Brand Story
因為我們守護著您的最愛,所以不敢怠慢。自1984年成立至今,Demby GROUP設計、製造近百種安全系列產品,皆符合歐/美安全標準規範,同時擁有300多項設計專利。2006年Demby榮獲日本設計大賞Japan Good Design肯定。我們相信,當您在忙碌的日子裡,期待為家人創造一個安全美好的生活環境時,Demby將是您最好的選擇。
Since 1984, DEMBY Group team has been faithfully devoted to offer a wide range of innovative, practical and user-friendly products intended for better lifestyle for homecare, children and pets.
Demby was initially created in 1984 as a professional Industrial Design company covering various fields. It has steadily specialised in the development, design, manufacturing and sales of children and juvenile products since 1999. It further, extended its product line to pet market in 2010 and named it Yeagle. In 2013, Demby Group launched a new product line for homecare market named Famica.
The aim of Demby Group is improving the lives of each generation so they can live better with our products. Our group works on delivering safe, comfortable and convenient life style to each family.