Garden of Tails

Garden of Tails This page will be used to post litter updates and available animals I have at Garden of Tails πŸ’š

GOT Mt. Lady x GOT Magna Offspring! **Not an Availability Post**I could just ooh and ahh over these babies all day long!...

GOT Mt. Lady x GOT Magna Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

I could just ooh and ahh over these babies all day long! They're cuter than they know! 😍 So so happy to have this litter, and very excited to see how they develop as they age! Mamma is doing a wonderful job with them πŸ’š Sometimes she seems a little nervous with me around the nest, but thankfully she's not shown signs of maternal aggression. She still does well with me messing with her and the little ones.

Two of the boys are for sure down under (top/back pattern is reflected on their belly). The first boy with just the little eye/ear color patch may also be DU with his cute little belly spot. Neither of the females appear DU, but the first female may be. She just has minimal markings, so it likely won't be visible if she is DU. I'm so obsessed with her little eye patch marking 😍

Both ladies will be staying as well as the far right male πŸ’š

Got busy and forgot to make the post on here for these boys yesterday. These two are πŸ‘€ for a 🏑.More information and a br...

Got busy and forgot to make the post on here for these boys yesterday. These two are πŸ‘€ for a 🏑.

More information and a brief description of each can be found on my website below.

Feel free to PM me for an application! πŸ’š

GOT Comet x GOT Deimos Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**This litter has really filled out nicely! I'm excited to se...

GOT Comet x GOT Deimos Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

This litter has really filled out nicely! I'm excited to see how big my keepers ladies end up getting since the females for this line have been a bit on the smaller side. This generation has been decently plump (in a healthy way), so hopefully that's a good sign for some larger females🀞

I plan to pair most of my keepers ladies in the late summer/early fall, so they still have plenty of time to fill out!

The available ladies from this litter have been reserved by another past adopter, so I will not have any young females available to the public from this round. The dwarf male will be posted with the other boys though!

β€’ Male 8: Dwarf black Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat

β€’ Female 7: Mink Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ Female 8: Black capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ GOT Venus: Black capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ GOT Startdust: Pearl capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Female 11: Pearl Berkshire with dumbo ears and a standard coat

GOT Eris x GOT Hermes Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**These two bundles of energy will be going with a repeat adop...

GOT Eris x GOT Hermes Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

These two bundles of energy will be going with a repeat adopter this weekend, along with one of my young adult dwarf ladies πŸ’š I will so miss their antics and high energy personalities, but I know they'll bring so much joy to their new family πŸ₯°

β€’ Female 5: Dwarf black Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ Female 6: Dwarf mink capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat

GOT Jirou x GOT Niko Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**The boys from this litter will be posted on my website later ...

GOT Jirou x GOT Niko Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

The boys from this litter will be posted on my website later today for reservations. I do not have anyone waiting on males at the moment, so feel free to message me for more information and an application!

Male 6 does have some minor respiratory sensitivities, but otherwise is healthy! All three do well with handling. Male 5 spooks at louder noises, but recovers quickly.

Both ladies will be staying here to further the line! πŸ’š They're very outgoing, so I'm excited for them to be paired once they're old enough as well!

β€’ Male 5: Agouti Irish with standard ears and a Rex coat
β€’ Male 6: Agouti Irish with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Male 7: Black Irish with standard ears and a standard coat

β€’ GOT Cha Haein: Agouti Irish with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ GOT Lee Joohee: Black Irish with standard ears and a standard coat

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**These are mt keepers from this litter, all with their assi...

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

These are mt keepers from this litter, all with their assigned names πŸ₯° I'm very excited to pair these ratties once they're old enough! They're all just so so sweet and outgoing πŸ’š

Their three brothers had already gotten adopted out, so they are not pictured.

β€’ GOT Glaze: fawn Berkshire with standard ears and a standard coat

β€’ GOT Danish: Agouti Berkshire with a recessive lighting blaze, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ GOT Strudel: Russian blue Agouti Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a Rex coat

GOT Mt. Lady x GOT Magna Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**The first litter for my next round was born this past Sat...

GOT Mt. Lady x GOT Magna Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

The first litter for my next round was born this past Saturday, 2/8. Only 5 little ones, with 3 males and 2 females. Very excited for both of these first time parents! I had tried pairing Mt. Lady with one of my other males, but she didn't take each time. He's successfully had litters before, so I was worried she may be infertile. I decided to try her with Magna instead, and she took!

Magna is one of my current heart ratties, so I'm not at all upset about the change in pairing πŸ₯° He's such a sweet squish and loves all the attention (and treats πŸ˜†). Mt. Lady is a little more reserved at times with being handled, but otherwise is very social and gives kisses πŸ’š She's my last breedable female for the line, so both her daughters will definitely be staying (unless either end up dwarf). I also plan to keep the male on the far right if all goes well.

Mamma is doing a great with them as well as with me handling her little ones. If she continues to do well raising them, I'll likely repeat this pairing again in the late summer/early fall to hopefully get a few more females for the line so I don't lose my original down-unders (reflected top pattern on their bellies).

GOT Comet x GOT Deimos Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**These little guys have been super outgoing and very affecti...

GOT Comet x GOT Deimos Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

These little guys have been super outgoing and very affectionate as they've aged πŸ₯° They have had some eye gunk, which has now completely cleared up since these pictures were taken (early last week). It's something that's happened with the previous two generations as well. I'm not sure what the cause is, but they thankfully do grow out of it. I've closely checked their eyes to ensure there aren't ingrown lashes, microphthalmia (small eye), or opening their eyes too soon. If the next generation does the same, then I will be attempting to outcross with another line to see if that may help remedy the issue.

The mink female in this litter also has been experiencing some minor head tilting. It isn't constant, but due to not knowing the cause (likely neurological) I will not be keeping her as planned. With her cousin (from Eris and Hermes) also having a head tilt, I am leaning more toward a neurological issue that is popping up. One of my friends and fellow breeders had noticed head tilts with some of her dumbos in one of her lines. From my understanding, some are just more prone to neuro issues. If I notice more popping up, that will be another reason to attempt an outcross to hopefully fix, or at least lessen, that issue as well. Thankfully, it does not impact their quality of life, but it is not a trait that I want continuing in case it does develop into a bigger issue in future generations.

All that being said, these little ones are so so sweet, and I am looking forward to continuing with this line. They have produced some of my favorite ratties, with their dad being one of them πŸ₯° Comet is also quickly becoming a favorite lady of mine. She's such a kissy, sweet lady πŸ’š

But oooh, how the rodent gods love to vex me! The one male from this litter, is of course, dwarf, which I don't need at all 🀣 I have his uncle who he looks exactly like and is also dwarf. Not a single one of his sisters are dwarf, so it's just my luck that the genetic dice decided to roll that way. Oooh well, haha! He may end up staying still as a back-up, but we shall see.

β€’ Male 8: Dwarf black Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat

β€’ Female 7: Mink Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ Female 8: Black capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Female 9: Black capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Female 10: Pearl capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Female 11: Pearl or mink Siamese (?) Berkshire with dumbo ears and a standard coat (I'm not 100% sure on her color as she's suuuuper light. She doesn't have any noticeable points, but she could also be a very light color for her "base", and Siamese on "top", which fades the color even more. She'll likely end up looking all white unless her color develops more as she ages.)

GOT Eris x GOT Hermes Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**What these dwarf girls lack in size, they make up for with t...

GOT Eris x GOT Hermes Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

What these dwarf girls lack in size, they make up for with their huge personalities! These two crack my up so much with their antics. They're always play fighting with their (much larger) adoptive siblings from Jirou and Niko. It's so funny watching them go after someone twice their size and pin them 🀣 They also have so much fun chasing and grooming each other. I had some friends over the other day, and they were able to witness their shenanigans too, haha!

The mink girl's (6) head tilt has almost completely gone away at this point. She does have some minor balancing issues still, but that doesn't stop her from zipping around everything she can get her paws on. She absolutely loves exploring new things, so much so that we have a little routine at night for her to zoom while I'm feeding everyone πŸ˜† Her sister is also an avid explorer and enjoys joining her on her little expeditions.

β€’ Female 5: Dwarf black Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ Female 6: Dwarf mink capped with dumbo ears and a standard coat

GOT Jirou x GOT Niko Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**This litter has been growing so confident! Male 5 was a bit m...

GOT Jirou x GOT Niko Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

This litter has been growing so confident! Male 5 was a bit more shy than the rest, but after some extra out of cage time, he's grown to learn the world isn't such a scary place. Him and his siblings come rushing up once I get close to their enclosure. It so fun to have a flood of little kisses and paws on my hands and fingers πŸ₯° They all do so well with their adopted sisters from Eris and Hermes too!

I'm very excited to pair the girls from this litter once they're old enough. I've got plans for them to help out with some of my other lines too, so I'm hoping they continue to grow and develop well! πŸ’š

β€’ Male 5: Agouti Irish with standard ears and a Rex coat
β€’ Male 6: Agouti Irish with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Male 7: Black Irish with standard ears and a standard coat

β€’ Female 3: Agouti Irish with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Female 4: Black Irish with standard ears and a standard coat

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**These little sweeties are filling out so well! Now that th...

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

These little sweeties are filling out so well! Now that they're big enough for me to trust free roaming, they've been joining the adults when I have them out. They were separated into my adult enclosures last week to learn rat mannerisms. They've enjoyed the bigger enclosures and extra company! We're working on gently grabbing food and treats, since these little guys get excited and grab when they smell something yummy. So far, they're picking it up quickly and are sniffing more before grabbing whatever they can get ahold of πŸ˜†πŸ’š

I'm very excited to pair the next generation for this line and need my keepers to be adults now, haha! I've not had fawn in such a long time, and now finally have a wonderful foundation for it and a handsome, sweet fawn male to get that ball rolling!

β€’ Male 1: Unmarked Agouti with dumbo ears and a Rex coat
β€’ Male 2: Black Berkshire with dumbo ears and a standard coat
β€’ Male 3: Amber self with dumbo ears and a Rex coat
β€’ Male 4: Fawn Berkshire with standard ears and a standard coat

β€’ Female 1: Agouti Berkshire with a recessive blaze, dumbo ears, and a standard coat
β€’ Female 2: Russian blue Agouti Berkshire with a head spot, dumbo ears, and a Rex coat

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!**Not an Availability Post**Sweet Brioche had a smaller litter of 6, with 4 males and ...

GOT Brioche x GOT Bagel Offspring!

**Not an Availability Post**

Sweet Brioche had a smaller litter of 6, with 4 males and 2 females. At a quick glance, there appear to be two Rex males and one Rex female. Based on eye color, it seems we have two amber boys, and two black and/or agouti boys. Both girls are either black and/or agouti.

Mamma is doing a wonderful job and is completely comfortable with me handling her babies. She's just as kissy as ever too! πŸ₯°

🌟 Small Business Cyber Sale 🌟All ready to ship items are 25%-30% off! Sale on now through Dec. 8th!

🌟 Small Business Cyber Sale 🌟

All ready to ship items are 25%-30% off!

Sale on now through Dec. 8th!

Shop Accessories for all your critter needs! by GardenOfTailsGoods located in Alexandria, Indiana. Smooth shipping! Has a history of shipping on time with tracking. Speedy replies! Has a history of replying to messages quickly. Rave reviews! Average review rating is 4.8 or higher

Location: Alexandria, IN Female Mice!These ladies were potential keepers, but due to downsizing, temperament (some are a...

Location: Alexandria, IN

Female Mice!

These ladies were potential keepers, but due to downsizing, temperament (some are a little more shy that I'd like), or size (some didn't get large enough to safely pair) these little ones have found themselves πŸ‘€ for 🏑s.

For more information or an application, feel free to comment or message! πŸ’š

Location: Alexandria, IN Retired rat ladies πŸ‘€ for 🏑s! These girls are all around a year old and looking for spoiled "ret...

Location: Alexandria, IN

Retired rat ladies πŸ‘€ for 🏑s!

These girls are all around a year old and looking for spoiled "retirement homes."

For more details or an application, feel free to comment or message! πŸ’š

Most of my ratties have found their new families, but these six boys are still really to go! They've all grown into such...

Most of my ratties have found their new families, but these six boys are still really to go! They've all grown into such handsome lads 😍 All are about to turn 4 months old.

Feel free to messages me for more information or an application! 😊

πŸ‚Fall into Savings!πŸ‚Everything in my shop is on sale now through Oct. 31st! 🍁Ready to ship items: 25% off🍁Custom orders:...

πŸ‚Fall into Savings!πŸ‚

Everything in my shop is on sale now through Oct. 31st!

🍁Ready to ship items: 25% off
🍁Custom orders: 15% off

Lots and lots of items recently added as well!

Lots of ratties still posted! I'm very excited for my next pairings as well, but I will not be able to start my next rou...

Lots of ratties still posted!

I'm very excited for my next pairings as well, but I will not be able to start my next round until all my current babies have found new families.

I'd love for these little ones to have spoiled pet lives πŸ’š

If you're interested, please reach out for more information and an application! 😊


Alexandria, IN


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