Skupina mladih ljubiteljev eksotičnih živali vam nudi, pomoč pri ustvarjanju in postavitvi akvarijev in terarijev ter izbiri primernega eksotičnega hišnega ljubljenčka. Trenutno se najbolj ukvarjamo z razmnoževanjem različnih genetskih variacij Leopardjih gekonov (Eublepharis macularius), vendar nudimo tudi storitve, kot so:
- dobava akvarijev ter steklenih/lesenih terarijev in opreme
- postavite
v akvarijev in terarijev (pomoč pri vgradnji)
- urejanje akvarijev, terarijev, ribnikov, slapov in potokov
- nasveti za primerno oskrbo živali in rastlin
- pomoč pri izbiri živali, rastlin ter tipu in stilu akvarija (informacije o življenjskih pogojih)
- izdelovanje ozadij, pokrovov, inkubatorjev, škropilnih sistemov, Rack sistemov, itd. Za morebitna vprašanja ali prošnje smo dosegljivi preko zasebnih sporočil na Facebooku ali emailu
[email protected]
We are a team of young enthusiasts that share a passion for exotic animals. We offer services that can help you build, establish, maintain and sustain your custom aquariums and terrariums. We are mainly concentrated on the reproduction of different Leopard geckos morphs (Eublepharis macularius), but we also provide services as:
- supply aquariums, glass/wood terrariums and equipment
- edit aquariums and terrariums
- landscaping and aquascaping aquariums, terariums, ponds, streams, waterfalls and fountains
- advices from experienced people for proper animal and plant care in aquariums and terariums
- help you select your animal pet or type of aquarium
- provide al the information needed for your terariums, aquariums, animals and plants (light, temperature, diet, etc.)
- make terrairum backgrounds, covers, incubators, sprinkler systems, rack systems, etc. For any questions or requests, we are available via private messages on Facebook or email
[email protected]