Many thanks and gratitude to everyone who shared our donation posts and/or contributed. 🙏
You contributions have enabled Kaother to pay the cost of labour and materials for another week.
Regrettably we continue appealing to your goodwill for further donations to help us complete the cattery.
Work is underway during Ramadan to build capacity to return to self-generating funds for the shelter. This is, however, also contingent on having more hardworking human hands (staff and volunteers) as well as time and energy.
Please stay tuned for more developments as we work towards the goal of being a sustainable animal rescue shelter and learning space. We can't wait to share some very exciting news in coming weeks. Including more animal groom transformations.
If you like our work, please do share our updates with your networks as we are trying to pioneer a progressive community development animal welfare model in Tunisia. 🙏
We hope you enjoy some of the animals enjoying the afternoon Nabeul sun and a very popular cat bed. 😊
Many thanks again for your continued support. 🙏