PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家

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  • PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家

PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家 We’re here for you.」 Our mission includes 2 primary objectives:

1. We take care of the “forgotten” dogs—the homeless, sick, wounded, elderly and unwanted.

PACK Taiwan, your first choice for adopting homeless dogs.


「Don’t worry. 巴克幫專注在做好三件事「照顧狗狗、送養狗狗、分享知識」,我們給他一個家,您給他一個未來。






PACK (People for Animal Care and Kindness) was established in August 2016 to rehabilitate and rehome the stray dogs of Taiwan. Our center in Shanzhi serves as both sanctuary and shelter, providing a professional home for up to 250 animals. In the process, we raise the bar for other shelters and sanctuaries in Taiwan.

2. We rehome dogs. As matchmakers who help dogs and humans find each other, we prepare our dogs for life as family members through PACK Academy, a system of assessment, socialization and training. We also educate humans about forgotten dogs and challenge them to join us as their guardians by fostering, adopting and volunteering to support our efforts. As a non-government, non-profit organization PACK Taiwan relies 100% on private donations.

【PACK Taiwan 巴克幫-浪犬之家】

【📢領養快報】超級害羞內向的I狗喬妹找到家啦!The super shy and introverted dog, Jamie, has found a forever home!在前幾次的領會中,喬妹總是鑽到桌子底下或是躲在角落,完全就是...

The super shy and introverted dog, Jamie, has found a forever home!
In previous adoption events, Jamie would always hide under tables or curl up in corners, like a little wallflower. 🌿
But after undergoing multiple socialization training sessions and being showered with love by her foster family and doggy brother, she gradually opened up her heart and made remarkable progress!
And now, she's finally found a loving home!

支持巴克幫的朋友大家好 Hello to our friends supporting PACK:2025很快的來到二月了,2024年的巴克幫充滿感動與成長 As we quickly step into February 2025, le...

支持巴克幫的朋友大家好 Hello to our friends supporting PACK:

2025很快的來到二月了,2024年的巴克幫充滿感動與成長 As we quickly step into February 2025, let's take a moment to reflect on the journey of PACK Taiwan in 2024

We invite everyone to join us in looking back at the highlights and memories from the past year and continue striving forward together!


年假真的完全結束了呢🥺來回顧一下小熊豐盛的年夜飯~真是太幸福了!這週六還要補班,用一餐豐盛的食物撫慰自己的心吧~🧡The holiday is truly over now!Let’s take a look back at Bear's ...

The holiday is truly over now!
Let’s take a look back at Bear's New Year's Eve feast—it was such a blessing!
Since we have to work on Saturday this week, it's time to treat ourselves to a delicious meal to comfort our hearts 🧡

【0209 巴克幫領養會 PACK Adoption Event】週日來東區混市集找我們吧!● 活動時間:02/09(日) 14:00-21:00● 活動地點:台北東區混市集 (106台北市大安區忠孝東路四段75號前頂好廣場)● 出席狗狗:...

【0209 巴克幫領養會 PACK Adoption Event】

● 活動時間:02/09(日) 14:00-21:00
● 活動地點:台北東區混市集 (106台北市大安區忠孝東路四段75號前頂好廣場)
● 出席狗狗:九九、萊雅、歐歐
● 等家狗狗介紹:
【0209 PACK Adoption Event】
Come play with us!
- Event Info -
・Date: 2/9(SUN.) 14:00-21:00
・Location: Taipei Hangoutmarket
-No. 75, Sec. 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Da’an Dist.,
Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
・ADOPT ME: Jojo,Loreal,Ouou

冷冷的天真的適合身旁有一隻狗狗呀!金寶早就準備好了,全心投入睡覺模式!吃完就睡,走完就躺。如果你需要一隻慵懶的狗狗,一起攤在沙發上,或是抱著取暖,金寶就是最適合你的寶貝!快來認識他~A Chilly Day is Perfect with ...



A Chilly Day is Perfect with a Dog by Your Side!
Meet Sparky, who's already mastered the art of relaxation😉
Eat, sleep, walk, and then... back to lounging.

If you're looking for a laid-back dog to lounge on the sofa with or cuddle up for warmth, Jinbao is the perfect companion for you. Come and meet him soon! 🐾✨

• 金寶 Sparky
• 弟弟 / 4歲 / 18KG(有增胖的趨勢⋯⋯XD)
• 詳細狗狗檔案 More Info:

【巴克幫 PACK Taiwan🐾2 月份領養會 February Adoption Events】✨2/9(日) 14:00~21:00 混市集領養會 (忠孝復興站)✨2/22(六) 13:00~19:00 天母家樂福 領養會 (芝山站 ...

【巴克幫 PACK Taiwan🐾2 月份領養會 February Adoption Events】

✨2/9(日) 14:00~21:00 混市集領養會 (忠孝復興站)
✨2/22(六) 13:00~19:00 天母家樂福 領養會 (芝山站 2號出口)

✨2/9 (Sun) 14:00~21:00 HangOut Market (Zhongxiao Fuxing Station)
✨2/22 (Sat) 13:00~19:00 Tianmu Carrefour (Zhishan Station, Exit 2)

Stay tuned for the full list of attending dogs, which will be announced before the events! Volunteers are also welcome to join us.





祝大家新年旺旺汪💖巴克幫派出雲端寶貝們在此祝大家 新年快樂,蛇麼都開心! 🎉Wishing everyone a Wonderful New Year! 💖Virtual Pets are here to send you our best...

巴克幫派出雲端寶貝們在此祝大家 新年快樂,蛇麼都開心! 🎉
Wishing everyone a Wonderful New Year! 💖
Virtual Pets are here to send you our best wishes for a happy and joyful new year—may everything be "snake-tacularly" amazing! 🎉
In the coming year, we remain dedicated to our mission of creating a better and happier environment for stray animals. Thank you for your continued support and companionship along the way! We also look forward to welcoming more partners to join us as we work together with love and action to make the world a better place.

「實習幸福」的金寶在中途麻麻家過得超幸福!💖 “Interning Happiness” – Sparky is Living the Dream at his Foster House! 💖每天都有現烘的美味零食享用,還經常被帶出去玩,體...

“Interning Happiness” – Sparky is Living the Dream at his Foster House! 💖

Sparky is enjoying the happiest time in his foster home, with freshly baked treats to savor every day and frequent outings to explore the world. All these wonderful experiences have made his doggy self increasingly... well-rounded! 😆

Sparky is incredibly friendly with both adults and kids, and walking him on a leash is truly a delight. Although he sometimes insists on heading in mysterious directions, following him usually leads to nothing in particular—but it’s this little quirk that makes him even more lovable!

With his powerful and majestic appearance, Sparky might seem intimidating, but his heart is filled with pure softness. He’s gentle, affectionate, and loves to cuddle, with countless ways to melt hearts. His affectionate gestures are just the right mix of warmth and charm—never overwhelming, but always touching.

We hope Sparky can continue to grow with all these wonderful experiences until he finds his forever family who will truly love and cherish him!

姆姆在 Scooby 學長家實習時,與學長相處融洽,不爭寵也不吃醋。但又不過分黏人,既懂得親近又懂得保持距離,真是完美的相處對象!「靜如處子,動如脫兔」這句話,用來形容她再適合不過了!Mumu had a great time intern...

姆姆在 Scooby 學長家實習時,與學長相處融洽,不爭寵也不吃醋。但又不過分黏人,既懂得親近又懂得保持距離,真是完美的相處對象!「靜如處子,動如脫兔」這句話,用來形容她再適合不過了!

Mumu had a great time interning at Scooby's house, getting along wonderfully with him. She didn’t compete for attention or get jealous, nor was she overly clingy. She knows how to be close yet maintain the perfect amount of distance—a truly ideal companion! The phrase “still as a statue, swift as a rabbit” couldn’t describe her better!


When there’s no playtime, Mumu is calm and quiet, resting peacefully. But when it’s time to play, she’s bursting with energy and full of life! With her gentle, easygoing personality, she’s simply irresistible.


Right now, warm and adorable Mumu is still waiting for her true love. We hope everyone can help spread the word so Mumu can find her forever home soon! 💖🐾

【📢三三的醫療近況更新 Sansan's medical update】上個月我們發現三三後腿的截肢部位有異常的腫塊,醫生初步判斷是新生的腫瘤,需要盡快進行切除手術,非常感謝支持者的善心,我們才能盡快募齊手術、住院等醫療費用,讓三三不用再因...

【📢三三的醫療近況更新 Sansan's medical update】


Last month, we discovered an abnormal lump near Sansan’s amputated hind leg. The vet initially diagnosed it as a new tumor that required immediate removal. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to quickly raise the necessary funds for the surgery, hospitalization, and other medical expenses, sparing Sansan from prolonged pain caused by the tumor.


The surgery has now been successfully completed, and Sansan is recovering very well. On sunny days, she loves basking in the garden and enjoys being pampered by our crew. The tumor was sent for analysis and confirmed to be a malignant apocrine gland adenocarcinoma. Thankfully, we acted in time to prevent the tumor from spreading further.


We will continue to take Sansan for regular follow-up visits at the hospital. Thank you for being a part of PACK Taiwan and helping us care for our furry friends!

給170隻狗狗的年末祝福 A Year-End Blessing for 170 Dogs🧧送出你的祝福 Send your blessing:一年又到了尾聲,正當大家忙著尾牙慶祝的時候,巴克幫...

給170隻狗狗的年末祝福 A Year-End Blessing for 170 Dogs
🧧送出你的祝福 Send your blessing:


While everyone is busy celebrating with year-end parties, the hands of our PACK Taiwan team remain tirelessly caring for the dogs.


In our sanctuary, there are 170 senior, disabled, and forgotten stray dogs. They don't ask for extravagant meals or lucky draw prizes. To them, having steady and nutritious meals is the greatest joy.


Every month, we need 2,040 kilograms of dog food, which is a heavy financial burden. This month, we’re grateful for the kind donation of over 300 kilograms of food from generous sponsors. However, we still need your help to reach the remaining 1,718 kilograms (approximately NT$86,000) to ensure the dogs can enjoy a peaceful and secure New Year.


With just NT$600, you can provide a dog with a month of meals. We sincerely ask for your support in giving these dogs a meaningful year-end blessing.
Thank you for your kindness! ❤️

【0118 巴克幫領養會 PACK Adoption Event】週六來天母家樂福找我們吧!● 活動時間:01/18(六) 13:00-19:00● 活動地點:台北家樂福 天母店(台北市士林區德行西路47號)● 出席狗狗:小熊、帕克、米魯、...

【0118 巴克幫領養會 PACK Adoption Event】

● 活動時間:01/18(六) 13:00-19:00
● 活動地點:台北家樂福 天母店(台北市士林區德行西路47號)
● 出席狗狗:小熊、帕克、米魯、麻荖
● 等家狗狗介紹:
【0118 PACK Adoption Event】
Come play with us!
- Event Info -
・Date: 1/18(SAT.) 13:00-19:00
・Location: Taipei Carrefour -TienMou Store
(No. 47, Dexing W. Rd., Shilin Dist.,Taipei City , Taiwan (R.O.C.))
・ADOPT ME: Bear,Parker,Milu,Malau




Jojo used to live in a community where residents fed him for a while before disagreements led to his being sent to a shelter. Calm, gentle, and good-natured, Jojo is the perfect dog for families, especially those with children or elderly members.
Though he’s larger and older, Jojo is incredibly adaptable. He loves a slow pace and enjoys the simple pleasures of life. He’s not the type to rush into things or beg for attention but will form a steady and meaningful bond with his family.


Jojo has his quirks—he likes to “think” a lot and sometimes pretends not to hear commands unless you’re persistent. He’s also particular about his sleeping spots, often taking his time to “make” his bed just right. His calm demeanor brings a sense of zen to any home.

《九九🐾基本資料》Jojo's Info
年齡: 6歲
性別: 弟弟
體型: 大型犬 (30kg)
活動量: 中等偏高
健康狀況: 已結紮、已植晶片、已施打預防針
目前狀況: 等待中途家庭中

Age: 6 years
Gender: Male
Size: Large (30 kg)
Activity Level: Moderate to high
Health: Neutered, microchipped, vaccinated
Full profile:

【小熊軟糖🐾小熊】Sweet Gummy Bear 🐾 Bear小熊大概是在三、四個月大的時候被抱去消防局遺棄🥺由於成長過程都有與人接觸,因此對人的友善程度很高,唯獨社會化部分比較不足,遇到人類社會的環境聲響容易緊張。Bear was ab...

【小熊軟糖🐾小熊】Sweet Gummy Bear 🐾 Bear


Bear was abandoned at a fire station at around 3-4 months old. Fortunately, thanks to early human interaction, she’s incredibly friendly toward people. However, she’s still learning to feel confident in unfamiliar environments and can be a bit nervous around noises.


True to her name, Bear is soft yet resilient. At first, she may seem shy and reserved, showing little interest in unfamiliar dogs. But once she gets to know you, she’ll relax and enjoy your affection. She’s low-maintenance, gentle, and perfect for families of all kinds!


Bear has a quirky stubbornness—she won’t even shake hands for a treat! What is she holding out for? Bring this sweet gummy bear home for some cozy snuggles this winter!

《小熊🐾基本資料》Bear's Info
性別: 妹妹
體型: 中型犬 (15kg)
活動量: 中等偏低
健康狀況: 已結紮、已植晶片、已施打預防針
目前狀況: 等待中途家庭中
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Size: Medium (15 kg)
Activity Level: Low to moderate
Health: Neutered, microchipped, vaccinated
Full profile:

🐾陪伴TY走過康復之路:陪伴TY走過康復之路🐾🤕TY 是在 2015 年來到巴克幫的狗狗,當年蘇迪勒強颱肆虐全台,巴克幫在三芝當地緊急救援了TY。身形瘦削的他,是容易感到壓力、緊張的狗狗。不過他...


TY 是在 2015 年來到巴克幫的狗狗,當年蘇迪勒強颱肆虐全台,巴克幫在三芝當地緊急救援了TY。身形瘦削的他,是容易感到壓力、緊張的狗狗。不過他與室友們相處融洽,也十分親人,是巴克幫夥伴們疼愛的狗狗之一。

從 2020 年開始,TY 反覆出現皮膚過敏症狀,巴克幫的夥伴們也發現他經常甩頭和搔癢,於是帶他到醫院檢查。檢查結果除了發現TY對類固醇有過敏反應,還有耳道狹窄的問題。為了改善病情,在醫生的建議下,於2024年底進行部分耳道切除手術。

手術從耳朵外部進行,在TY耳朵上留下了一道不小的傷口,且需要長時間才能恢復。這是一個非常疼痛的手術,為了確保他的復原過程順利,TY 被安排離開原本的室友,搬進獨立的環境專心靜養。在這段期間,TY 展現了堅強的意志力,而巴克幫的夥伴們也持續用心陪伴與照顧他。

在巴克幫,TY 的故事只是眾多浪浪生命中的一個縮影。我們目前正在照顧許多曾經流浪街頭、忍受飢餓與傷痛的狗狗。在過程中,難免會面臨生病需要手術或是靜養的狀況。對於年長、體弱或生病的狗狗來說,一個安全的居住環境,能讓他們不再僅僅是求生存,而是能享受安穩幸福的生活。



【強運小子🐾旺旺】Lucky Boy 🐾 Wang Wang旺旺的外型很像米老鼠的寵物狗布魯托,旺旺有著較大的體型再加上黑嘴,讓人第一眼看到時覺得有點距離感,但旺旺個性非常的親人、天真樂觀,很渴望與人互動,只是不知道如何表達。從進入巴克預備...

【強運小子🐾旺旺】Lucky Boy 🐾 Wang Wang


Wang Wang looks like Pluto, Mickey Mouse’s loyal dog. With his big build and black snout, he might seem a bit distant at first glance. But don’t be fooled—Wang Wang is incredibly friendly, optimistic, and eager to interact with people. He’s still learning how to express his affection but is making great progress at PACK Academy. Wang Wang adores people and is excellent at following commands.


He needs a little time to adjust to new environments but is always curious and ready for fun. Looking for an exercise buddy? This lively and obedient boy is waiting for you!


He sees the world as a beautiful place and loves everyone he meets. Whether it’s strangers or other dogs, he’s eager to connect and loves cuddles. Just watch out—he sometimes forgets his size and tries to jump on people for hugs!

《旺旺🐾基本資料》WangWang's Info

年齡: 3歲
性別: 弟弟
體型: 中型犬 (22kg)
活動量: 中等偏高
健康狀況: 已結紮、已植晶片、已施打預防針
目前狀況: 等待中途家庭中

Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Size: Medium (22 kg)
Activity Level: Moderate to high
Health: Neutered, microchipped, vaccinated
Full profile:


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 14:00 - 16:30
Friday 14:00 - 16:30
Saturday 14:00 - 16:30




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Our Story 關於巴克

The PACK Sanctuary provides shelter to rescued animals and long term care to animals unlikely to find suitable homes, such as FIV cats, aggressive dogs, former pet pigs, and injured and orphaned wildlife. Our key to saving lives though is through our educational programs. Shelters like ours do not get to the root of the problems - human behavior - but education does. For this reason are always redeveloping our educational programs and community outreach.

巴克致力於幫助急需醫療照護的流浪動物,在動物恢復健康後,協助媒合適合的領養家庭。巴克目前在北台灣三芝4200坪的園區為需要特別照顧的動物,像是愛滋貓、有攻擊性的狗、不適合家養的麝香豬、受傷/殘障的貓狗,建立永久安養中心。目前照護400多隻救援動物,包含狗、貓、豬和鴨子。 透過提供動物自然的生活,包含環境和飲食,多年來我們見證了許多生命奇蹟,也很感謝一路以來跟我們一起相信奇蹟的朋友們。 我們的員工也都知道如何應對有攻擊性的狗狗,同時也不停止跟其他更有經驗的協會和團體請益,像是如何改善癱瘓狗狗的健康和增加運動量,或是老狗狗的安寧照顧等。 We have a fully trained global staff that knows how to behave around fearful or aggressive animals in such a way as to encourage them to relax and enjoy human interaction as a means to better care for them. Our medical manager has APSCA and Maddie’s Fund training and leads of experience handling animals.

We take in dogs and cats who have been abandoned, neglected, abused or given inappropriate care and help them overcome the insecurities and undesirable behaviors that they have learned. 我們希望能讓大家看到收容所也有不同的做法,也期盼能成為台灣和亞洲收容所的標竿。 We provide humane education to schools and community groups like the Boy Scouts and Rotary Club. We aim to always improve and expand to become a model sanctuary and leader in animal care and protection in Asia and set an example, helping other shelters and sanctuaries develop more ethical practices humane care.
