Ahoj všem,
Možná někteří z vás nejsou milovníci koček, ale vsadím se, že někteří z vás si s kočkami hráli, hladili je nebo je fotili. Všichni moc dobře víme, jak jsou roztomilí. Někdy ale potřebují pomoc. Naši pomoc. A to je důvod, proč jsem se rozhodla založit sbírku na podporu opuštěných koček v Tunisku.
Síla je v jednotě a proto se vás pokorně ptám - pomůžete?
Klikněte zde a přispějte: https://www.donio.cz/opustene-kocky-a-kotata-v-tunisku
Hello to all,
Maybe some of you are not cat lovers but I bet that some of you have played with, petted or photographed cats. We all know very well how cute they are. But sometimes they need help. Our help. And this is the reason why I decided to start a fundraiser to support abandoned cats in Tunisia.
The strength is in unity and therefore I´m humbly asking you - will you help? Click here and donate:
Donio is a czech fundraiser webpage, you can switch to english langue. Unfornutally, there is no translation of the description of this charity collection, so I post it here:
my name is Veronika, I´m 33 years old and I live in Czech Republic. All my life I love animals - dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, budgies ...
You might wonder why I take care of cats in Tunisia when there are plenty of them in my country. The answer is quite easy - I know very well that we also have a problem with abandoned animals, however here in Czechia everything can be arranged more easily ( for example castration programs, we have shelters or temporary homes, easy acces to the veterinarian care, etc.),
In Tunisia it's not easy like that. Veterinary care and in fact everything for animals is much empansive than in abroad. People there live in quite a lot of poverty without a social system´s support and helping stray animals is almost impossible for them.
I have been flying to Tunisia for 10 years. Every time I see a cat in a miserable state, it really makes me cry. I know so good, I can´t save them all. But I want to help at least a few of them. I also know that I will not get them off the streets and give them real home but i truly believe that with your little help I can provide them some food, disinfection and a few shelters over their heads. I know you're thinking it's not enough but for a lot of cats can be even little help a lifesaver. And it's worth it! Every saved life is counting and is worth fighting for it. With your help, I can save quite a few of them.
To abandoned cats, kittens and tomcats in my favorite hotel Samira Club where I fly regularly for 10 years. This year we had around 40 cats and kittens there. Thin, meowing mama cats, always with three or four kittens. Some of them have lost weight almost to the bone.
All funds will go to these creators, which you (hopefully) will help me to collect.
The money from this collection will be used only for food (granules, sachets, canned food for adult cats and kittens) and to provide some little shelters (open cage, kennel, wooden shed), antiparasitic agents (protection against fleas, etc.).
Everything will be bought here in the Czech Republic, carefully packed and transported to the destination at my own expense. Everything will be supported by invoices, receipts and later, of course, I will share photos of the result of our joint efforts and help.
For future, if we will be succesfull, I would like to continue and extend our help even with a castration program (as a prevetion of uncontrolled breeding which is currently a hug problem) and to provide a complete veterinary care.
But right now is the most important to start.
Let´s do it!
And me, I thank you very much in advance because every help counts and every single financial amout you send will be a huge motivation for me to continue.
Možná se ptáte, proč kočky až v Tunisku a ne tady u nás. Odpověď je celkem snadná. Moc dobře vím ( a vídám je u nás téměř každý den), že i u nás je problém s opuštěnými zvířaty. Nicméně u nás lze vše zařídit snáz. Kastrační programy, máme útulky, dočasné domo...