Guinea Guinea

Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea – the comical moments of Smoothie & Cabbage the piggies. Also in loving memories of Nuggets, Whopper, Muffin, MiuMiu and BaoBao.


Hi everyone,

How are you? I’m Kate. I created and ran this page with my beloved piggies who left behind fond memories and paw prints in my hearts.

I was informed by some loyal fans that another guinea pig page(s) stole from my page - my comic strips, my works, my contents, and my pets’ photos. They removed watermarks, and treated my works as their own. I would like to thank the fans who informed me of the copyright infringement activities.

I’m working with Facebook to investigate the matter. The investigation is on going. And if possible, I’ll work with Facebook to make a report to the respective authority for the copyright infringement activities.


To Guinea Guinea fans,

Thanks again for remembering my guinea pigs and my comic strips even though my guinea pigs are no longer in this world and I have been away from this page long time.

Please drop by my page anytime to enjoy the old comics and share them from my page. But please don’t steal them from me. They were not only my works, but my beloved pets… and my fond memories of them. 😢 They are precious to me.


To those who stole my comic strips and use my works without permission intentionally or unintentionally,

I would like to request you to make it right by deleting the comics which you took from my page without my written permission. I hope you understand… they were my pets. They were loved by me. You took them away and acted as if they belonged to nobody. I’m still here cherishing the fond memories of them even though my page is no longer active.

The reason I created this page is to share my joy of loving my guinea pigs with everyone. But I never intended to let anyone take them away from me just like that.

We all can make mistake.. I do make mistake too. But I believe your heart can do what is right and you will make it right. Thank you.


Sending hugs to all Guinea Guinea fans. I’m sorry for not being there for you to continue sharing with you my love and joy for guinea pigs. Life has changed for me and perhaps for you too. I still miss all of you. Thank you for being part of my fond memories of my beloved guinea pigs.




Wonderful memories of Nuggets from Guinea Guinea...

Hello,Missing us?  Thank you guys... for thinking of us and for tracking me down to check if I and the piggies are ok. I...


Missing us? Thank you guys... for thinking of us and for tracking me down to check if I and the piggies are ok. It's been a while since I didn't update anything here and temporarily closed the page because I wasn't ready to tell you this sad news.

Since the arrival of our baby girl, I am constantly facing the challenge that motherhood brings. And I've decided to stop making the piggy comics...

I don't want to make this a goodbye post but I also don't want to go missing without saying a word.

Dear Guinea Guinea fans, thank you so much for your support. I didn't expect, when I started this page, we would come this far. To have 10k likes and to be published in a magazines were something I didn't dream of. I made so many friends from all over the world who were there to laugh with me... and even to cry with me when my dear piggy Nuggets was sick and passed away.

I'm sorry for not being able to continue the journey here.

I'll leave this page open for your viewing and for our memory that once upon a time, my piggies ever adventured out of their cage to the internet world and leave paw prints in many people's hearts.

Do drop by to say hello once in a while when you miss us. No more comics but we're real people and real piggies. We're still here somewhere in this world.

In future who knows, we may meet again.

Much Love,
Kate J'da

It's ear lickin' good!

It's ear lickin' good!

Aww... Drawings of the two handsome boys, love gifts from Erin Poyner Photography & Art. Follow the link to the page htt...

Aww... Drawings of the two handsome boys, love gifts from Erin Poyner Photography & Art. Follow the link to the page if you would like to get your pet's portrait done by her. :)

Smoothie was adopted 2 years ago and he grew from 632g to 1303g. He's a big man now. We love him (and Cabbage) so much. ...

Smoothie was adopted 2 years ago and he grew from 632g to 1303g. He's a big man now. We love him (and Cabbage) so much. :)

Silent... but deadly.

Silent... but deadly.

Is that true? :)

Is that true? :)

One year and three days have passed, the tiny footprints of Nuggets mark our heart forever. You're dearly missed. 😢

One year and three days have passed, the tiny footprints of Nuggets mark our heart forever. You're dearly missed. 😢

Cabbage's amaZzzing week.

Cabbage's amaZzzing week.


Cabbage drawing by Erin Poyner Photography & Art. Once again, thank you! I can't wait to receive it. :)

This is Cabbage from Guinea Guinea! All done and ready to go to its new home!!


Cavy tips by Smoothie. 😃

Cavy tips by Smoothie. 😃

Not sure of how to force feed or clean your guinea pigs’ ears? Here, you can find a series of step-by-step tutorials and videos to guide you through!

Little Cabbage. :)

Little Cabbage. :)

"JurasPIG World" starring Smoothie & Cabbage.

"JurasPIG World" starring Smoothie & Cabbage.

LaZzzy Zzzaturday...

LaZzzy Zzzaturday...

Smoothie in holiday mood.😎🍹

Smoothie in holiday mood.

Smoothie on guard duty.

Smoothie on guard duty.

It's Saturday.

It's Saturday.

The secret.

The secret.


Ear licking - what does that mean?

True friendship is when you use your friend as a pillow.

True friendship is when you use your friend as a pillow.

Suddenly helpful.

Suddenly helpful.

Smoothie had his side punctured, suspected a boy fight. Look at his pitiful face while I'm medicating him.

Smoothie had his side punctured, suspected a boy fight. Look at his pitiful face while I'm medicating him.

Cabbage enjoying paw rub while watching TV.Thanks Serene Xin for the photo. :)

Cabbage enjoying paw rub while watching TV.

Thanks Serene Xin for the photo. :)

Cabbage had so much fun at the piggy gathering yesterday. :)

Cabbage had so much fun at the piggy gathering yesterday. :)

We ❤️ Smoothie. :)

We ❤️ Smoothie. :)

Yay! It's our first video tutorial in collaboration with POGS (Proud Owners of Guinea Pigs in Singapore https://www.face...

Yay! It's our first video tutorial in collaboration with POGS (Proud Owners of Guinea Pigs in Singapore featuring Smoothie and the dip feeding technique. We hope you find the tips useful. 😃

Ps. Any feedback or suggestion of future topics is welcome. ☺️

Dip Feeding for Guinea Pigs a POGS x Guinea Guinea Collaboration Website POGS: Facebook: POGS: G...

Mystery solved.

Mystery solved.

Smoothie is chilling out. :)

Smoothie is chilling out. :)



For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, no one gets left behind or forgotten. We're family.

For better, for worse, in sickness and in health, no one gets left behind or forgotten. We're family.

Goldfish memory

Goldfish memory

Forget me not.

Forget me not.

Real Smoothie and Smoothie in the brochure at The Animal Doctors, Singapore, which one is more handsome? :)Smoothie saw ...

Real Smoothie and Smoothie in the brochure at The Animal Doctors, Singapore, which one is more handsome? :)

Smoothie saw Dr Chionh for the lipo.. oops! the surgery review today. He had a fatty lump removal 2 weeks ago (read the previous posts). Thank God that his wound is healing nicely. The suture by Dr Tsai was so neat and clean since day 1. I'm so glad to have skillful cavy savvy vets at TAD taking care of my fur babies' health. After we left the clinic, Smoothie said "wheek, wheek!" (translate - thank you doctors Chionh and Dr Tsai!)




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