Rabbit Facts!
For adult rabbits Timothy hay or Oat hay. Alfalfa hay is fine for young bunnies, but is only safe in limited supply for adults because of its higher sugar content and calorie count.
Hay provides the fiber necessary to prevent diarrhea, obesity, and hairballs, and assists with digestion. It also helps wear down a bunny’s constantly growing teeth and keeps their incisors healthy.
Vegetables are the second most important part of bunny’s diet, and you can offer three different kinds in small quantities during each feeding.
Veggies should be fresh and free of pesticides, and should be washed thoroughly.
Green, leafy vegetables are good for bunnies. You can include arugula, basil, bok choy, broccoli leaves, carrot tops, celery, clover, collard greens, dandelion leaves, dill, endive, kale in small quantities, romaine and dark leaf lettuce, mint, mustard greens, parsley, and watercress.
The pellets must be high in fiber and low in protein and should not contain seeds, corn, or other foods high in calories.
Treats should be healthy foods too, and only given in very small amounts, such as when training (e.g. teaching your bunny to use the litter box).
Good treats are small amounts of fruit such as strawberries, bananas, raspberries, pineapple pieces, apples without seeds, and melons. Veggie treats include a small amount of fresh carrot, pieces of green pepper, and Brussels sprouts.
Hay – Body–sized amount of 100% grass hay per day
Vegetables – Head-sized amount or 1-2 cups per day
Pellets – Small handful or ¼ cup (50 ml) per day
Fruit – Maximum 2 tbsp per day, preferably less often
2. Life Stage Suggestions Per day
At 12 weeks – alfalfa-based pellets and hay; veggies; teaspoon-sized piece of fruit
At 7 months-1 year – 50% grass hay; ½ cup pellets; +/- fruit treat; green veggies
At 1 to 5 years – 100% grass hay; 1-2 cups of veggies; 2 tbsp fruit or less; ¼ cup pellets
Encourage Natural Foraging and Chewing Behaviors
When you encourage your bunny’s natural foraging and chewing behaviors, it provides mental stimulation, occupies and entertains your little pet, promotes exercise, keeps teeth healthy, and is fun for both of you.