Often things happen in life that are unexpected. That has happened to my husband, Tom. Not life threatening, but life changing. He will need surgery, and the surgeon said for his future health he should not care for livestock. The change in his life also affects mine. I cannot work and care for cattle by myself, even calm mini herefords.
We have sold our entire mini herd to Windy Hill Miniatures in Clearwater, NE. A young couple with young children and a passion for farming! All 13 of our cows are bred and due starting late March. I look forward to seeing the calves from our new homo polled bull LAH Kash, frame score 00!
Thank you all who purchased or enjoyed looking at our herd. We will miss them, but are so glad they are in a great new home!
Family run farm with registered and non-registered Miniature Herefords.