Finally, we are launching the English version of dog training project from the Champions. You will have an opportunity to get behind the scenes of our training, get detailed description of exercises, understand dog training theory and learn more about our method of training. The project lasts 30 days and starts 22th of May. Go to the link to learn more Also Also you can find link in a bio. To get access to our project go to the Members page and Join Enthusiastic level to get access.
The statement of Martin Rütter, that IGP or Mondioring dogs are extremely dangerous for society affected the whole dog training community.
I can't stay aside. I am taking not as sportsmen, but as a military person and a breeder of a military working dogs.
My own dogs malinois and german shepherds are working dogs at the service of Ukrainian National Gaurd.
They are carrying different service. Some are doing search and rescue, some are attack dogs, some are looking for explosives. Some dogs were honored for great service since 2014, when Ukraine was invaded for the first time by Russia. Some of my dogs got real combat experience in 2022 when Russia unleashed new bloody stage of war. These are different dogs, their work is drastically different. Only thing that unites them is IGP and that they are living under the same roof with two years old child.
Before getting a badge of military dog all those dogs had IGP3 and qualified for world championships FCI/FMBB/WUSV.
I am not sure if dog trainers would understand this analogy. Everyone who is in military definitely understands that you cannot have a broken rifle and carry it just in case. We check if our "rifle" is working at IGP championships.
I don't know the more complex discipline in a dog sport. It engages all processes in the brain of a dog, instincts, tests nervous system. It shows the ability of the dog to work without control, at high distance. We evaluate it's unquestionable willingness to work. The lives of people depend on it.
Thanks to this dogs I am still alive and all my family members also.
Not every dog is suitable for every job that is the reason why we have over 400 breeds. At the same time even not all working breeds are able to perform their duties and function, that is why selection is crucial. Selection is impossible without work.
Would people in positions of power in specialized departments be ready today disregard the quality of dogs?
Would they be willing to risk lives of their militar
Camino Brillante Damka
Дочка відомої Camino Brillante Blicka
Собака, яку я так хотіла лишити собі, але розуміла, що не матиму змогу зробити її яскравою зіркою, кращою, ніж її мама 😊 Вона перейняла найкращі риси своїх батьків і давала змогу вчитись і розвиватись своїй молодій власниці, але…. війна…
Дуже сумую за цими старанними дівчатами 🥰
#caminobrillante #malinois #dog #obedience
Many thanks to our Czech colleagues 🇨🇿for informational support and such a nice gift on Blicka’s birthday 🙏
Коли мене питали, яке я ім’я дам дитині, я відповідала: «Мауглі» 😆
Тепер мені це жартом не здається 🙊
Зараз величезним є запит на те, як я тренуюсь. Не знаю, чи є щось нове і цікаве в наших тренуваннях, але ми точно знаємо, як тренуватися в домашніх, іноді непересічних умовах 😉
Хвилеріз 🌊
Ось хто невпинно радіє життю за будь-яких обставин 🐕
#caminobrillanteblicka #malinois #malinoisofinstagram
Тренер вернулся - работа кипит!
Ещё один друг Блики. Готовятся к марафону 😂
Находили с моей ласточкой 💕
Бунтарка потихоньку учится 🎓
И еще одна маленькая тренировочка Тишули. Хотелось бы отметить отличное место для тренировок, материальную базу, возможность прокручивать различные ситуации и это только малая часть (шел ливень и показать уличные вариации тренировок не было возможности)
Ну и конечно же воспользовались возможностью потренироваться 😎
Спецавтомобиль НГУ для перевозки служебных собак (Тиша первопроходчица :))