Tail wagging - that is a good sign!
ON THIS CHRISTMAS DAY - One small dog, roaming daily in a local market in a small village near Chiang Rai, Northern Thailand receives a nourishing meal and Bravecto to help heal his skin all because of people like you that help us to help them.
Merry Christmas to all of our supporters - you bring JOY into our lives!
I really love our rescues ♥️ 🐕 George was found about a year ago covered in open sores, ants, and emaciated. He’s made a full recovery and is so much healthier now and spends parts of his days giving back by giving massages to the other dogs 💕
Panda was hit by a car and left on the side of the road to die. He needed surgery to fix his pelvis as he struggled to walk without pain. He is an old boy with missing teeth but he seems so happy to finally get the love he deserves 💕
Panda was hit by a car and left on the side of the road to die. He was emaciated, full of fleas, and was so severely anemic we needed to medicate him for a month before he could get the surgery to restore his pelvis. He is an old boy with missing teeth but he seems so happy to finally get the love he deserves 💕
thank you to everyone who donated to make this happen including Michelle Archibald Aspesi with Helpen Pets who allowed us to pay the surgery in full 🙏
THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES IN LIFE...It is with the heaviest of heart that we post today of the sudden and unexpected passing of our beloved temple dog, "Minnie". It is just over 2 weeks that Minnie had her hind leg removed due to bone cancer. She had experienced terrible pain for months leading up to her surgery, but she was unable to have immediate surgery due to several causes in her health, but she peacefully rested and was loved and cared for at COCO House.
We thought the surgery would bring a new lease on life for her and in those 2 short weeks, it truly did. Minnie embraced her tripodness and was running and walking exceptionally well, she put on weight and no longer was looking so skinny. She was returned to her home just last week where she was so happy and making new friends with "Timmy" another dog from the temple that just recently had her eye removed due to glaucoma and all seemed bright as day for her.
Two days ago, Minnie stopped eating. Tony McManus her long term care provider for this temple immediately took her to Dr. Dao where Xrays reveled the cancer had spread rapidly to her lungs and she was terminal. She was placed gently to sleep, no more suffering, with Tony at her side.
I am in tears writing this post as this gentle dog has touched our lives with her sweet, gentle demeanor. She will truly be missed.
Fly High, Minnie - may your spirit soar...
(The video is of Minnie just a day after being returned to Coco House from her surgery - already exploring and loving life pain free...who knew it was only for a short while...)
Thank you to everyone who helped us give Minnie these three weeks of extra added life!
THIS IS 'TIMMY" - Just under the care of Hand to Paw less than a year when she mysteriously appeared at Wat Nong Ap Chang out of no where. At the time H2P volunteer Tony McManus noticed there was an issue with her eyes and continued to monitor.
This past week her eyes seemed to take a turn for the worse and Tony immediately took her to Chiang Mai's only eye specialist, Dr. Pop, where she was diagnosed with glaucoma! For such a young dog this came as a shocking health concern for her.
After one week on specialized eye drops and meds, Timmy is back to her bouncy, happy personality. The pressure in her eyes must have caused her such pain and discomfort. This is a lifelong disease and H2P will do everything we can to make her life a comfortable one. Once blood results are back, we will have her right eye removed as she no longer has any vision out of it.
As you must have read in previous posts, Hand to Paw is at a record number of dogs in the hospital with so many different maladies that can be life changing if treated. We feel this surgery for Timmy is a priority as well although we are trying to squeeze water from a rock...
Please help Timmy if you can by donating today...
LEARNING HOW TO WALK AS A TRIPOD - Miss Minnie is able to stand just 2 days after her surgery to amputate her back leg. Although she is still a bit wobbly, she is on the road to recovery and pain free. We hope to deliver her to Coco House in the coming days where she will spend 3 weeks R&R to regain her strength.
MINNIE SURVIVED HER SURGERY!!! It has been with bated breath as I have waited this past hour or so to get the news from Amandine HandtoPaw that Minnie survived her amputation surgery of her back leg! The surgery came with some risk as her blood levels were not at their peak performance, but with her growing inflammation and pain, we felt we had to take the risk and move forward. Thanks in great part to Dr Dao and his team we are all breathing a sigh of relief and as you can see in the video, Minnie looks alert and well. We are so happy!
One of our generous benefactors paid for Minnie's surgery and pre and post op care at the hospital, but not one other donation came in to help us cover her long stay at Coco House to prepare for the surgery and the boarding she will need there for recovery as well as the multiple vet visits that she has need to prepare her for surgery. It is becuase of people like you that we can offer these life saving measures to the dogs and cats in our care, without this they would suffer mercilessly. If you have even a small donation, it would be greatly appreciated.
🐾 🔆 ❤️
🙏 PAYPAL: paypal.me/forThailandanimals
🙏 Wise transfer (wise.com): my email for WISE is [email protected]
🙏 Foundation Account: Bangkok Bank Account 💙358-0-92814-5 (for international bank transfers, wise.com or xe.com offer the best rates) Send me a screenshot to let me know it's you who's made the donation! I see the donations coming through but I don't see who they are from 😉
WISE email address: [email protected]
🙏 USA bank account: Bank of America Account #0806815391
Routing number is 026009593 for wire transfer
Zelle email address: [email protected]
🙏 UK bank account information available via PM
🙏 Australian bank account information available via PM
We are a registered Foundation in Thailand, with a mission to help reduce suffering for animals in our area. 100% of your donations go towards vital supplies and medical