My first time sitting on Manny ❤️
My second time on his back, first time sitting ❤️🥰 it was so hard to just relax and contain my excitement! Of course he was his regular playful and perfect self. Again… starting young horses shouldn’t be explosive or dangerous for all parties involved. Take your time and help them with feeling safe and learning through the whole process
So proud of this young mare! Kiwi has been in our young horse training program and though it was a bit of a slow start, being patient and taking that time has been more than worth it! This is her second time trotting under saddle and she was absolutely perfect!
I can’t say it enough… do right by your young horse and take the time to build them up both physically and mentally!
Thank you to my friend Flo for helping out with her ❤️. Kiwi was doing well solo at the walk with me but needed some extra ground support with picking up her trot transitions. Instead of trying to push her through it I just broke it down to make it easier for her to get and it only took two sessions.
If you are curious about our young horse program, send us a pm for more information!
Quiet and undemanding time is important in any relationship, and so is equally as important with our horses! What is something you like to do with your horse that allows you to connect with them on another level?
Working through reactivity with positive reinforcement
Horses will always be horses. Macho lived the first two years of his life out in the open, with a herd and sculpted by nature. He has always been more reactive or alert to things that may put him in a compromised position. In the beginning there was a lot of bolting away and I was not surprised in the slightest.
It took a lot of consistent building to get him to this point here. Yes he was unsure and yes he was worried, but through our work together he learned to work through it enough to not bolt. When I say it took a lot of small wins and attention to detail on my part I’m not exaggerating. But it was more than worth it to have this be the end result. It may not look like much or anything spectacular, but it is. And it’s this type of foundational work that is so important in building confident horses that will look to you instead of trying to gtfo of the situation.
Walking towards the new year with a new home, beautiful farm, amazing fiancé, and happy horses like 💪🏽. Feeling strong again, powerful, centered and clear! There are still moments where I feel like I am being sucked back, like my brain and heart can’t trust all of these amazing things… but then I look around at where I am and who I’m with and my strength comes back ❤️ after not feeling like myself for so long I gotta say, it feels damn good to be back 😎#equestrian #classicaldressage #horsetrainer #ridinginstructor #pocequestrian
We need to give ourselves just as much grace as we allow others when going through big transitions ❤️. Slowly but surely
Working in hand sets you up in so many ways for riding! Being able to be soft and in sync with your horse on the ground is one of them! What do you love about in hand work?
After teaching lessons, we took a bunch of students to Oktoberfest! It was a long day, but couldn’t have been more perfect 🥰
Rosie is now officially graduated to the next level in her training and had Tameka oh her back for the first time!