These words say all. And precisely this gave the beginning to our business. While we were watching our pets,we decided to make their life better. We simply love our pets ,such as cats, dogs, rabbits,hamsters and guinea pigs. We look on their habits and likes. We have understood that sometimes there isn't interesting, ecologically clean and good looking production which will bring more positive emo
tions to our pets, and at the same time it will fit any interior perfectly. Then we decided to create our own products. Every kind of our goods has been tested by our own animals. For sure, there were some models of bad quality, which our pets had rejected. But in the result, we have found such samples, that they like and which bring them gladness. So we have understood that our cats and dogs adore simply to sleep, lay in the hammock on poles and play under it. To add more,cats worship the houses made of cardboard. There is something fascinating in these houses for them, so they don't want to climb out of them, they prefer to sleep there. And our pets also like the holes, through which they try to put through their paw or even a face and catch a toy or even your hand when you play with them. And if you are tired that your pet sharpens its claws on your furniture
so it is necessary for you to buy a special claws sharpener that cats worship very much. And the houses made of wood and cardboard are loved not only by our cats , but even of our dogs! The toys....What can be better than playing with a pet and giving it gladness. So that's why our sticks with bells appeared and they are perfect toys for small kittens and adult cats! We are tired of cheap and poor quality dog collars, leads, breast bands with which our market is overwhelmed and we decided to create our own interesting and eye-catching production, which will not only serve you for a long time , but it will be a decoration. We also sew the clothes for animals, that suit them perfectly.We have got plenty of ideas , which we are going to embody, as we want to make life better not only for our pets,but for many other animals too.