Hello! We’re here with some updates!!
Out of the 10 buns we had, we have 2 that are still going very strong. Losing the other 8 was nothing shy of horrendous, but we’re so incredibly confident these two are going to have the happiest and healthiest lives they could ever imagine. After every week we’ve been doing of medication we’ve been having the vet check them out and see if there’s any coccidia remaining. Every week has shown up positive, but less and less are there and what is left is not healthy. As of now, we have another week left of a second antibiotic we’re trying and hopefully that’ll knock it out!
Lana is the black and white bun- she constantly is binkying around and zip zapping everywhere. She knows no chill.
Craig is our little brown guy- he’s a much calmer bun who simply enjoys food and a good flop. He gets the occasional binkies but he’s nowhere near as energetic as Lana 🤪
As far as the guinea pigs, they’re officially out of quarantine and learning what life is. Piggly and her babies are coming around wonderfully. They’re all very strong and healthy. The 4 of them absolutely demolish food, water, and hay all day every day 💪
Mister Wiggly is a little more reserved and shy. He quite enjoys his alone time, but does enjoy a nice soft pet here and there.
Over the last few weeks we’ve received so much support, and I know we keep saying thank you- BUT THANK YOU!!!
We love to see how many people care even if it’s just to like or comment on a post. Knowing these little babies have a fan base makes me feel so optimistic for them.
With the gofundme we started, and donations from our website, as well as a few mailed in checks and a grant from a wonderful charity organization - we hit our fundraising goal and exceeded it by $60! This covered the hospitalizations, medications, visits, fluids, etc. We fronted a bit of costs but nothing compared to what we raised and we’re just so happy to have you guys here with us and helping through it 😭
Enjoy some pictures of the precious animals you have all supported and helped out ♥️♥️♥️
Later this week we’ll have more updates on cats we’ve had vetted in the last two weeks and other kitties seeking their new furrever homes 🐈