mimi was out of the cage, I thoroughly cleaned the cage: removed old p**p & not fresh dried grass, refill water and his favorite snacks.
Mimi didn't like rough grass, so I just picked it out.
He should have been out for more than 2 hours today. He is super happy!
Day 3
Just like kids, little animals don’t like to be locked up. On the third day after getting familiar with Mimi and learning more about him, I let him explore freely at home. This is because he is very well-behaved and loves to be clean, he will go into the cage by himself when he needs to p*e and p**p , which is great!
His favorite corner is between the refrigerator and the oven, he must be a foodie!
Day 4
Mimi really loves to eat~Amazing cute!
Day 5
Mimi was originally going to go home today, but his owner temporarily wanted to let him stay for one more night, so today is still a free day: Run around the house and he is super happy.
Day 6
Mimi的主人说点心只能吃一点点,但在要离开的这一天,小姐姐小哥哥决定多给他5颗点心, Mimi真的好喜欢吃点心呀!
Mimi's owner said he could only eat a small amount of snacks, but on the day he was leaving, the little sister and brother decided to give him 5 more snacks. Mimi really likes snacks!