#短吻犬阻塞性呼吸道症候群(Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome, ),是一種好發於某些短吻犬品種的上呼吸道阻塞相關症候群。由於育種的選擇,牠們的頭顱縮短、顱內呼吸道軟組織被不正常的壓縮及異常生長(鼻甲增生、軟齶過大、舌頭肥厚),進而造成呼吸道阻塞。好發的犬種包括 #巴哥犬、 #法國鬥牛犬、 #英國鬥牛犬 等等。此症候群是一種漸進性疾病 ,可能影響狗的運動 、 遊戲 、 進食和睡眠 ,時間久了會增加併發心血管相關疾病的風險喔!
#反流、 #嘔吐:
然而,根據研究統計,大約有60% 患有BOAS 的短吻犬的飼主不覺得自己的狗狗有呼吸問題。
【What is BOAS?】
Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is an upper respiratory syndrome that occurs in some brachycephalic breeds. Due to selective breeding, these dogs have shortened cranial structures, leading to abnormal compression and growth of soft tissues in the head (such as nasal turbinate, elongated soft palate, and thickened tongue), causing respiratory obstruction. Extreme brachycephalic dogs such as pugs, French bulldogs and bulldogs are more predisposed to BOAS in general. This syndrome is a progressive disease that can impact the dog's ability to exercise, play, eat, and sleep.
【Does my dog have BOAS?】
Dogs with BOAS may exhibit the following abnormal breathing characteristics:
Exercise intolerance:
Due to airway obstruction, affected dogs may be unable to exercise as long as other dogs and may take longer to recover after activities.
Abnormal breathing sounds:
Affected dogs may produce abnormal breathing noises (e.g., high-pitched stridor, low-pitched snoring).*Laryngeal collapse can result in high-pitched breathing noises (stridor) during respiration.
Heat intolerance:
Nasal turbinate is the structure responsible for a dog’s thermoregulation. Structural abnormalities in the airway (e.g., nasal turbinate) can reduce the dog's ability to cool down, leading to heat intolerance, such as excessive panting.
Regurgitation and vomiting:
Many brachycephalic dogs experience decreased esophageal mobility and delayed stomach emptying. In addition, if the dog also has an upper airway obstruction, the increased negative pressure in the chest can lead to symptoms of vomiting and regurgitation.
Sleep abnormalities:
Affected dogs may sleep with their heads elevated, hold toys while sleeping, stand while sleeping, frequently wake up to adjust their sleeping positions or sleep apnoea.
However, according to previous research (Packer et al. 2012), approximately 60% of the owners of BOAS-affected dogs do not think that their dogs are having breathing issues.
If your dog exhibits the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to consult an experienced veterinarian to avoid missing the optimal treatment window!
1. Packer RMA, Hendricks A, Burn CC. Do dog owners perceive the clinical signs related to conformational inherited disorders as 'normal' for the breed? A potential constraint to improving canine welfare. Anim Welf. 2012;21(1):81-93.
2. Liu, Nai-Chieh, et al. "Conformational risk factors of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) in pugs, French bulldogs, and bulldogs." PloS one 12.8 (2017): e0181928.