The Kairosfarm HULK Grow Out Challenge results are OUT after 8 weeks of grooming!
The combination of monster Kairosfarm Hulk bloodline + new generation Cosmo Premium Pellets + groomer commitment make this mini challenge a successful event!
First let me thanks the partnership and judge Kairosfarm Aboen. Only he know how to judge his fish potential!
Next, the sponsor for the new generation goldfish pellets that will be last to foul the water and best grooming pellets of this generation sunny goldfish farm Cosmo Premium Pellets
Next, the Hulk Grow Out challengers. Thanks for putting in effort and precious time to transform baby hulk to monster hulk within 8 weeks under your care! Good job and well done!
As I said before, this is a hobby and we have fun together. Some contestants become more muscular after daily water change, some have other fishes benefited from the grooming program and the pellets…. Some tried their best to follow to the grooming program….etc
I have promised every challengers to be a winner after this challenge. You have now master a new grooming skill! And you will walk away with a 10% off for the next hulk purchase. For those that have been shortlisted for the final, exclude the top three winners. All will be awarded a $50 Hulk voucher per fish on your next purchase!
So, the winners for this 2021 Hulk Grow Out Challenge go to………..
Winner : #12 Mr Darren Ang ( $288 OLGFS Vouchers)
2nd Placing : #8 Mr Froilan ( $168 OLGFS Vouchers)
3rd Placing : #6 Mr Kee YK ($108 OLGFSG Vouchers)
Thank you again and let see if we can hold another 2022 grow out challenge!!!