Green neon tetras are here!
It's a new era......Planted tank fans, discus hobbyists, the perfect tetra with wide temperature zones. Discus perfect/ tetra tank perfect. The emperor is here to rule. Fantastic Emperor tetra production in full swing at Dr.Fish Discus Pure Fish Farm, contact 345-9970.
Harlequin rasbora production in full swing. Hundreds of babies and hundreds more on the way. Contact 3459970 for more info.
Dither fish
Dither fish to make your planted Discus and tetra tanks shine. SPLASHABUSHBASH! bringing the streams of heaven home. All fish filmed at Dr. Fish Discus Pure Fish Farm . Disclaimer: Neon tetras not advised for discus tank.
Customer feedback
Another super satisfied customer. Fish with quality you can trust. Be Dr. Fish sure.
Satisfied Customer
Here at Dr. Fish we can ensure quality. All fish are bred at Dr. Fish Discus Pure Fish Farm. Here you can see a customer expressing his feelings.
Boesemani rainbows here for you
Breeding size boesemani rainbows, $30 for 1, 4 for $100 and 15 for $300. Call or WhatsApp 336-7642 / 345-9970 to make your appointment today.
Boesemani rainbowfish
Boesemani rainbows available. Call or WhatsApp 345-9970/ 336-7642
Neon tetras available from April 1st. Taking orders from hobbyists only. Call or WhatsApp 345-9970/ 336-7642 to place your order.
Giants in the tank
Giant discus pair, 9 inch male and 8⅓ inch female. Not for sale, just sharing the joy.
Mixed Albino pair
Albino pair, albino leopard male and white halo albino female. One of my favourite pairs at my farm.
Tetras, Albino rainbows and Albino cherry barbs.
A brew of perfection, a blend of quality tetras, albino rainbows and albino cherry barbs, right here in Trinidad, at Discus Pure.