
Galgina Custom-made dog collars and other accessories. Orders and informations: [email protected]
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Motiva Foxy žal ne bo več na voljo. 🙁 Ob zadnji dobavi smo namreč dobili drugačno blago, kot do sedaj. Če je slučajno še...

Motiva Foxy žal ne bo več na voljo. 🙁 Ob zadnji dobavi smo namreč dobili drugačno blago, kot do sedaj.
Če je slučajno še kdo zainteresiran za lisičke, so ta hip na voljo še:
🦊 𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹 z razponom 30-39 cm (predvideno za hrta z obsegom vratu 32-34 cm), ovratnica pripravljena za pošiljanje,
🦊 𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹 z razponom 30-42 cm (predvideno za hrta z obsegom vratu 33-36 cm), ovratnica pripravljena za pošiljanje,
🦊 𝟮,𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹 z razponom 19-27 cm (predvideno za hrta z obsegom vratu 20-23 cm), ovratnica pripravljena za pošiljanje,
🦊 blago za izdelavo 𝟭 𝗼𝘃𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝘇𝗮 𝗺𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗰̌𝗸𝗮 𝗔𝗟𝗜 𝟭 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗮 po meri (velikost lahko tudi grey, borzoi), ki bi imel enobarvno oranžno zatezno zanko 🟠+🦊.

Unfortunately, the Foxy design will no longer be available. 🙁 At the last delivery, we received a different fabric than before.

If by chance someone is interested in foxes, the following collars are available at the moment:
🦊 𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗲 with a span of 30-39 cm (intended for a sighthound with a neck circumference of 32-34 cm), collar RTS,
🦊 𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗲 with a span of 30-42 cm (intended for a sighthound with a neck circumference of 33-36 cm), collar RTS,
🦊 𝟮,𝟱 𝗰𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗲 with a span of 19-27 cm (intended for a sighthound with a neck circumference of 20-23 cm), collar RTS,
🦊 fabric for 𝟭 𝗽𝘂𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿 𝗢𝗥 𝟭 𝗰𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗲 (size can also be a greyhound, borzoi), which would have a solid orange color control loop 🟠+🦊, made to order.

Še nekaj blaga, predvsem za ožje/manjše ovratnice je na voljo po znižani ceni (20 % popust). Do konca tega meseca, april...

Še nekaj blaga, predvsem za ožje/manjše ovratnice je na voljo po znižani ceni (20 % popust). Do konca tega meseca, aprila pridejo v ponudbo novi motivi. 🌼

Some fabrics, especially for narrower/smaller collars, are still available at a lower price (20% discount). Until the end of this month, in April we're expecting new designs. 🌼

Spring time! 🌞 What't your first thought when you think of Spring? Mine is allergies 😄 and then Magnolias. 💮            ...

Spring time! 🌞 What't your first thought when you think of Spring? Mine is allergies 😄 and then Magnolias. 💮

Irreplaceable companions. 📷 J. Č.

Irreplaceable companions.

📷 J. Č.

Nekaj starejših motivov se poslavlja iz ponudbe, da naredimo prostor novim. 🙂 Zadnji kosi so na voljo z 20 % popustom, n...

Nekaj starejših motivov se poslavlja iz ponudbe, da naredimo prostor novim. 🙂 Zadnji kosi so na voljo z 20 % popustom, naročila so možna preko emaila.

⭐️ V vsakem opisu motiva je okvirno navedeno kateri izdelki so še na voljo za izdelavo. Količine so res zelo omejene.
⭐️ Motivi po znižani ceni bodo na voljo dokler jih ne zmanjka oz. najkasneje do 31. 3. 2022.
⭐️ Dobavni rok je zaradi zasedenosti trenutno kar dolg, približno 4 tedne. 🙃

Znižani motivi so zaradi boljše preglednosti zbrani tukaj:

February 1st - World Galgo DayIt's the day the hunting season ends. Tens of thousands of lives ends here too. For tens o...

February 1st - World Galgo Day

It's the day the hunting season ends. Tens of thousands of lives ends here too. For tens of thousands of them suffering starts here. Some, but only some will be so lucky to get another chance to live.

We have to end this rulete, we have to end the hunt. We have the power to stop the cruelty, we have the power to give them a chance to live.

Raise your voice, raise the awareness. Free the galgo!

The start of the year was totally red, slowly some other colors are peeking through the orders. 🎨🖌️                     ...

The start of the year was totally red, slowly some other colors are peeking through the orders. 🎨🖌️

This post was planned for the first   of this year, but it was such a busy day that it simply skipped my mind. 😅Year 202...

This post was planned for the first of this year, but it was such a busy day that it simply skipped my mind. 😅

Year 2021 is definitely the nominee for one of the worst years I've lived, but let's not go there. It also brought us 26 new collar designs, some of them are of course sold out, but many of them are still in stock. 😁 The collection is quite versatile I think, and I'm quite happy with the majority of the designs.

I didn't make any plans for this year yet, so if you have something on your mind, like a specific material, color, pattern you like, write your thoughts in the comments. You never know, your dreams may come true. ❤️

I hope the first week of the year was kind to you and I wish you a lovely weekend ahead! 😘


We made it to the 2022! 🎉 May the New Year be full of adventures, opportunities and dreams. And beautiful collars of course. 😁

LJUBLJANA POZOR, pogrešana je galgica Mini.

LJUBLJANA POZOR, pogrešana je galgica Mini.

14. 12. 2021


Okrog 14h videna na Brodu, potem ne več.
Trenutno je najbolj pomembno, da jo zagledamo. Kdor lahko, naj gre ven, na lokacije: Kleče, Savlje, Brod, Gameljne in Črnuče ... Če se opazi brindle galgino v modrem plaščku, naj takoj pokliče Mojco na 031 361 618.

Ob 16h je bila Mini videna v Črnučah - Sračja dolina v smeri Grebena proti Gameljnam. Prosimo vse v okolici, da ste pozorni na galgico. Če jo vidite, takoj obvestite lastnico!

Dolg dan je za nami, ampak recimo, da je bil relativno uspešen.
Najprej smo locirali, kje so bile najverjetneje sledi Mini v snegu ob avtocestnem izvozu Ljubljana Šmartno, kjer je bila tudi dvakrat videna v četrtek. Nato je prišla krasna ekipa K9 in psi so zavohali sled od Mini in našli mesto, kjer je Mini najverjetneje prespala.

Sedaj delamo po navodilih K9 in ... čakamo ter upamo, da Mini še danes najde svoje posvojitelje. Držite pesti tudi vi in pošiljajte pozitivne misli v njeno smer! ❤

Hvala vsem prostovoljcem, ki ste danes priskočili na pomoč.
Samo še srečen zaključek nam manjka, da bo Mini na varnem, pa bo ...

Upamo, da se vam naslednjič javimo z dobro novico. Če je kdo doma na tem območju ali se bo vozil tu mimo, naj bo pozoren na brindle galgico v modrem plaščku - če jo slučajno vidi, naj takoj pokliče na 031 361 618.

Update (10. 12. 2021)


Na žalost danes nismo dobili konkretne informacije glede Mini.
V soboto, 11. 12. 2021, jo bomo zato organizirano iskali in skušali pokriti čimvečje območje.
V komentar zapišite, na katerem področju bi lahko pomagali z iskanjem in lepljenem letakov ter kdaj boste pokrili določeno območje. Prosimo tudi, da nam sporočite v komentarje, kje ste lepili letake.
Pomembno je:
1. Letake se nalepi na območja, kjer je več ljudi ter na sprehajalnih poteh.
2. Pozorni bodite na garaže, kolibe, pod mostovi ... Na kotičke, kjer bi Mini lahko našla zavetje.
Res potrebujemo vašo pomoč. Razmere zunaj niso prijazne in pomembna je naša aktivnost .... Pomembno je, da stopimo skupaj. Vsakemu od nas se lahko zgodi nesreča … In takrat bi bili definitivno veseli vsakršne pomoči.
Več nas bo, večja možnost je, da jo kje opazimo.
Če jo opazite, ne kričite, ampak pokličite posvojiteljico.



UPDATE: V četrtek ob 16h je bila videna na uvozu avtoceste LJ-Šmartno. Prosimo, vse v okolici da ste pozorni na rjavo hrtico.
Smo v kontaktu z DARS in K-9 ekipo za pomoč pri iskanju.
Danes se je izgubila galga Mini. Pobegnila je na Martinovi ulici v Ljubljani.

Če jo opazite, je NE lovite, ampak takoj pokličite posvojiteljico na telefonsko številko: 031 361 618.

Prosimo vas, da ste še dodatno pozorni na sprehodu oziroma na poti.

Društvo HRTJI SVET Slovenije
[email protected]

Look at Izzy, isn't she gorgeous? ❤️ She is modeling Phoenix martingale collar. ☺️📷 by                                  ...

Look at Izzy, isn't she gorgeous? ❤️ She is modeling Phoenix martingale collar. ☺️

📷 by

Greyhound Šuri is here to make your Monday more beautiful. 😁He's wearing his new Basic softshell harness, I think he lik...

Greyhound Šuri is here to make your Monday more beautiful. 😁

He's wearing his new Basic softshell harness, I think he likes it. Thank you for the photos! 💙

Currently there are just numbers and tables and all kinds of calculations and paperwork that I stare in for days. Trying...

Currently there are just numbers and tables and all kinds of calculations and paperwork that I stare in for days. Trying to stay on top of everything as the year is slowly coming to an end. So, looking at the Arabella collar is nice for a change. ☺️

Unintentionally I put together two holiday classics. 😄 My creative power is close to none lately, so names are Monstera ...

Unintentionally I put together two holiday classics. 😄 My creative power is close to none lately, so names are Monstera 2 (original Monstera is almost sold out) and London 2. 😂

Today, I also added the matching leash options to some of the listings in Etsy shop, so that buying a collar and leash combo will be easier for you. ☺️

Making changes in Etsy shop always makes me super nervous, I hope I'll survive the weekend and be able to put the phone away for a while. If you have any questions it's of course always best to ask before purchasing. 😉

Have a nice weekend! ❤️

They may be black or old, but their heart and soul are made of gold. 🖤                                                  ...

They may be black or old, but their heart and soul are made of gold. 🖤

Feels like fall. 🍂📷 Calluna design on a wide martingale collar.                                                         ...

Feels like fall. 🍂

📷 Calluna design on a wide martingale collar.

Casual denim look on a water repellent martingale Nimes collar. 🙂 Matching leash,  buckle collars and whippet Puppy coll...

Casual denim look on a water repellent martingale Nimes collar. 🙂 Matching leash, buckle collars and whippet Puppy collar are available too. ✨

Lots of Nairobi orders lately. Do you like such special occasion collars, should we plan on more fancy designs? 🙂       ...

Lots of Nairobi orders lately. Do you like such special occasion collars, should we plan on more fancy designs? 🙂

T: the collars are much more beautiful in real life than on photos.Me: are you saying my photos are bad? T: yes.😂 We bot...

T: the collars are much more beautiful in real life than on photos.
Me: are you saying my photos are bad?
T: yes.

😂 We both laughed to that brutal honesty. I'm ok with photos not being all pro and stuff, it's definitely better than the other way around. 😄

Swipe to see the beautiful collar Kaira is wearing. 🐝🦋🌼

📷 Kaira by T. T.

T. sent me some photos of her handsome Nacho, so people could see our collars can be used for dog breeds other than sigh...

T. sent me some photos of her handsome Nacho, so people could see our collars can be used for dog breeds other than sighthounds too. I appreciate the thought very much. ☺️❤️ T. is our regular customer since the very beginning, so she definitely knows what she's talking about. 😅

📷 Nacho by T. T.

Kiki, lady with class wearing Arabella martingale. 👑📷 Kiki by .hn                                                       ...

Kiki, lady with class wearing Arabella martingale. 👑

📷 Kiki by .hn

Wonderful collar choice, I have to say I'm impressed how well our customers pick the design for their furry companions! ...

Wonderful collar choice, I have to say I'm impressed how well our customers pick the design for their furry companions! 😊
Roxy is rocking his new November martingale collar in 3,8 cm (1.5") width, which is standard width for whippets.

📷 Roxy by A. Č.

I can't imagine what the world would be like without dogs.📷 Filo by H. R.                                               ...

I can't imagine what the world would be like without dogs.

📷 Filo by H. R.

Any tartan lovers out there? ❤️Photo is showing the Stewart design on a wide 5 cm (2") collar, but this fabric makes gre...

Any tartan lovers out there? ❤️

Photo is showing the Stewart design on a wide 5 cm (2") collar, but this fabric makes great, luxurious narrow collars too.



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Galgina - handmade dog gear

Handmade with love.

Website: Orders and inquiries: [email protected] Price list: