Wisdom Wednesday
A Few Small Ruminant Facts
Small ruminants are sheep & goats. Despite being "small cows" they can be far from a cow in many ways.
Normal re**al temperature; 103.5F. This one gets many people as they assume they are running a fever but they are actually a little higher than a cow at 102.5F.
In small ruminants we have the issue of parasite resistance. Our biggest herd wide issue we will face is parasitic anemia typically due to the parasite population being resistant to the de-wormer being used. We heavily rely on McMaster F***l Egg Count to help us determine if our de-worming protocols are working.
A McMasters FEC before deworming and then again 3 weeks after de-worming to determine the % in reduction of parasitic load is imperative when working through a potential resistance issue. Many herds have gone away from generalized de-worming and only strategically de-worming using FAMACHA as a guide.
Overall there are 100 opinions out there about de-worming in all species BUT the truth still remains that generally speaking there is a resistance issue in small ruminants.
Reach out to your veterinarian to discuss what is right for your herd as each situation and herd will be different and require a different approach!