Did you know that just ONE PulseVet treatment can offer pets significant, long-term relief? 😮 In Zomedica's latest webinar, Dr. Jessica Brunch dives into effective management strategies for Canine Lumbosacral Disease. Discover how advanced technologies like PulseVet shock wave therapy can enhance outcomes and improve quality of life for LS patients.
💻 Watch the full webinar now: https://bit.ly/4hkWJpX #eswt #pulsevet #shockwave
PulseVet Shock Wave now treating EQUINE ASTHMA! Standing room only with Dr. Whitaker today to kick off the AAEP 70th Annual Convention & Trade Show! Don’t miss out on our lectures tomorrow. #aaephorsedocs #equineasthma #aaeporlando
AAEP 70th Annual Convention & Trade Show is the ultimate gathering for equine veterinary excellence. Stop by booth #1289 to discover cutting-edge innovations in PulseVet Shock Wave and point-of-care endocrine testing as well as details for our Lecture Series & AAEVT Wet Lab. #aaep #veterinarytechnician #vetmedworld #equinepractitioner #equineresearch #horsedocs
Dr. Melinda Story Testimonial
Dr. Melinda Story, DVM, shares how PulseVet Shock Wave Therapy is a cornorstone of care in her equine sports medicine practice at CSU College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.• From treating tendon and ligament injuries to managing chronic pain, PulseVet delivers proven results. • We’re proud to help veterinarians like Dr. Story offer the best treatments for patients to quickly recover, perform at their best, and live comfortably. • Thank you for sharing this amazing feedback, Dr. Story! #PulseVet #EquineMedicine #ShockWaveTherapy #VeterinaryCare
“See? That’s why he needs Shock Wave.”
Dr. Audrey DeClue with DeClue Equine providing top-tier education for Veterinarians at the Girthiness and Equipment Lameness Seminar in Ocala, FL. Attend Dr. DeClue’s presentation at AAEP 70th Annual Convention & Trade Show on Monday, December 9 to learn about “Body Lameness - It’s Not ALWAYS a Limb Problem.” Thank you for an impactful and educational weekend, Dr. DeClue! #veterinaryeducation #veterinarymedicine #equinerehabilitation #shockwavetherapy #eswt
Cut through the confusion. Win with confidence. #officialaqha #quarterhorse #eswt #pulsevetshockwave #shockwavetherapy
Congratulations to Brian Bell for surpassing $3 MILLION at the All American Quarter Horse Congress! #allamericanquarterhorsecongress #aqha #brianbell #performancehorse #qhcongress #brianbellperformancehorse
What drew Account Manager Christian Brunelle to the Zomedica team? PulseVet shock wave, of course! #PulseVet #Zomedica #IAmZomedica
Dr. Melissa King uses her PulseVet shockwave system multiple times a week, relying on it to help her equine patients stay in top shape! #interview #expert 🏇
"The one thing I instill in my students that I think I couldn't live without in private practice would be [PulseVet] shockwave..I would have a hard time practicing without it." - Dr. Marti Drum #PulseVet #Shockwave #Interview #mondaymotivation