If YOU have the CHOICE to be KIND but you still choose to be CRUEL; Then YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. #youareanasshole #goveganifyouhaveaheart #choosePlantbased
Ayuda para Kyeyune Joy , para alimentar a sus angelitos por favor!🙏🐾🐶
Be a companionate human. Be vegan.
#everyonefollowers #everyone #dogsofinstagram #viralvideochallenge #vegansofinstagram #donatenow #donatefordogs #donate
Hi nice to meet you! I’m Kyeyune Joy from Uganda, and I’ve always had a deep love for animals, especially dogs. I believe every dog deserves a safe and loving home, and it’s become my life’s mission to make a difference.
In my community, there’s a heartbreaking number of stray dogs struggling to survive. Seeing this moved me to take action, so I founded a dog rescue organization—a safe haven for abandoned and neglected dogs.
“Kyeyune” means “Hope” in my native language, and I’ve been working tirelessly to give these dogs a voice. Thanks to generous donations, I’m able to provide food, medical care, and support rescue programs. With continued support, I hope to expand our efforts to offer free spaying and neutering services to help control the stray population.
Consider donating on go fund me or please follow our page to show support!
please help and donate for food towards our shelter anything little you can help it will be appreciated 🙏
Donar a Joy Dog Foundation, para ayudar a los peluditos de nuestro amigo Kyeyune Joy, para su comida, por favor! 🙏🐾🐶❤️
Just like everyday I love animals more and more, I hate most humans more and more …
When are we gonna learn how to be compassionate, and empathetic beings?? WHEN??? We literally suck as species. #theholocusthasnotended
Animals are the most precious beings on this planet. Sadly, in most cases they trust in us and we betray them. Live Vegan if you have a loving and ethical heart. 🌱 #livevegan #mylifeforanimals
#everyonefollowers #everyone #dogsofinstagram #viralvideochallenge #vegansofinstagram #donatenow #donatefordogs #donate
Embrace LOVE, EMPATHY and COMPASSION to all. Go back to your roots. Be VEGAN 💚🙏#veganislove #veganisempathy #veganismiskindnesstoanimals #beveganifyouhaveaheart
#everyonefollowers #everyone #dogsofinstagram #viralvideochallenge #vegansofinstagram #donatenow #donatefordogs #donate
Hi everyone,
Our beloved JIM is currently facing a serious health challenge. After surgical incision, we were devastated to learn that he needs urgent medical treatment that costs 180€ .As you know, JIM has been a part of our family for 2 days, bringing joy and love into our lives.
We’re reaching out to our friends, family, and kind strangers for help. Any contribution, big or small, would mean the world to us and would bring us closer to saving JIM
We’ve set up a fundraising page here: https://gofund.me/6a519244
Thank you for taking the time to read our story and for any support you can offer.
With gratitude,
#everyonefollowers #animalsarepurelove #dogsofinstagram #vegansofinstagram #ShareThisPost