We miss park days so much 🥰
This is huge for them both!!
There is just something in my eye I am not crying! 🥰
This little girl has blossomed so much!! We couldn't be prouder Lucky!!
Emm the wonder dog!!
Had so much fun last night in Lowes!
Scout the wonder dog.
Playing in Lowes!!
So snauzers are one of the hardest breeds to train but look mom, Judy Wardwell Limbourne, I am rocking it! 😍
This is what we do in between training sessions. Well besides sleep!!!!
I have to give major props to this little guy, the Dutch shepherd, he can turn any aggressive dog into a lover! Bam came to us almost a month ago because of dog aggression but through intensive training and the help of our incredible personal dogs she no longer feels the need to be aggressive. She has tons of confidence and is doing amazing for dad!!! 😍😍😍 she even was playing with a little dog last night and that would have never happened before! Missing this little girl already and it hasn't even been an hour since she went home!
Our last park day! I could not be more proud of this bunch. 😍😍😍