Sawatdee Siamese fighting fish

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Sawatdee Siamese fighting fish sawatdee siam betta fish


The benefits of the almond leaves that have been researched by scientific evidence that
1. Helps to inhibit bacteria that will cause disease to fish.
2. Help to prevent parasites that will come to adhere to the fish.
3. Helps to reduce stress for fish.
4. Helps to heal wounds Because it contains tannins that have the ability to heal wounds
5. Helps to accelerate the color of fish to be beautiful.
6. It helps to adjust the PH value of the water.

Tips for keeping fish healthy

Tips for keeping fish healthy


Rust disease. Fish with this disease is velvet-like yellow and brown, spread in patches around the body and gills. Perhaps the aquarists mistakenly thought that the fish had white spot disease. This disease is caused by protozoa Oodinium pillularis adhere to the skin. Body and gills Methods of treatment are generally salt. 1 teaspoon is added to the water and the fish is soaked for 24 hours and should be repeated every 2 days.


White Spot Disease Betta fish have small, white spots scattered on their body and fins. If it is a lot, it will be found by the eyes. This disease destroys the skin cells of the betta fish. Caused by an embryo of a type of protozoa called Aig. That comes buried under the lining of the body And the gills of betta fish The fish will gasp. Noticeably more frequent Or showing signs of floating his head up to breathe above the water surface Due to the destruction of the gums The fish may become pale, pale, less responsive to their surroundings.Does not eat food, likes rubbing the body on the cabinet floor. Or various materials inside the cabinet due to trying to remove the stick to fall off If the fish is getting worse, that means the infection is growing and we will be able to clearly see white, powder-like spots scattered throughout the fish. This disease is often found and is difficult to prevent.This is because the organisms are found almost everywhere, whether in water, food, sediment, shale, filtration systems, and even in normalized fish. What a moderator can do is to avoid unnecessary feeding of fresh food. But if you cannot avoid feeding fresh food, you should clean the cabinet frequently.


Caudal and fins disease The fish will have symptoms of seepage and spasms periodically In which the fins will begin to decompose first And will spread all the way to the fish If the fish are sick with this disease, the fins of the fish are not beautiful. The tip of the fins and tail are white or red. And will continue to spread until the tail or fins disappear and the fish may eventually die. Which is caused by bacteria accumulated in dirty water The water contains so much sediment or food debris that is a source of disease accumulation.


Tremor fish disease The cause is from the water used for raising it may be too dirty. Causing a lot of bacteria to be mixed up Or it could be caused by a rapid change in water temperature Fish suffering from this disease will tremble. Unusual swimming Fixed by changing the water used for raising new And the water temperature must not be different from the original water temperature Then add 2 teaspoons of salt per 5 liters of water to kill bacteria less.


Dropsy is caused by an intra-abdominal infection and inflammation of the betta fish. The betta fish has a belly that is so big that the aquarists misunderstand. Think that the fish is betta's stomach. Because the stomach is abnormally inflated The fish will be breathless. Some of the bits around the body are erect, the eyes of the sick fish will separate themselves from the group. Some farmers use a fish treatment method by using 1 teaspoon of salt mixed with 1.5 liters of water and then immersed in the fish for about 2 days.


Fungal diseases Betta fish suffer from seepage, do not swim, stop eating, pale and easy to notice. Fish scales that used to be shiny are white flaky. Or the fish tip will gradually come off That represents the symptoms of fungal disease in betta fish. The folk wisdom is to put 1 teaspoon of salt in the fish farming jar. Then take the malabar leaves and tear them into small pieces, put them down and leave it for about 2 nights. The fish will get better. Then change the water to be used for raising new


Canker sores: Fish with this disease have white lesions on the edge of their mouth. And will be a small flaky fish will not swim. And will float on the surface of the water If found that the fish has this disease, the fish must be scooped out immediately. Because this disease has no cure.


Black mouth disease It has been observed that fish with this disease have a thicker upper lip and an increasingly dark black color. Is an incurable disease If a betta has this disease then it will not be able to fight it because it uses its mouth to fight enemies. To separate betta fish from the others because this disease can be contagious.


Erysipelas. Fish is wound on the base of the caudal, ear and abdominal fins. And a white fluffy line The scales of the fish will swell. The aquarist will notice that the fish will float on the surface of the water, the fish will be spotted, the fins will erode, a contagious disease in 2-3 days.

O-Heterocyclic is flavonoids composed of flavones, flavonols (flavonols) and anthocyanins. (anthocyanins) In addition, t...

O-Heterocyclic is flavonoids composed of flavones, flavonols (flavonols) and anthocyanins. (anthocyanins) In addition, the leaves contain tannins that are bitter astringent such as geraniin, granatin B, chebulagic acid, corilagin punicalagin, punicalin, terflavins A and B, tergallagin, tercatain, but caffeine has not been found. Precipitated protein And able to bind to metal ions well

There are 2 groups of colorants found in leaves of Malabar leaves:Tetrapirol: Porphirin contains chlorophyll. (chlorophy...

There are 2 groups of colorants found in leaves of Malabar leaves:
Tetrapirol: Porphirin contains chlorophyll. (chlorophyll) that is a magnesium complex It is a pigment that gives a green color. This material is not resistant to acidity and heat. When heated or in an acidic environment, it turns the green or greenish color of the pheophytin compound (pheophytin) because magnesium is released from the molecule.

If you want to have a good friendThink of Thai fighting fish Shop page sawatdee Siam fighting fish

If you want to have a good friend
Think of Thai fighting fish Shop page sawatdee Siam fighting fish


The advice on fish food labels is not always reliable. Pellet or plate fish food It is often written on the label that "You should feed the fish the amount you eat in 5 minutes or until the fish stop eating," which is the wrong advice for betta farmers. If in nature Betta fish follow their instincts to eat them, because they do not know when to hunt again.
But if it is a raised fish Overfeeding, in addition to easily polluting the water, can also lead to obesity in fish.

Soak the pellets in water before giving them. If there is only pellet food It has to soak in a glass for 2-3 minutes and...

Soak the pellets in water before giving them. If there is only pellet food It has to soak in a glass for 2-3 minutes and then let the fish eat. Will be fully inflated from the beginning Do not inflate the belly of the fish [8]
Don't over-feed the betta fish. Reduced food after the fish bloated Instead, switch to feeding live bait if you see an inflated betta that won't collapse.

Precautions for feeding fishAvoid drying food too often. Such as scraps of fish food or freeze-dried food. Common fish f...

Precautions for feeding fish
Avoid drying food too often. Such as scraps of fish food or freeze-dried food. Common fish food is sometimes advertised as food for betta fish. But be careful, fish are indigestible because they are too dry and contain difficult to digest fillers.
The pellet food will absorb water and then swell in the stomach of the fish. 2 - 3 times larger than normal when dry. Some fish will show unusual symptoms. Especially constipation or abnormal bowel movements

To eat insects. They are live insects. Or freeze The best are the Daphnia or water flea and fruit flies [5].You can find...

To eat insects. They are live insects. Or freeze The best are the Daphnia or water flea and fruit flies [5].
You can find them at any fish shop. Especially the same betta fish Fruit flies or whiteflies are usually sold in jars for reptile food. But people like to eat fish as well When giving the fish to eat, shake it into a zip lock bag. Then put it in the freezer for 2-3 minutes to slow down the insect movement. Then quickly poured it into the aquarium If the fish does not eat, it must be spooned out.

Feed worms. Betta fish in nature primarily eat a variety of small marine worms. People who raise betta fish prefer to ea...

Feed worms. Betta fish in nature primarily eat a variety of small marine worms. People who raise betta fish prefer to eat red worms (bloodworm) the most, with live, freeze-dried (freeze-dried), freeze-dried, and gel-like forms. But the red worms alone are not very nutritious. They are better suited for snacks than brine shrimp or glassworms or tubifex worms, but a pellet or gel-like diet is best for betta f

Provide a variety of foods. Time to be in nature Betta eats a variety of small animals, so if betta fish keep their food...

Provide a variety of foods. Time to be in nature Betta eats a variety of small animals, so if betta fish keep their food for a long time Will be harmful to the immune system Make the fish eat less food
You can switch food as often as possible, at least once per week. At least 1 different type of betta fish should be fed.

Provide food regularly. Betta fish should be fed daily or most of the day; feeding two meals at evenly spaced intervals ...

Provide food regularly. Betta fish should be fed daily or most of the day; feeding two meals at evenly spaced intervals would be fine if keeping betta fish in the office. Can't feed on weekends Do not have to worry if 5 days come to work to feed regularly However, the betta must abstain from food for a day and not be afraid that it will not get enough food [3].
Have to leave for 2 weeks without eating anything. Betta fish to death So if the betta doesn't eat for 2-3 days, it will be sick or adjust.

Food that fish do not eat must be spooned out. Because leaving it to be a breeding ground for bacteria, when the sewage ...

Food that fish do not eat must be spooned out. Because leaving it to be a breeding ground for bacteria, when the sewage fish die, or before that, the fish eats spoiled food
Spoon it out with a small sieve. The type that uses a fish spoon or fish spoon to be placed in other tanks when changing the water.

If the fish refuses to eat, reduce the amount. If the fish refuses to eat the food given, go away. Need to reduce the qu...

If the fish refuses to eat, reduce the amount. If the fish refuses to eat the food given, go away. Need to reduce the quantity For example, if you normally feed 4 pellets (per fish), then you have to reduce them to 3 pellets for a while.If this time the fish eats up quickly, you can add 4 pellets.

The ball should be fed around the eye of the fish. The stomach of a betta fish is about the size of its own eyes. Theref...

The ball should be fed around the eye of the fish. The stomach of a betta fish is about the size of its own eyes. Therefore, do not feed larger ones. That is, about 3 pellets or 3 sea mites per feeding. To get them into a gel diet, they must be given in that amount. Give your betta no more than one to two times a day [2].
If feeding dry food (such as pellets), it must be soaked in water. Because otherwise it will be able to inflate the belly of the betta fish later.

If you want beautiful fish If you want to swim in the aquarium at your home or office, you will need betta fish. Betta f...

If you want beautiful fish If you want to swim in the aquarium at your home or office, you will need betta fish. Betta fish are easy to raise. Plus cheerful and energetic than other fish species The most important is their shape and color that they forget you can breath. [1] Betta fish are carnivores. (carnivorous) means the main food that must be meat. Do not feed dry pellets. Made from plants, just as common tropical fish eat. If you study carefully what the betta fish eat. And how to properly feed the betta fish Your beautiful fish will continue to admire for a long time.

Order now, real Thai fighting fish.

Order now, real Thai fighting fish.

Interested in fighting betta fish, think of us, Sawatdee shop, easy to raise, beautiful, elegant, order at all, delivery...

Interested in fighting betta fish, think of us, Sawatdee shop, easy to raise, beautiful, elegant, order at all, delivery service to your home

Betta fish are one of the most popular ornamental fish. Originating from Thailand and spread throughout the world. In ad...

Betta fish are one of the most popular ornamental fish. Originating from Thailand and spread throughout the world. In addition to having beautiful colors Also known for being the most staunch fighter and tough as well. Popular to be raised individually in a small jar

Terminalia catappaHelps inhibit bacteria that cause disease to fish.Helps heal wounds because it contains tannins that h...

Terminalia catappa
Helps inhibit bacteria that cause disease to fish.
Helps heal wounds because it contains tannins that have an astringent effect.
Help to prevent parasites that will come to adhere to the fish.
Help to accelerate the color of fish to be beautiful.
Help to adjust the PH value of the water.
Help in reducing stress for fish.

Easy to raise, beautiful, elegant, Thai fighting fish

Easy to raise, beautiful, elegant, Thai fighting fish

Elephant's ear is unique. With large ear fins

Elephant's ear is unique. With large ear fins

Giant fighting fish was developed by the Thai people. The body is 2 times larger than ordinary.

Giant fighting fish was developed by the Thai people. The body is 2 times larger than ordinary.

Double Tail Betta Or two tailed betta It has an upper tail lobes and a lower tail that looks like a heart.

Double Tail Betta Or two tailed betta It has an upper tail lobes and a lower tail that looks like a heart.

Betta fish speciesChinese betta fish are also known as tigers, long, sparse tail, large and slende**The name is Chinese ...

Betta fish species

Chinese betta fish are also known as tigers, long, sparse tail, large and slende

**The name is Chinese fighting fish. But actually the origin originated from Thailand**

Half Moon Betta Fish It is a species developed by Europeans. The tail is smooth, the tail stems are split apart, four st...

Half Moon Betta Fish It is a species developed by Europeans. The tail is smooth, the tail stems are split apart, four stretched out like a half moon

Crowntail betta fish It is a species developed by the Indonesian people. With fins and spars that are proportionate The ...

Crowntail betta fish It is a species developed by the Indonesian people. With fins and spars that are proportionate The edge of the tail will be a deep, concave streak like a crown.

Betta fish speciesThe body is dark black, thick and hardy.

Betta fish species
The body is dark black, thick and hardy.

Betta" or Betta (Betta splendens) is said to derive its name from the ancient warrior "Bettah" because of its fierce fig...

Betta" or Betta (Betta splendens) is said to derive its name from the ancient warrior "Bettah" because of its fierce fighting, the famous Thai sport fish tournament. Since the beginning of the opening of the fish gambling trade to serve as the senior management of Sai Yue, also found a record of the Thai drama fish drama to raise in the year. 1893 It was first introduced to Germany in 1896 and entered the country in 1910.




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