Black-bellied whistling ducks! 🦆
Yes, you heard right! - They whistle!
These pretty little ducks do not quack, but are known for their distinctive whistling calls!
Apart from their black undersides, they exhibit pink bills and legs. Both male and female look similar in colour.
The black-bellied whistling ducks are one of several wild duck species found in our country. Just like other local waterfowl species, the black-bellied whistling duck is protected species in Trinidad and Tobago.
See these whistling ducks during your next Zoo visit!
#Blackbelliedwhistlingduck #Emperorvalleyzoo
World Wetlands Day! - 2 February 🌿
Today, 2 February is World Wetlands Day! Today marks the date for the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 Febrauary 1971. It is celebrated annually around the globe to raise awareness about the importance of wetlands.
What is a Wetland?
- According to, Wetlands are "land areas that are saturated or flooded with water either permanently or seasonally."
Swamps, marshes, rivers, lakes, floodplains, estuaries, lagoons, ponds and coral reefs are some examples of wetlands.
This year's theme for World Wetlands Day is ' Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future'. It is critical to protect wetlands as these areas support many species of plant and animal life. Many species of birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects and crustaceans depend on wetlands for survival.
More than 40% of all flora and fauna live and breed in wetlands around the world. For this reason, wetlands are the most biologically diverse ecosystem in the world!
Here are some animals which can be found in our local wetlands habitats..
#Worldwetlandsday #Emperorvalleyzoo
Nom, nom, nom! - It's International Zebra Day! 🦓
Zebras are one of Africa's most iconic animals, known for their black and white striped coats!
Zebras, just like horses, are herbivores and feed primarily on grass. Here is Zoe, the Zebra, as she enjoys her meal of fresh grass..
As we celebrate International Zebra Day today - 31 January, here are some facts about these stunning animals 👇
🦓 No 2 zebras have the same stripe pattern!
🦓 Can run up to 65 km per hour!
🦓 Running is a zebra's primary method of evading predators!
🦓 A zebra's predadors include lions, hyenas, cheetahs and leopards!
🦓 It's hind legs can deliver powerful kicks which are strong enough to break the jaw of a lion!
🦓 Eats mainly grasses and sometimes twigs, barks, shrubs and leaves.
🦓 Native to Africa.
🦓 Closely related to horses!
Happy International Zebra Day! 🦓
#Zebra #Emperorvalleyzoo
Appreciate Squirrels! 🐿
Appreciate Squirrels! 🐿
Today, January 21, is Squirrel Appreciation Day, a day to acknowledge the role of squirrels in the environment.
There are over 200 squirrel species in the world today. Squirrels, like other rodents, have 4 front teeth. These mammals are known for for their bushy tails and popular for their cute appearance.
Locally, the red-tailed squirrel species can be found. This tree squirrel gets it's name from the reddish colour of it's tail. There are many red-tailed squirrels residing at the Emperor Valley Zoo, however, these animls are not kept in captivity. Instead, they can be seen living on the many trees throughout the Zoo's compound.
Here is a red-tailed squirrel, nicknamed Squirrely, who frequents a bird feeder for a snack!
#Squirrel #Emperorvalleyzoo
Our free-ranging macaws enjoy treats at the feeder this morning! 🦜🦜
Something's Fishy! 🐟
Fish live in a range of habitats including the open oceans, coral reefs, rivers, streams and ponds.
Here are a few Fishy Facts you may not have known 👇
🐟 Fish have been on Earth for more than 500 million years!
🐟 There are about 32,000 living species of fish in the world today!
🐟 About half of all fish types live in fresh water.
🐟 Fish are vertebrates (have backbones).
🐟 Fish are cold-blooded animals.
The video below shows Two spot tetras (can be found locally) at the Zoo's aquarium..
#Emperorvalleyzoo #Fish
Raja and Rani celebrate 10th Birthday!! 🐅🎉
White Bengal tigers, siblings, Raja and Rani, celebrated their golden Birthday today - turning 10 years on the 10th January! These 2 cats were born at the Emperor Valley Zoo in 2015 to mother Rajasi and father, Shere Khan.
How did these felines celebrate their special day? - with presents of course! Our tiger caregivers upcyled large cardboard boxes into gold-coloured wrapped presents filled with the.tigers favourite - meat! Boy did the siblings enjoying ripping open their gifts to find the meat inside! They also had a tiger-riffic time clawing at and ripping appart the boxes with their sharp teeth and retractable claws!
Happy Birthday to Zoo born Raja and Rani! 🎁🎁
#Emperorvalleyzoo #Bengaltiger
Save the Eagles Day! 🦅
January 10 every year is Save the Eagles Day! This day celebrates eagles and raises awareness about conservation efforts of these magnificent birds.
There are over 60 eagle types in the world, with the largest, by weight, being the Steller's sea eagle - can weigh up to 20 pounds!).
The Emperor Valley Zoo is home to one of the biggest eagles species today - the Harpy eagle!
The large bird can reach 35 to 41 inches in height (females are larger than males)! The Harpy's wingspan can reach up to 6.5 feet across!
This great bird is named after the predatory half-woman, half-bird monster, Harpyja, of Greek mythology.
What does a bird of this extraordinary size and power eat? - It flies below the forest canopy to grab sloths and monkeys with it's black, long talons! This species diet also include on snakes, porcupines, iguanas and opossums.
The Harpy Eagle is the national bird of Panama.
On this day, let us learn more about amazing eagles of the world which soar the skies!
#Emperorvalleyzoo #Harpyeagle
Feeding time! 🦁
Lions are carnivores - they feed on meat. African lions prey upon zebras, antelopes, wildebeest and other large animals in the wild.
Here, Scar, the lion, enjoys his meat meal at the Zoo! The meal was part of an enrichment activity for this animal to find it's food. Scar, like our other large cats, enjoyed clawing and ripping the meat- scented cardboard box to pieces!
🦁 Lion Fact! - An African lion's canine teeth can each reach over 2 inches in length!
See the feeding of our large cats - lions/ tigers/ jaguars at 3 pm daily! 🐾
#Africanlion #Animalenrichment #Emperorvalleyzoo
Holiday fun for Gozzy, the Goose! 🦢🎁
Enrichment activities continue at the Emperor Valley Zoo as our animals are treated to holiday-themed activities at this time of year!
Here is 9-month-old white Chinese goose named Gozzy, enjoying his vege and grain treat box. This goose type is known for it's white feathers, blue eyes and orange bill and legs.
Goose fact! - A baby goose is called a gosling! 🐥
#Gozzythegoose #Animalenrichment
Chimp opens present! 🎁
It's that time of year again and Sudi, the chimpanzee, excitedly opens her enrichment holiday present presented to her by her caregivers. Keep looking to see what's inside!
Did you know there is a species of crab living on our local mountains??! 🦀
It is called the Mountain crab (Eudaniela garmani)! This crab is appropriately named as it is found at high elevations in the forest. It inhabits fresh water streams and rivers at altitudes of 50 to 800 meters above sea level! This species is also found in parts of Venezuela.
The Mountain crab is nocturnal by nature and hunts at night. It diet includes shrimp, fish, insects and snakes. It can also consume fruit.
When Mountain crab eggs are hatched, the tiny babies are retained in a pouch on the underside of the female's body. The baby crabs stay there until their first moult, after which they are released into the water. Having a pouch similar to our local Black-eared opossum or manicou, the Mountain crab is also referred to as 'Manicou crab' in Trinidad and Tobago!
#Emperorvalleyzoo #Mountaincrab