


Do you want to know interesting facts about foxes? Whether it is about what they eat, how they behave or even look after their young, our fun fox facts will help you know more about this canid.

Interesting facts about foxes1. Despite the fact that foxes belong to the canine family, they are in many ways more like...

Interesting facts about foxes

1. Despite the fact that foxes belong to the canine family, they are in many ways more like cats than dogs.
2. Fox hunting began in the 15th century, when it was considered a sport similar to hunting deer and hares. In the 19th century, a hunter named Hugo Meynell was able to develop this "sport" into its current form of entertainment for the upper class of society.
3. The fox genus includes 10 varieties of the animal: ordinary, Afghan, American, sandy, Tibetan and other foxes.
4. The smallest fox is the fennec fox. This is a cute and desert animal with huge ears. The maximum weight of its body is no more than 1.5 kilograms, and its length reaches 40 centimeters.
5. The most developed senses in foxes are smell and hearing. With the help of them, foxes learn about the environment.
6. Sometimes foxes arrange a whole “concert” in front of their own “victims”. They show with their whole appearance that they are not interested in hunting, and when the prey loses its vigilance, the fox attacks it.
7. In the 60s of the previous century, it was possible to breed domestic foxes that showed a loyal attitude towards humans, unlike their tamed relatives.
8. With the help of their own claws, foxes can climb trees perfectly. They are even able to climb the wall of a wooden building.
9. On golf courses, it happened when foxes stole balls. Why they have such a fondness for golf balls remains a mystery.
10. Among all the wild representatives of the fauna, it is the foxes that most often carry rabies.

Interesting facts about foxesFoxes are indeed as curious animals as they are said to be.On the territory of Jordan, arch...

Interesting facts about foxes

Foxes are indeed as curious animals as they are said to be.
On the territory of Jordan, archaeologists discovered a grave with the remains of a man and his fox, apparently tame. If archaeologists are right, then ancient people tried to domesticate foxes even earlier than dogs (see interesting facts about dogs).
Many foxes love to play with a ball. With which one - it doesn’t matter to them, as long as it is round and rides well.
A fox can hear and smell a mouse under a meter-thick layer of snow.
The fox is able to run at a fast pace all night long without stopping.
Fox hunting has become so popular not so much because of its fur, but because of the complexity of this activity. Fortunately, it is banned in most countries these days.
Although foxes are distant relatives of dogs and wolves, they live alone, not in packs.
Foxes navigate by the Earth's magnetic field, like, for example, turtles (see interesting facts about turtles).
The smallest fox is the desert fox, or fennec fox. These creatures are known for being very sociable, while producing surprisingly loud sounds for such a compact creature. The weight of an adult fenech usually does not exceed one and a half kilograms.
The domesticated breed of foxes was bred in the 60s of the last century in the USSR. The cost of such a fox is about half a million rubles.

Interesting Herbivore FactsFact 1. There are not so many "absolute herbivores" in the world, that is, animals that eat o...

Interesting Herbivore Facts

Fact 1. There are not so many "absolute herbivores" in the world, that is, animals that eat only plants. Even ordinary cows, for example, digest insects along with plant foods, which they swallow along with grass, and reindeer, on occasion, can easily eat a small rodent or a chick that has fallen out of the nest.

Fact 2. Such cute animals as koalas feed exclusively on eucalyptus leaves, and they are just true herbivores. But such a low-calorie diet has led to the fact that, firstly, they cannot live outside the eucalyptus habitat, and secondly, in the process of evolution, their brain has significantly decreased in size.

Fact 3. Sloths, which are also not entirely herbivorous (they can eat some gaping lizard or insect), are so inactive for one reason - they have to save energy. The basis of their diet is leaves, which are digested for a long time and have little nutritional value.

Fact 4. The evolution of plants and the herbivores they feed on are usually interconnected. Plants develop protective properties (thorns, poisonous juice, etc.) to protect themselves from being eaten, and the animals that eat them, on the contrary, adapt to this protection.

Fact 5. Some invertebrates can even digest cellulose. These include certain types of worms and insects. And they can also be classified as phytophages, that is, herbivores, although they are not mammals.

Fact 6. In all herbivorous mammals, the assimilation of the absorbed plant food does not occur by itself, but with the help of symbiotic protozoa that live in their digestive system. They cannot assimilate the same cellulose by themselves.

Fact 7. Most of the animals traditionally considered herbivores do not really limit their diet. Flying squirrels, which feed mainly on nuts, can also eat insects, goats and sheep also eat them along with grass ... The list will be very long.

Fact 8. Herbivorous dinosaurs were probably the largest land animals on Earth that ever existed. They grew to huge sizes, but at the same time they were distinguished by a slow nervous system and low mobility, which made them easy prey for not so huge, but agile predators.

Fact 9. “100% herbivorous” living creatures that really eat only plant foods include earthworms, some centipedes and a significant number of gastropod mollusk species.

Fact 10. The only continent on which there are no herbivores is Antarctica. Which is not surprising, given that 98% of this continent is covered with ice and snow, and the scarce flora here is represented mainly by mosses, algae and lichens.

Interesting facts about forest animalsFact 1. Some animals of the forest zones are not found in other biomes. There are ...

Interesting facts about forest animals

Fact 1. Some animals of the forest zones are not found in other biomes. There are quite a few of them - hedgehogs, for example, or flying squirrels. But many other forest inhabitants, if necessary, leave their usual places - migratory birds fly away somewhere to Africa and Asia for the winter, and some predators living in the taiga sometimes even wander into the tundra in search of food.

Fact 2. Most of the forest animals are rodents, if we talk specifically about the number of different species. Squirrels, mice, hares - there are a huge number of representatives of this order of mammals in forest areas. But the brown bear, the largest predator that lives here, is rightfully considered the owner of the forest.

Fact 3. The heaviest life in the forest zone begins in spring and autumn, when many local animals begin an active breeding season. Drugged by hormones and driven by their instincts, some of them become quite dangerous due to unpredictable and aggressive behavior. At this time, moose, for example, often attack everyone they see, and even wolves and bears prefer to stay away from them.

Fact 4. Most of the forest animals are sedentary, equipping themselves with a nest or other den that can be used for years. But the martens are real nomads, they never stay in one place for a long time, and constantly move, tracking down their prey along the way.

Fact 5. There are many snakes in the forest zones, in the middle lane these are mainly snakes and vipers. And if snakes are harmless enough, since they are not poisonous, and besides, they can be tamed, then vipers can be deadly. Fortunately, hedgehogs do not allow them to breed too much. These rodents hunt vipers with passion, especially since their poison is not capable of harming them.

Fact 6. In the middle lane, with snowy winters, many animals in forest zones hibernate during the cold season. And a saying that does not recommend waking up a sleeping bear did not appear out of the blue - the owner of the forest, whose hibernation was interrupted, thinks hard, but instantly falls into a rage. All forest animals scatter from the bear awakened in the middle of winter, as it destroys everything in its path.

Fact 7. In the Russian climate, most forest dwellers make food reserves during the warm season that will allow them to survive the winter. Rodents, for example, stock up on nuts and other long-storable foods, and many carnivores routinely gorge themselves and accumulate fat to support their bodies during hibernation. Amphibians, in particular, frogs, burrow into the silt for the winter.

Fact 8. In zoos, animals in forest areas usually live 2-3 times longer than in the wild. This is due to the severity of the wild, where there is always a risk of freezing, starving or dying in a fight with some other animal. In addition, in the absence of medical attention, even a minor injury usually means the inability to get food and, as a result, leads to starvation.

Fact 9. One of the most “forest” animals can undoubtedly be called sloths, inhabitants of the tropical jungle. These slow-moving herbivores spend almost their entire lives in trees, descending to the ground once a week, or even less often.

Fact 10. Unfortunately, many forest animals are not dangerous in themselves, but because they carry a variety of parasitic insects, which, in turn, can be carriers of various diseases. More often than other inhabitants of the forests, hedgehogs are seen in this. Their needles, when moving through the grass, behave like a comb passing through the hair, and they collect a lot of ticks, fleas and other unpleasant little things.

Interesting pony factsFact 1. The very word "pony" comes from the Gaulish language, meaning "little horse." Although in ...

Interesting pony facts

Fact 1. The very word "pony" comes from the Gaulish language, meaning "little horse." Although in reality ponies are not so small, besides, in different countries the criteria for classifying them differ. In Russia, for example, they usually refer to horses with a height at the withers of no more than 110 cm, and in the UK - no more than 143.7 cm.

Fact 2. In total, there are about 20 pony breeds in the world, and Europe, more precisely, the British Isles, is considered their historical homeland. This is probably a manifestation of the so-called island dwarfism - a phenomenon when, in the course of evolutionary processes, the population on the islands becomes smaller in comparison with relatives on the mainland. A striking example is the dwarf mammoths from Wrangel Island, which became extinct only about 4,000 years ago - they were significantly inferior in size to mammoths from the mainland.

Fact 3. Adults cannot ride ponies. These animals are capable of carrying a weight equal to approximately 20% of their own weight. However, some individuals are strong enough to pull loads that horses usually carry. In the past, due to their endurance and physical strength, ponies were often used as a draft force along with horses, donkeys and mules.

Fact 4. Ponies are visually different from ordinary horses not only in height, but also in proportions. Their legs are shorter and more massive, their heads are also not so elongated, and their manes and tails are almost always distinguished by unusually thick hair. These little horses look really cute, so people usually really like them.

Fact 5. The strongest of the pony breeds is the Shetland. These horses usually grow up to 95-105 cm in height, but they have incredible endurance - an adult animal is able to drag a weight ten times its own, or even more. Centuries ago, thousands of Shetland ponies worked in the British mines, pulling carts filled with coal and ore. For a year, one animal transported up to 3,000 tons of cargo, while overcoming up to 5,000 kilometers.

Fact 6. The smallest ponies in the world are Falabellas, the height at the withers in adults is about 50 centimeters. At the same time, they look like real horses, only miniature ones. This is not a very old breed - it was bred in Argentina in the middle of the last century.

Fact 7. Sometimes ponies are used as a substitute for guide dogs for the blind. Not inferior to dogs in terms of intelligence development, they perfectly remember the road, and besides, they react less to external stimuli, and their good-natured disposition makes them excellent friends and companions. And ponies live long enough, up to 45-55 years, that is, even longer than ordinary horses.

Fact 8. In relation to each other, ponies are usually friendlier than horses. Stable owners have long noticed that they can even keep young stallions in the same stall without fear that they will fight. With ordinary horses, this would not be possible due to competition between males.

Fact 9. The smallest ponies in some countries are even kept as pets. In the truest sense of the word - they live at home, and special pony diapers are used to maintain cleanliness. Pets wear special soft boots on their feet so that the hooves do not damage the floor and do not click too loudly.

Fact 10. An adult pony can easily weigh up to 200 kg, sometimes even more. If you p**s him off, he, like a real horse, can rear up and start kicking with his front legs, and these animals know how to kick with their hind legs very well. Therefore, let their appearance not deceive anyone - they may well stand up for themselves.


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Interesting facts about Northern IrelandFact 1. Some people confuse Northern Ireland with just Ireland. But the differen...

Interesting facts about Northern Ireland

Fact 1. Some people confuse Northern Ireland with just Ireland. But the difference here is huge - the first is part of the United Kingdom and is part of the UK, and the second is an independent state. However, many local residents are in favor of independence, and this struggle has been going on for more than a hundred years. Sometimes it takes peaceful forms, and sometimes there are terrorist attacks.

Fact 2. Only about 33% of the population of Northern Ireland are Irish. All the rest are descendants of mixed marriages between the English, Scots and Irish. To Russians, the difference between them may seem insignificant, but in reality they are completely different peoples, between which many unresolved issues have accumulated over hundreds of years.

Fact 3. The concentration of red-haired people here in percentage terms remains one of the highest in the world. According to statistics, just over 10% of the inhabitants of Northern Ireland are redheads. In the independent country of Ireland, this parameter is lower, although it remains high.

Fact 4. Divided into separate counties, Northern Ireland is the poorest and smallest region of the United Kingdom. Its area is 13,843 km², which is about 3.5 times less than the area of ​​the Moscow region. About 1.9 million people live here, that is, not much more than in Novosibirsk.

Fact 5. Since the founding of Northern Ireland in 1921, its capital has been the city of Belfast. It became notorious in the second half of the 20th century, when conflicts between Catholics and Protestants raged here for several decades, sometimes very bloody.

Fact 6. Religion in Northern Irish schools is taught on a mandatory basis, and all schools here are divided into Catholic and Protestant. At the same time, according to statistics, about 8% of students in Protestant schools are Catholics, since there are not enough free places in Catholic schools. Fortunately, interfaith conflicts here ended back in the 90s of the XX century.

Fact 7. Three languages ​​​​have state status in Northern Ireland - Irish, English and Ulster-Scots. In practice, Chinese is quite widespread here, as many immigrants from China and their descendants live here. The Chinese usually live apart, preserving their culture, and their areas are called “Chinatowns”.

Fact 8. Two-thirds of Northern Ireland is in the historic province of Ulster, and there are plenty of supporters of independence here. Moreover, while some advocate secession from the UK and joining the Republic of Ireland, others demand the creation of their own independent state.

Fact 9. The population here for the most part is very religious. According to the results of the latest census, 97% of local residents are Christians - either Protestant or Catholic. The remaining 3% are agnostics, atheists and followers of other religions such as Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism.

Fact 10. Many buildings in Northern Ireland are painted with graffiti, which are called “murals” here. Often these are very beautiful paintings, but they are distinguished from graffiti in other countries by almost always having a political or ideological meaning. Just “for the sake of beauty” graffiti is practically not painted here.

Interesting facts about the Congo RiverFact 1. The African Congo River is very interesting and remarkable in many ways. ...

Interesting facts about the Congo River

Fact 1. The African Congo River is very interesting and remarkable in many ways. So, it is the deepest in the world, reaching in some places 230 meters deep, which is almost a quarter of a kilometer! In terms of full-flowing water, it ranks second in the world, second only to the Amazon. True, the difference between them is still huge, the Amazon is 5 times more full-flowing at once.

Fact 2. The length of the Congo River reaches 4374 km (the tenth longest among all the rivers of the world), although in the upper reaches it is called differently - Lualaba. The area of ​​its drainage basin exceeds 4 million km², which is approximately 23% of the area of ​​Russia, the largest country on Earth. This mighty river flows through the territory of 4 countries - Angola, Congo, DR Congo and Zambia. It is also the largest river in the world, crossing the equator twice.

Fact 3. The waters of this river are not transparent, as it carries with it a large amount of sand and soil particles. For the most part, they have a brown color, but this is only a consequence of the presence of a large amount of clay in the water. However, the Congo is really polluted, as all the people living on its shores dump waste into it.

Fact 4. Of all the rivers in the world, the Congo has the most powerful reserve of energy that could be accumulated using hydroelectric power plants. In this parameter, it surpasses even the Amazon, and all due to the fact that from the source to the mouth it goes down much more strongly.

Fact 5. In total, about 20 million people live on the banks of this river. It separates the capitals of the two countries, Congo and DR Congo, which stand on opposite banks opposite each other. One of these cities is Kinshasa, the second most populous city in Africa after the Nigerian Lagos.

Fact 6. Different local peoples living on the banks of the Congo River have surprisingly similar legends about the spirits of death that allegedly live in its waters. Perhaps this is due to the fact that dangerous predators such as crocodiles and large tiger fish, which grow up to one and a half meters in length and can pose a threat to humans, are found in the river.

Fact 7. About 700 species of fish live in the waters of the Congo, and more than 1000 species of birds live in the forests growing in the basin of this river. This diversity is due to the fact that this river forms the second largest equatorial rainforest zone in the world, occupying more than 2 million km².

Fact 8. Since the Congo is full of water throughout its entire length, it is actively used as a transport artery, and along it, along with its tributaries, more than 20,000 km of ship routes run. The construction of a hydroelectric power station on the river somewhat complicated navigation, but active transport links between them continue.

Fact 9. Until the 19th century, the Congo River was not mapped. The first European explorers saw it a few centuries earlier, at the end of the 15th century, but because of its geographical location, it was difficult to study it.

Fact 10. It is here that the most powerful waterfall on Earth, Boyoma, is located, in which the flow of water during the rainy season can exceed 52,000 m³ / s. More precisely, this is not one waterfall, but a series of seven rapids, stretching for 150 km and having a total fall height of 40 meters.

10 facts about foxes1. Foxes lead a solitary way of life in winter and only by the summer do they start families.2. In a...

10 facts about foxes

1. Foxes lead a solitary way of life in winter and only by the summer do they start families.
2. In a fox family, both parents take care of the offspring. The father, even before the appearance of the puppies, takes care of his female and helps her equip the lair.
3. Foxes are omnivorous. Foxes mainly feed on small animals: small rodents, rabbits, hares and roe deer.
4. The tail for the fox is a very important organ. While running, it helps her keep her balance, and in winter it serves as additional protection from the cold.
5. Foxes are very careful. In case of danger or pursuit, they confuse the tracks and hide in other places in order to mislead the pursuer. It is because of this feature that the fox was awarded the title of the most cunning animal. cunning fox
6. The maximum speed a fox can run is 50 km/h.
7. Foxes often settle near big cities or suburbs. Where they adapt very well and settle down in urban areas.
8. In the wild, foxes live for about 6-8 years, and in captivity they can live from 20 to 25 years.
9. The most developed senses in foxes are hearing and smell. With their help, the beast learns about the environment.
10. They tried to domesticate the fox. As a result of the experiment, a silver-black fox was domesticated, which has significant differences from its wild relatives in behavior, body structure and physiology.






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