June 29, 2024 Well finally the 30th Birthday is here after some past years confusion involving Thai calendar years, 2538 Lamburg was born- according to his Livestock Dept booklet in = 1995 wot still 29 ? Arg . Been a tough last 3 months, some mysterious LR joint problem just now recovering, then the heel got injured, hence the boot, and then a sucession of antibiotics as first did not work, snot smear 10 days of injections, and now itraconzole - three times a day orally. Responding well but that month on steroids really took the weight off him. Off pain meds today as test and he is using it - albeit it seems a bil off kilter. Yesterday he finally began eating the normal amount as before and the bananas are helping plus the free range grass. Had to rebuild the fencing as the pathogens were picked up likely from raw sewage running into the wetlands from yet another development.