Smo ekipa vodnikov ptičarjev, ki se trudimo pri osveščanju na področju dela in namembnosti ptičarja. Kajti ptičar je učljiv, vsestransko uporaben pes z odličnimi lovskimi zasnovami. Spletno mesto je namenjeno izmenjavi informacij in izkušenj s področja ptičarske kinologije. Zato ste tudi obiskovalci vabljeni k sodelovanju s svojimi predstavitvami, poročili in fotografijami s sveta lova
, šolanja, tekem, razstav, vzreje in zdravja... Svoje prispevke lahko oddate prek gumba "Sporočilo" ali prek elektronskega naslova: info(at) Z veseljem bomo objavili vse, kar bo primernega.
Welcome on our website of owners, handlers, hunters, breeders and also others that love pointing breeds. We are a team of pointing dog handlers and we try to inform you about pointing dogs - their work and purpose. Pointing dog is a trainable and versatile dog with excellent hunting skils. It should remain this way. The webpage has been created with the intention to exchange information and different experiences in the world of pointing dog work. That is why the visitors of this webpage are warmly welcome to contribute with their representations, reports, photos... from hunting events, obedience trainings, shows, breeding and health issues... Contributions can be made via the "Message" button or via e-mail info(at) We will be more than happy to publish anything appropriate for our website!