In Honor Of Kopi-O

In Honor Of Kopi-O A page advocating welfare for Singapore's paw friends. Remembering Kopi-O: Sep 2018-Feb 2021

Dedicated to the beloved Kopi-O of Pulau Ubin who passed away tragically from a hit and run accident on 3 Feb 2021 morning.




Dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, birds, Siamese fighting fish, and chickens were killed in the fire. Read more at


Support JJ’s Fundraising Campaign Food for Community Cat Feeders Many community cat rescuers are familiar with the name JJ Chong as she has helped many feeders raise funds for food for the community cats. JJ Chong cannot do it on her own. We would like to raise fund for 10 feeders. Average 64 year...




Yesterday morning, Adora woke up with her left eye looking funny. Her foster didn’t think much of it and left it at that. By night time, Adora’s left eye still looked funny so her foster bought some eye drops and applied.

Next morning her eye started tearing and didn’t seem to have gotten better, so we had to take Adora to the vet. Tried to save money but it didn’t work 😊

The vet reckons Adora may have an eye infection and gave her some eye drops. Hopefully her eye will be back to normal in a couple of days.

Can you help Adora with her vet bill of $115.03?

Please email [email protected] or drop us a private message if you would like to help. Thank you.


Update: someone updated that the cat was sick for a while and has passed away.

Anyone around Blk 889A Tampines Ave 8?
Can help us to secure this cat and send to our vet?
If yes pls pm us


Adora vet review

Adora went in for a review recently. Since stopping chemotherapy, she has started on steroids for maintenance which seems to be working fairly well. While her lymph nodes are bigger, which is to be expected, she is still doing well clinically. This is all that we can wish for.

Her time might be limited but we will do what we can for her to remain comfortable and happy.

Her next review is scheduled on 20 May. If you would like to help with her vet bills, please drop us an email at [email protected].


Did you know, those little bees you see in the evening sitting on flowers are old bees.

Old & sick bees don't return to the hive at the end of their day.

They spend the night on flowers, and if they have the chance to see another sunrise, they resume their activity by bringing pollen or nectar to the colony.

They do this sensing that the end is near.

No bee waits to die in the hive so as not to burden the others.

So, next time you see an old little bee sat upon a flower as the night closes in...
..thank the little bee for his life long service.



Your kindness helps bring health, prosperity and happiness to our community.


Adora has been warded since Wednesday. Her vet said Adora will need to be warded till Sunday at least, and will reassess her condition again.

She's stable so far, and alert, but unfortunately, her diarrhea persists. She is also not eating, and it has been 4 days of no food, which is worrying. Her white blood cell count is low and this lowers her ability to fight infection.

The focus now is to stop her diarrhea and make her feel better so that she can have some of her favourite food.

In case you have not been following, Adora has lymphoma cancer which was discovered in late Jan. We tried chemo in February, she felt better. But, in late March, the chemo drug lost its effectiveness and a new drug was given. She started experiencing the chemo side effects - diarrhea, vomiting and inappetence.

Adora has never been an affectionate and easy dog to care for due to her past trauma. Her personality and demeanour makes it difficult to pursue further treatment. We are thankful she has her favourite person and foster, Charine, on this difficult journey. We are also very happy and thankful to note that Adora, too, has friends and supporters who contributed towards her vet fees and prayers for her wellbeing.

Even though we are not continuing with chemo, Adora will need therapies that relieve pain, inflammation and nausea, secondary to cancer. We expect to incur $1500 this month for her vet bills. If you wish to make a contribution, please email
[email protected]

Please continue to keep Adora in your thoughts and prayers. We will update everyone again.



over 20kg large breed dog
between 1-8 years old
no previous health issues
no heart conditions
no past receiving of blood transfusions
female no pregnancy
no raw diet
vaccines all up to date
preferably calm

hello everyone, this is maxy, my beloved dog of 8 years and he’s genuinely the most sweet and kind loving furball ever.

with a broken heart, the veterinarian discovered that maxy is battling anemia, a condition that causes him to have a low amount of red blood cells.

i know that this is very sudden as im posting this , but maxy is in dire need of a lifeline— a blood transfusion from the blood of a fellow large-hearted companion.

im very sorry that i have to come to ask this. i know im still young and what i can do is very limited, but i hope me and my family will be able to find a successful donor for him.

if you do find or have a furfriend that is are willing to help a furfriend out, do drop me a dm on whatsapp 91792828 and will be giving a sum of money to the owner of the dog donor.

(PS. Pls note that if you do not know your dog's blood type, fret not. Blood typing can be done at the vet when the other health screening checks are done. So feel free to call up the stated contact if you are interested in donating)


Pulau Ubin



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