#tugofwar with #snoopyfrenchie. Don’t worry, no harm to Snoopy as he was released very quickly for his dinner. #taipei #taiwan #petsofinstagram #instafrenchie #frenchbulldog #frenchie
Please pray #snoopyfrenchie as he is going for an operation to remove a tumor. It might not sound like a big deal but there’s always risks involved. Please be safe and return safely back to me, my dear boy. I love you.
#snoopyfrenchie is a #guardian #guardianangel to #dianakang #babydianakang #siblinglove #frenchie #frenchielove #frenchiesofig #frenchbulldog #frenchiestagram #pawsomefrenchies #pawmopolitan #instapet #instagram #instadaily #instafrenchie #instafrenchielove #instafrenchbulldog #petstagram #petsofinstagram #taipei #taiwan ##法鬥 #法國鬥牛犬
#guess which 1 is #snoopyfrenchie 猜猜誰是 #snoopyfrenchie!! 有人想越獄!#frenchie #frenchielove #frenchiesofig #frenchbulldog #frenchiestagram #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchbulldoglove #pawsomefrenchies #instapet #instagram #instadaily #instafrenchie #instafrenchbulldog #taipei #taiwan #法鬥 #法國鬥牛犬
Don't stop!!! 不要停下來!#frenchie #frenchielove #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofig #frenchiestagram #frenchiesofinstagram #instafrenchie #pawsomefrenchies #frenchbulldoglife #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #instafrenchbulldog #instadaily #instapet #instagram #petsofinstagram #taipei #taiwan #法鬥 #法國鬥牛犬 #snoopyfrenchie #shiok #massage
I'm very sure I kept a #frenchbulldog #frenchie and not a #pig... #snortlikeapig 你是法國人阿,怎麼一直豬叫呢?! #frenchielove #frenchiesofig #frenchiesociety #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiestagram #pawsomefrenchies #instapet #instagram #instadaily #instafrenchie #petstagram #petsofinstagram #flatnosedogsociety #taipei #taiwan #法鬥 #法國鬥牛犬 #snoopyfrenchie #ilovefrenchie #ilovefrenchbulldog
Catching up on some #zzz #sleep #afternoonnap #fatherandson #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchiesofig #frenchielife #frenchiesociety #frenchie #frenchielife #frenchiestagram #pawsomefrenchies #instagram #instadaily #instapet #instafrenchie #ilovefrenchies #ilovedogs #taipei #taiwan #december2016
#piggy sound from #snoopyfrenchie on a #typhoon night... #frenchbulldog #frenchiesofinstagram #frenchbulldogsofinstagram #frenchbulldoglife #frenchie #frenchiesociety #frenchielove #frenchiegram #flatnosedogsociety #pawsomefrenchies #taipei #taiwan #instagram #instadaily #petsofinstagram #petstagram #法鬥 #法國鬥牛犬