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This Sunday 22 nd
Charles Wilhelm is internationally known as America’s most respected horse trainer. Charles is the creator of Ultimate Foundation Training —training techniques that combine the best of traditional, classical and natural horsemanship. His unique approach to training enables horse owners to train their own animals. His motto “Success Through Knowledge” reflects this training philosophy.
He believes that “It’s Never, Ever the Horse’s Fault”. Charles is also one of the few trainers specializing in re-schooling horses with often-severe issues. His extensive background of over forty five years of training includes Dressage, Working Cow Horse, Reining and Western Pleasure, and
The creator of the Ultimate Super Horse
For years, Charles television episodes were shown on RFDTV, and seen weekly on HRTV and phoenix, university TV, He was been featured in editorial stories in Horse Illustrated, the largest equine magazine in the world, as well as Horse & Rider Magazine. He also writes monthly columns for a number of local and national magazines. His books “Building Your Dream Horse” and “Starting Baby Jaz” have sustained their popularity over the years. Charles also offers a fun and informative series of educational DVDs that cover a vast range of topics.
The Wilhelm training facility in Castro Valley, California offered extensive hands-on learning programs and clinics throughout the year.
Now in Aiken S.C
Visit with Charles most Sundays at Aiken Saddley and feed
For information on saddle fitting / western or English
And 7 secrets every horse wants you to know.
Great, wonderful,FUN store to visit