Shiner Bear has officially retired!
He sired 7 amazing puppies over the past few years and was an essential part of teaching the little ones how to splash in the water, fetch new toys, and follow the leader. He will continue to help us teach new puppies in the future skills and just enjoy being an amazing family dog with us.❤️
Update on Mr Shiner he is doing fantastic after his neuter.Thanks to the amazing team Animal Crossing Veterinary Hospital
Just a happy little guy💙
(Not available)
Just a handsome little guy looking for his furever home! Message us today for more info on Mr Blue💙 #southtexaslabs #huntingdog #floresville #puppies #labradorpuppy #puppytraining #adkinstx #pothtx #sanantonio #TX #labradorretriever
Mr Blue just the sweetest little guy you will meet 💙 he’s in search for his furever home!
(Placement confirmed)
Mr Blue just the sweetest little guy you will meet 💙 he’s ready for his forever home! #southtexaslabs #adkinstexas #huntingdog #Floresville #puppies #labradorpuppy #labradorretriever #puppytraining #pothtx #adkinstx #yellowlab
Miss yellow (collar) (not available)for her furever home will make an amazing hunting partner. #southtexaslabs #adkinstexas #huntingdog #Floresville #puppies #labradorpuppy #labradorretriever #puppytraining
Puppies in the rain 🐾
#labordayweekend #huntingdog #adkinstexas #Floresville #pothtx #puppytraining #labrador #southtexaslabs #puppies #southtexaslabs #labradorretriever #labradorpuppy
Just a happy little guy 💙
#tractorsupply #Labrador #labradorretriever #huntingdog #fetch #Floresville #pothtx #puppylove #puppytraining #adkinstexas #southtexaslabs South TX Pups
Bumper training
(Not Available )
First day for Miss Red training with the bumper. (10weeks old) #workingdog #fetch #labrador #puppy #TX #huntingdog #adkinstexas #laverniatx #Floresville #pothtx #puppytraining
#labsoftiktok #dilutelabs #adkinstexas #huntingdog #satx #labradorpuppy #labradorretriever #pothtx #blacklabrador #yellowlab #charcoallab #whitelabrador #silverlabrador #puppylove
(NOT AVAILABLE) Miss yellow 💛 9 weeks old AKC registered vet shot records on hand! Message for more info!